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1. Navarra, Katie.

“More Robust Coronavirus Guidelines Needed to Protect High-Risk

Educators.” Education Dive, 16 July 2020,

This article talks about the importance of safety procedures, and how hard it would be to meet
those guidelines. There are many people at risk, including a majority of people who work in
schools. The article cites information and says health and safety should be put first, which is
great to hear. I chose this partly because of that, but for other reasons as well. There are
students talking about how hard it would be to meet proper safety guidelines, and even if we
did, how hard it would be to enforce those guidelines. I find this very applicable to Clark County
School District. This evidence is reliable because it comes from a reliable news source, and I
have access to who the author is, which always provides a little more credibility.

2. Network, The Learning. “What Students Are Saying About Remote Learning.” The New
York Times, The New York Times, 9 Apr. 2020,

This article talks about the advantages and disadvantages of online learning. It is comments
from students perspectives. This article shows many downsides, but highlights the importance
of health and safety of everyone, and in my mind shows the importance of valuing everyone’s
safety even when you are making sacrifices. I chose this article because of that reason. I also
enjoy that I get to hear from students perspectives all over the country. It make it feel more
personal. This article is a credible news source because it is from the New york times, one of
the most credible news sources.

3. Staff, Study International. “Why Online Learning Is Better than Face-to-Face Learning.”
Study International, 3 Apr. 2020,

This article highlights the many benefits of online learning, but specifically about learning at your
own pace, and how that is important. I chose the article because it includes why learning at your
own pace is important, and other factors that play into that. Including, enforcing self discipline.
That is very hard for some students to maintain. This is a credible source because it comes from
a group called “study international” which shows that the people who wrote it are knowledgeable
and care.

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