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Detailed Lesson Plan in Module 15: Transfer of Learning

I. Objectives:

At the end of the discussion,85% of the students are expected to:

1. Explain how transfer of learning occur.

2. Identify the factors that affect transfer learning.
3. Apply principles of transfer in facilitating transfer of learning.

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: "Transfer of Learning"

B. Materials: Laptop (Power Point presentation), set of pictures and textbook.
C. References: Facilitating Learning: "Transfer of Learning"
Pp. 161-163
Maria Rita D. Lucas, Ph. D.
Brenda B. Corpuz, Ph. D.
Lorimar Publishing, Inc.

III. Procedure:

A. Preparation

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

"Good evening class" "Good evening Sir"

"Let's us pray first. Anyone who wants to lead the prayer?" (One student will lead the prayer)

(Checking of attendance) (Students raise their hand and say present as the teacher calls in their
...Say present if your name is called... name)
"Before we start, please pick up pieces of paper under your chair" (Students pick up pieces of paper)

"May ask the class, what is our previous discussion?" (One student raise and give the previous discussion)

B. Motivation

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

"Thank you. But before we proceed to our next discussion let's have an activity."

"Instruction: Every group have a cut out letters, arrange this letters to form a (Group the class into four and each group must cooperate)
word. The group who finish first and can give me the correct word. I'll give you
100points for this activity."

"Group 1 Answer: Positive Transfer, Correct!"

"Group 2 Answer: Negative Transfer, Correct!"

"Group 3 Answer: Near Transfer, Correct!"

"Group 4: Answer: Far Transfer, Correct!"

(After the activity)

"So, from the words in front. Can you identify those words?". (Students raise their hands and try to identify the words from the activity)
C. Discussion Proper

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

"Those words are the types of Transfer in which our next discussion is all
Transfer of Learning".

"Who can give their own idea of What is Transfer of Learning?" (Mae give her idea on what is transfer of learning?)

"Yes, Mae"

"Thank you Mae. Yes, Transfer of Learning happens when learning in one (Students listen to the discussion)
context or with one set of materials affects performance in another context or
with other related materials. Simply put, it is applying to another situation what
was previously learned. For example, learning to use roller skates later helps a
person to learn more quickly to ice skate."

"Transfer is a very significant concept in education and learning theory because

most of those concerned in education aim to achieve transfer".

"Frequently, the circumstance of learning differs significantly from the situations

when what is learned is to be applied. As a result, the educational goals are not
met until transfer occurs. This makes transfer a very important aspect of
instruction. It may be true that in most cases the goal of transfer of learning from
classroom to real life situations is not achieved.

"Who can define the four types of Transfer of Learning?" (Students raise their hands)

*First, Positive Transfer. Occurs when learning in one context improves

performance in some other context. For instance, a speaker of Spanish would
find it easier to learn Mexican language than Japanese.

* Second is Negative Transfer, occurs when learning in one context impacts

negatively on performance in another. For example, learners commonly
assimilate a new language's phonetics to crude approximations in their native
tongue and use word orders carried over from their native tongue.

*Third is Near Transfer, refers to transfer between very similar contexts. This is
also referred to as specific transfer; for example, when students answer types of
algebra word problems in an exam which are similar to what they had in their

*Fourth is Far Transfer, refers to transfer between contexts that, on appearance,

seem remote and alien to one another. This is also called general transfer. For
example, Stephen Covey applied the lesson of the Aesop's fable of "The Goose
That Lays the Golden Eggs" to managing corporations. He said we should take
care of the goose rather than kill it. To be successful in business, we should take
care of our workers not burden them.

D. Generalization

Teacher's Activity Student's Activity

"I know you've learn a lot from this days discussion, so anyone who can (Students raise their hands)
summarize the lesson?"

"Yes, John" (John share on what he learn during the discussion)

"Thank you John. Learning to get along with classmates in preschool helps the
child adjust and relate well with classmates in the "big" school, or even playing
highly competitive on-line computer games might even make one a better
strategies thinker in politics or business."

IV. Evaluation

Essay: Discuss briefly (5points each)

1. What is Transfer of Learning in facilitating learning process?

2. What are the different factors that affect transfer of learning?

V. Assignment

In a bond paper, make a creative illustration the four types of transfer of learning.

Detailed Lesson Plan


Module 19: "Meaning and Types of Motivation"

Prepared by: Frelyn Marie Sheejah S. Silorio

Jaythel C. Sienes

Submitted to: Mr. Michael Delfino

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