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QUARTER 4, SY 2021-2022
Name: Score:
Grade & Section: Date:

Direction: Read and understand each item carefully. Choose the best answer from the given choices. Write your answer on
space provided before each number.

1. Which process breaks down the food mixed with saliva forming a bolus for swallowing.
a. assimilation c. ingestion
b. digestion d. mastication
2. What is the function of large intestines in the digestions process?
a. Large intestines help finish the process of digestion.
b. Large intestines secrete hormones produced by the food.
c. Large intestine absorbs water, salts and get rid of any waste products left over.
d. Large intestines produce insulin and mixed with the chyme received from the small intestines.
3. Saliva is an enzyme that helps us break our food into simpler substances. What do you think will happen if there is
no presence of saliva?
a. Digestion process will not take place.
b. Digestion process will be faster even without saliva.
c. Digestion process will continue after the saliva is present.
d. Digestion process will continue having a hard time chewing and swallowing food.
4. Digestion takes place in the mouth first. Which of the following best describes the digestion process in the mouth?
a. Digestion takes food into the mouth or oral cavity in the act of eating.
b. Digestion takes place in the mouth where digestive juices are present.
c. Digestion is masticating down food forming a bolus to swallow properly.
d. Digestion takes place in the mouth transforming food into chyme sent directly to the stomach.
5. Mrs. Palma asked her daughter why was she taking a long time to change clothes. Her daughter answered she went
to the comfort room to discharge. Which process of digestion is she referring to?
a. egestion c. ingestion
b. digestion d. absorption
6. Why is food digestion important?
a. In order for the body to easily absorb the nutrients.
b. In order the body to excrete fats easily after digestion.
c. In order for the nutrients to be transported easily to the different parts of the body.
d. It is necessary for the food to break during digestion to easily release it during the egestion process.
7. Which is DNA?
a. Deoxynucleic acid c. Deoxyrivonucleic acid
b. Deoxyrinucleic acid d. Deoxyribonucleic acid
8. Which organelle is the site for the cell division?
a. cell wall c. mitochondria
b. golgi body d. nucleus
9. Chromosomes play a vital role in mitosis and meiosis. Which of the following is false about meiosis?
a. Meiosis produces 2 daughter cells.
b. A process that takes place only in reproductive cells.
c. Daughter cells resulting from the meiosis are haploid.
d. Meiosis is a cell division where sex cells undergo two rounds of cell division.
10. Mitosis and meiosis are processes involving cell reproduction. Which of the following describes the event resulting
to mitosis but not in meiosis?
a. Having two stages of cell division c. Replication of cellular genetic materials
b. Daughter cells are genetically identical d. Four daughter cells are produced from each parent cell
11. How will you explain the event if chromosomes failed to separate during telophase stage?
a. The daughter cells produced may end up with a disfigured DNA.
b. It can still produce daughter cells but with unexpected chromosome numbers.
c. It may lead to production of daughter cells but having multiple sets of chromosomes.
d. One gamete may lack chromosomes while other will have normal number of chromosomes still
12. How would you differentiate meiosis from mitosis?
a. Both meiosis and mitosis end in cytokinesis.
b. In meiosis, prophase stage takes much longer, while shorter in mitosis.
c. Meiosis do not involve crossing over of chromosomes, while mitosis involves crossing over of chromosomes.
13. What condition is a result of having 47 chromosomes?
a. Trisomy 18 c. Turner’s syndrome
b. Down’s syndrome d. Alzheimer’s diseases
14. What would you suggest as possible solution to a person with Down syndrome?
a. Down syndrome cannot be cured. Therefore, there is nothing we can do with it.
b. Down syndrome has no treatment but, early treatment programs can help improve skills.
c. You may want to consult a genetic counselor because Down syndrome can be treated with proper consultation.
d. With support and treatment, many people with Down syndrome live unproductive lives
15. What branch of biology deals with the study of heredity and traits?
a. Genetics b. Heredity c. Taxonomy d. Zoology
16. What can you infer to a genotype having a symbol of Rr?
a. dominant b. heterozygous c. homozygous d. recessive
