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Management Plan

Trinity Robertson

One of the focuses of my teaching philosophy is collaboration. My goal is to create a safe

and welcoming environment to encourage my students to engage with authentic and invigorating
teamwork. I believe my students will be able to go further in their learning if they are able to do
so together. The best way to foster collaboration, for me, is to create a classroom space using
desks that are easy to move and bring together. It would be optimal for me to use large desk
tables so that students are automatically sitting in groups of 4-6, but should I be provided only
individual classroom desks, it won’t be difficult to arrange them into pods. The walls will be
decorated with student work, co-created guiding principles, and documentation of a year-long
choice book reading assignment to encourage students across my classrooms to read more (the
classroom with the most reads at the end of each quarter will win a reward). I also plan on
keeping a well-stocked classroom library for students to select from if they are unable to or do
not have the time to visit the school media center.
I will begin each day with time dedicated to choice reading to get students to settle into
the atmosphere of our classroom. My classroom will typically function via the workshop model
(mini-lesson, work time, closure) so that my students will have a clear idea of what most days
will look like. At the end of every quarter, I want to reward the classroom that has done the most
reading with something that maybe they come up with that is realistic for me. In Preston Middle
School, the language arts department had a reading challenge where, at the end of every quarter,
students would be rewarded with a cafe reading day where students would be given hot
chocolate and snacks and a whole class period dedicated to reading a book of their choosing.
When my students exhibit positive behaviors, I will name their behavior and thank them
so that others will want to follow suit. When my students exhibit negative behaviors, I will
gently and privately remind them of the classroom expectations we co-created. However, if they
are still distracting other students after one verbal warning, I will ask them to see me in the
hallway where I will first give them thirty seconds to a minute to think about what happened and
what they want to say to me. When I go out into the hallway, I will ask them what they think we
should do to try to make the situation better for everybody. If the situation is unable to be
amended from collaboration between me and the student, I will then, and only then, resort to
sending them to the dean’s office.
Most of the books I will have for the classroom library will be donated materials. I will
likely spend some money on keeping the classroom stocked with pencils, snacks, and other
supplies that my students might need, but I plan on getting my students to become familiar with
primarily using their one-to-one technology. This way, assignments are less likely to get lost and
it will be easier to grade things. One thing I have noticed that students struggle with concerning
their one to one technology is making sure it’s charged

Click Here for Management Plan Syllabus

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