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Sau một lúc bàn với nhau thì Tau, Linh, Minh đã quyết định sửa lại kịch

bản theo hướng như

này để nó được rõ ràng là một đoạn hội thoại hơn bài cũ, cũng vì để bài nói của nhóm được tốt
hơn mà thôi. Lúc này thì Ly đã off, Mạnh có đã xem nhưng không thấy có ý kiến gì. Tau đã viết
lại kịch bản như này, khá gấp rút nhưng cũng chỉ vì muốn bài nói nhóm mình được tốt nhất.
Mong mọi người đọc kĩ những cái này và tìm đúng vai của mình để soạn mở rộng ý dựa
trên những ý tau đã đề cập vào đúng trong câu đó.

D: 7 LẦN (LY)

Tình huống: Người thân của một người bạn trong nhóm bị nhiễm Covid
A: Hi, chào mn. Lâu quá rồi chúng ta chưa gặp nhau
Hello everyone. It’s surely a long time since our last meeting like this
B: Dịch bệnh khiến chúng ta phải hạn chế gặp nhau hơn, hazzz
The covid19 Pandemic makes us less likely to see each other haizzzz
C: Tôi sắp phát ngán vì việc phải ở nhà mãi rồi, mà sao thấy D buồn thế?
You know I’m getting bored of being stayed at home all month, what’s going on? Ly, you
look so upset.
D: Đợt này, tôi gặp nhiều chuyện rất áp lực. Bố tôi không may bị nhiễm Covid và bây giờ thì
ông ấy đã âm tính rồi nhưng sức khỏe vẫn còn yếu lắm.
I have never been in unprecedented /ˌənˈpresədən(t)id/ times like the time of Covid-19.
It's really stressful. I have to deal with a lot of online studying stuff and recently, my dad
unfortunately got the COVID-19. Although he made it last week, his health still broke
down because of it.
E: U trời, sao chúng tôi không nghe bạn nói gì. Hazz khổ thân, bây giờ bố bạn có những dấu
hiệu không khỏe như nào?
Oh dear, why didn’t we hear you said about that? How is your father’s health, now? Does
he have any serious symptoms?
D: Liệt kê ra một vài tác dụng phụ của hậu Covid. (Và tỏ vẻ là tôi không biết nên giúp bố tôi như
thế nào?)
Well, you know, Post-Covid-19, my dad has a short-term memory, he frequently forgets
things. Secondly, I noticed that he is always in a bad mood. He hardly talks with
everyone, he doesn't like him at all. He used to be sociable, enjoyed talking, and easy
going. But now, he's just so different. In addition, he sleeps really late. And, I would say
that, my dad is not the person who tends to sleep after 11pm. I don't know how to help
him. Also, my family is really worried about him.
A: Theo tôi, D nên giữ bình tĩnh và tinh thần thật tốt, chúng tôi sẽ cùng nhau giúp bạn tìm hiểu
những cách để chia sẻ với bạn
For me, I think that D should stay calm and keep his mind clear at least for now. Your
friends will help you to find out some ways for this problem.
B: Tôi thấy hậu Covid luôn xảy ra với nhiều người bị mắc Covid ĐƯA RA LỜI KHUYÊN SỐ 1
I find that post-covid is always happens to many people infected covid. And In my
opinion, exercise is a way to boost your health, you can exercise in or around the house
or garden, sitting and relaxing or working outdoors near the house can also help. In
addition, the loss of sleep for people who have had covid is very high, so trying to get
enough sleep also helps your body become flexible and comfortable. Besides, having a
healthy diet is also very important, you should eat healthy meals, full of nutrients, limit
alcoholic drinks and fast food.
C: Tôi cũng có cũng tìm hiểu và bạn có thể làm như này ĐƯA RA LỜI KHUYÊN SỐ 2
Oh, it’s actually perfect advice, but I also research some tips to prevent this period of
time. First of all, COVID-19 vaccination is safe, effective and free. The vaccine benefits
anyone who gets it and is especially important for people who have an increased risk of
developing severe illness from COVID-19. The next tips, I think it also crucial for you all.
Always wash your hands before eating or cooking and avoid touching your eyes, nose,
and mouth with unwashed hands. Moreover, you should wear a mask that covers your
nose and mouth in indoor public places. Especially, you have to prepare enough
groceries, household items, and medications and always try to keep positive thoughts,
and the last don't forget breathing exercises, cause these tips can reduce the risk of post
covid 19.
E: Tôi cũng có biết cái này  ĐƯA RA LỜI KHUYÊN SỐ 3
Wow, Linh is like an expert. Besides 2 meaningful advice above, personally, I reckon that
you should advise your dad should keep the most comfortable spirit, limit overthinking
at maximum level. You know, stress causes the immune system to overwork.
Furthemore, I think you can research about meditation and guide him practice it as far as
I know mediation bring effective result in reduce heart rate, blood pressure as well as
improve the fuction of brain so much.
D: Ôi cảm ơn mấy bạn thật nhiều. Tôi sẽ ghi nhớ để giúp bố tôi mau khỏe lại
Thank you, guys so much. I really appreciate that. I will definitely use your tips to help
my dad get healthier.
A: Không có gì, mong bố bạn sẽ nhanh khỏe hơn
No problem. I hope that your father will become better
D: Oke, tôi thấy chúng ta cũng nên cẩn thận và tìm hiểu về vấn đề sức khỏe nhiều hơn
Thanks, I think we should acknowledge and awareness more about our health.
Especially, how to take care of our health problems. In fact, you should learn from my
mistake, If I'm conscious of how important how to stay healthy in the COVID-19 time is,
my dad never has to suffer this.
E: Tôi cũng nghĩ vậy, tôi thấy bây giờ đại dịch tràn lan, mức độ lây nhiễm ngày càng cao nhưng
mọi người lại có quan điểm rằng: Ai cũng sẽ mắc Covid thôi
Absolutely right, I couldn’t agree with you more. As you know, with the context of the
Covid 19 pandemic at present, the situation of Covid 19 processes intricate together with
the speed of spread of infection is extremely quickly. However, some people with