17. How would you compare genotype from phenotype?
a. Genotype and phenotype refer to the traits that can be observed morphologically.
b. Genotype depends upon phenotype but phenotype does not depend upon the genotype
c. Genotype and phenotype can be determined both by finding out what genes are on an allele.
d. Genotype is a set of DNA responsible for having unique traits whereas phenotype is the physical appearance of
the organism.
18. How would you interpret the result of the offspring using a Punnett square?
a. by showing off the dominant and recessive traits
b. by predicting the result of genotypic and phenotypic ratio
c. by showing off if the parents are homozygous or heterozygous
d. by showing off the percentage results of genotypic and phenotypic ratio
19. Why do you think it is important to study Punnett square?
a. to show the phenotypic offspring c. to give a partial ratio of phenotypic offspring
b. to show the result of the genotypic offspring d. to show percentage result of both phenotypic and genotypic ratio
20. A horse breeder has a male with black hair and a female white hair horse. When he crossed both horse, all will
have F1 kits (foal=baby horse) will have a black hair. Which trait is dominant and which is recessive?
a. Both black and white hair are recessive. c. Black hair is dominant, white hair is recessive.
b. Both black and white hair are dominant. d. White hair is recessive, black hair is dominant.
21. Which of the following BEST describes Biodiversity?
a. Refers to all habitats found on Earth. c. Refers to all variety of all species found on Earth.
b. Refers to all variety of life found on Earth. d. Refers to all variety of genes within species found on Earth
22. Which scenario can cause decrease in species diversity?
a. School Tree planting project c. Conservation of all forest areas
b. Decreasing human population d. Conversion of agricultural land to industrial land
23. Among the four, which is the highest level of taxonomic classification?
a. Family c. Order
b. Genus d. Species
24. Which of the following could be the best reason why dogs and wolves have the same species?
a. Both evolved to be cuddlier and soft. c. Both have the same number of chromosomes.
b. Both are very much attuned to humans. d. Both are adaptable to different climates within an area.
25. Why do you think there is a need for the conservation of species?
a. To protect the wildlife and promote biodiversity.
b. To protect the environment and population growth.
c. To ensure future generations availability of energy.
d. To ensure the continuous performance of all species in the environment.
26. What would happen if there is sudden decrease of species biodiversity?
a. Declining species diversity lowers ecosystem’s productivity and quality services.
b. Diminishing species diversity increases species productivity and its sustainability.
c. Biological diversity resource will boost in supply and habitats and its communities will be unthreatened.
d. Decreasing species diversity will serve no pressure or even direct threats to its habitat, community and food
27. As a student, what are some ways that you can do to help in promoting the importance of classifying species?
I. Support local wildlife.
II. Support local farmers products.
III. Care for the animals, make them your pet if needed.
IV. Check the products you buy to ensure that you’re not contributing to destruction of habitat.
a. I, II, III b. I, II, IV c. II, III, IV d. I, II, III, IV
28. What will happen to the organisms of the second trophic level if the third trophic level is eliminated?
a. The organism dies c. Increase in number
b. Diminish in number d. Occupy the second trophic level
29. The amount of energy obtained by organisms decrease as the trophic level increases. What could result from this?
a. Organisms of the higher trophic level will be much weaker.
b. Organisms of the higher trophic level will consume more.
c. Organisms of the lower trophic level will dominate the ecosystem.
d. Organisms of higher trophic level will experience a shorter life span.
30. Why is it that the hunting of large, top predators such as sharks or wolves, endanger the entire ecosystems in
which they live?
a. Producers will multiply without restriction thus abundant supply of food will be wasted.
b. The primary consumers will multiply without restriction, but producers will not be affected.
c. It will result in unrestricted multiplication of producers and then they will overgraze primary consumers.
d. It will result in unrestricted multiplication of primary consumers then the primary consumers will overgraze

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