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Academic session 2017- 2018

Worksheet no. 3
Topic: The Amazing Animal Kingdom

Name: __________________________ Date:

Grade: 5 Sec: ____ Subject: EVS

Lesson Objective

To identify, classify and reason out animals based on the ways they adapt to the habitat


1. Tick the correct answer:

a) An animal uses camouflage
i. in search of food
ii. to find shelter
iii. to hide from predators
b) The chameleon changes the
i. the colour of its skin
ii. the size of its body
c) Animals show adaptation over time because
i. They need to get air, food and shelter from its environment.
ii. To protect themselves from enemies
iii. To be able to survive in the adverse climatic conditions
iv. To reproduce

a.(i) and (iv) b. (ii) and (iii) c. (iii) d. All of the above

d) When Sonia went to the zoo she saw that many of the animals have patterns on their body
so as
i. To help them attract other animals
ii. To hide from enemies
iii. To hide from their prey
iv. Just to look beautiful
a. (i) b. (ii) c. (ii) and (iii) d. (iv)
e) Sonia had an aquarium in the activity corner. She observed some goldfish. The organs that
helped the fish to breathe in the water were
i. skin ii. fins iii. gills
2. Fill in the blanks
a) Man is an________________, according to his eating habits.
b) Tiny holes in the body of an insect through which it takes in air are called
c) The forelimbs in birds are modified into _______________________
d) A tadpole breathes through ___________________
e) _______________ have sharp front teeth to gnaw the food.
3. Circle the odd one out:

a) butterfly bee housefly beetle

b) locust eel arctic tern lion

c) eagle vulture lion deer

d) snail tortoise turtle snake

e) lizard snake crocodile dog


4. Correct and rewrite the false statement:

a) Mammals breathe through spiracles.


b) Crocodiles do not have legs, so they crawl with the help of plates or scales.


c) The hind limbs of birds are modified to form wings.


d) Earthworms are amphibians.


e) The beak of the bird is adapted to the type of food it eats.


f) The Monarch butterfly migrates to India from Canada.

5. Answer the following questions

a) Both snakes and crocodiles are reptiles. However, they move using different organs.

Explain the difference in their movements.







b) Frogs are amphibians. How are they able to breathe both on land and in water?





c) Define habitat. In what ways are animals dependent to their habitat?






6. Answer the following

a) Think about what would happen if animals were not able to adapt to the changing habitats.






b) Arpit was surprised to learn that an ant is an insect but a spider is not. Explain why a spider

is not an insect.





c) Arpit thinks that a tadpole is a fish as it lives in water and breathe through gills. Do you

agree with the statement? Give reasons.





Worksheet Objective

To know that animals adapt to their surroundings.

To understand the ways in which animals adapt to their surroundings

To give reason for why animals adapt to their surroundings.

Self Assessment Rubric

No Understanding

Understanding of concept but not able to apply

Understanding of concepts, can apply but commits errors

Understanding of concept, can apply accurately

Parameters of Assessment




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