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Joshua Wood

Mrs. Cramer
Collage Comp Pd. 2
April 26, 2022

I have learned that writing is difficult, I knew that before but, I am not the best at

knowing where to put punctuation. I have learned that I do not dislike writing things, though I do

not enjoy it either. It is more of a thing that I do not mind doing and it kills time. If I were really

bored and could not find anything better to do, I might find myself typing something to pass


I need to get better with punctuation placement. Much of the time I would say that most

of the mistakes I have are due to punctuation, much of the time I will have a run-on sentence and

cannot even tell. The sentence looks okay to me much of the time, but most of the time it ends up

having a grammatical error in it. I also think that I could do with an expansion of my vocabulary,

tending to favor using certain words over others.

I think that the most helpful thing we did this year was the argumentative essay it does

the job of a normal essay, teaching us how to write properly, but also giving us the ability to

form and support and argument and opinion of our own, a useful life skill, helping us to define

who we are and developing into. It also helps us learn how to effectively collect information and

how to apply it to certain scenarios.

I will start by thinking about a topic I would like to use, then I would start by forming a

thesis, after this is done, I would look for information to support my topic if the essay is

informational. From there I would begin to draft my essay, starting with an introduction, ending
with a conclusion, and having three body paragraphs as a base, depending on what type of essay

I am writing.

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