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1. Speak on the topic: The influence of globalization, discuss cons and pros of
2. Make a dialogue on the theme- mobile phones

Globalization is a process of interaction among the people, companies and

governments of different countries. We can feel globalization almost everywhere
nowadays. People eat American fast-food, wear Italian shoes, drive Japanese or
German cars and listen to Korean music. Generally speaking, globalization is a
blend of cultures.
There are, of course, some advantages and disadvantages of this process. The best
thing is that people can buy and sell whatever they want from every corner of our
planet. Internet has made it easier. People enjoy the variety of choice and prices.
Globalization also gives an opportunity to learn more about culture of other
nations. Countries focus on what they can do better instead of making bad-quality
Another advantage of globalization is the growth of international companies. They
can open affiliates in different countries and create additional workplace for local
The first issue on the list of disadvantages that globalization has brought is the
pollution of the environment. The building of new harmful factories has resulted
into considerable environmental problems.
In tourist countries, local people’s culture can blend with other nation’s culture.
And another disadvantage is the fact that globalization gradually destroys cultural
And last but not the least: domestic producers also suffer. They find it difficult to
sell their products when people buy everything on international market.

Clerk: Hello, sir. Welcome to our store. How may I help you?
Guest: I’m interested in buying a phone.
Clerk: Sure, follow me.
Clerk: Ok, here are our phones. This is the newest phone that just came out. It has
the latest technology. A camera, video recorder, touch screen, it has everything
anybody could possibly need.
Guest: How much is it?
Clerk: It costs 200 000 tg. If you want to get a loan then it costs 250 000 tg.
Guest: I don’t want to get a loan and 200 000 tg is too much. What about that
Clerk: This is our 2nd most popular phone. It has a camera and touch screen but no
video recorder. It costs 100 000 tg and 130 000 tg with a loan.
Guest: Hmmm…. I guess I’ll take the 2nd phone you showed me.
ClerK: Ok. What colour do you prefer, sir?
Guest: Dark blue.
Clerk: Ok that will be 100 000 tg please. Card or cash?
Guest: I would like to pay by a credit card.
Clerk: Ok. Here is your brand new phone. The charger and instructions are in the
box. Here is your receipt and change. Thank you for coming in today.
Guest: Thank you for you help.

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