negative thinking suppose that: “EVERYONE WILL BE POSITIVE FOR COVID 19” and it is
clear that they are subjective with their health. That’s so sad.
C: Đúng, đúng. Tôi cũng thấy vậy. Quan điểm này quá thật sai lầm vì như này thì mọi người sẽ
thường chủ quan và bỏ bê sức khỏe của mình
yah, actually. I have always heard “everyone will be positive for covid 19” but u know
This viewpoint has absolutely mistaken, especially, the post covid 19 is pretty dangerous
/ˈdeɪndʒərəs/ for us for this reason, everyone will be subjective thinking and leading not
to responsibility for our health
B: Tôi cũng nghĩ vậy, chúng ta nên học cách để xây dựng một lối sống khỏe để có được một
sức khỏe tốt đặc biệt là trong tình hình dịch bệnh như này nữa
I think so, we should learn to build a healthy lifestyle to have a good health. especially in
this pandemic condition.
A: Đúng vậy, giống tôi nè. Tôi luôn đề cao vấn đề sức khỏe. Xin chia sẻ với mọi người là tôi đã
áp dụng chế độ ăn …
So do I, I always appreciate heath issues. I may have some tips for our daily meals if you
want me to share them. I have kept fit since the start of the pandemic.
D: Ồ, thật tuyệt vời. Bởi thế tôi thấy trông bạn ốm hẳn ra. Bạn đã xây dựng chế độ ăn như nào
Oh, that's splendid. How wonder why you look so great and your body is always in good
shape. Can you share with us, what do you do to build that healthy diet?
Usually, you should eat vegetables, fruits, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat dairy
products throughout the day. But if your meals don’t have much protein as your
expectation, I suggest adding lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts into your
daily diet. Also, remember to reduce saturated and trans fats, sodium, and added sugars,
or junk food and sweets, if you don’t understand. Oh, and mind about your water intake
too. It is bad to let your body consume no water at all. Following those advices, you will
feel even better than before. I search on the Internet and it says healthy eating may help
us live longer. Furthermore, it supports our muscles, boosts our immunity and
strengthen our bones. And specially, it keeps our outlook glorious.
C: Wow, thật xuất sắc. Đáng ngưỡng mộ quá đi. Tôi nghĩ chế độ ăn sẽ là một trong những yếu
tố quan trọng để có một sức khỏe tốt. Ngoài ra, tôi thấy việc tập thể dục cũng không kém phần
quan trọng
Wow, really excellent. It's so admirable. I think diet will be one of the extensive factors
for good health. Also, I find exercise just as important. Actually, I try to spend 30 minutes
working out every single day, and besides that, jogging around the park is the part
important for me, cause it helps me control my weight, reduce the risk of heart diseases
and remove some bad habits, especially I also often told my mother to practice with me
to rub some stressful out after a hard working day
E: Tôi cũng nghĩ vậy, tôi đang cố gắng tham gia nhiều hoạt động thể thao để nâng cao sức
khỏe mỗi ngày  ĐƯA RA VÀI TIPS VỀ THỂ DỤC
I agree with you. I think doing exercise plays an essential role in building a healthy
lifestyle. To be specific, exercise profits the body and mind as well as it benefits in
weight loss and reduces the risk of diseases. Especially, it brings an effective result in
boosting the immune system to prevent Covid. Well, I am a person who is quite fat, so I
am in process of attempting to practice more exercise such as jogging, planking and
squating on a regular basis. Moreover, I also play volleyball with my cousin when I have
leisure time, it keeps me in shape, it helps to enhance the function of the brain. And last
but not least, it refreshes my mind after a long day of hard work. 
B: Các bạn thật tuyệt vời, tôi thấy tôi khá lười xí và có những thói quen xấu như  ĐƯA RA
You guys are great, for me, i'm pretty lazy. Like everyone, I also have some negative
habits that affect my health. In current modern society, the news on social media is
always updated continously, so i often use my phone to surf social media like FB and
Youtube every night. the habit makes me stay up late and it led to me sometimes skip
breakfast because of getting up late. In addition, drinking a lot soft drink also make my
health decline, it can cause many diseases later on. Maybe i have to learn to give up
these bad habits as soon as possible
D: Tôi cũng từng như bạn nhưng tôi đã học được cách vượt qua một vài thói quen xấu  ĐƯA
Oh, I totally feel you. I also do have some bad habits. But lucky me. I know how to cut it
down. Well, first, you need to be clear about why you want to stay off all of your bad
habits. What can you do to break them? In this way, you will fingure out the cause, then,
you can find solutions and have more motivation to change yourself. For instance, you
always stay late, so ask yourself why you can't sleep early. Maybe the answer is that
because you are so addicted to social media, when you're about to sleep, you tend to
check your phone, scrolling on Facebook, Instagram or TikTok hours and hours. So, the
solution is that when you are about to go to sleep, try to put your phone as far as
possible so that you can't reach it.
A: Đúng vậy, sức khỏe luôn là điều quan trọng nhưng chúng ta thường xem nhẹ và bỏ qua.
That’s right. Heath is always an important thing and yet we don’t care much about it. I
always see people don’t wear their masks when they go out. I also see that many people
gain more weight than they should be. I heard they said that because of the pandemic
that they can't go out for exercises and start to eat more to feel better. I mean, that is
ridiculous! Your mood goes bad doesn't mean your health should be like that.
E: Thật đúng vậy, có được sức khỏe tốt sẽ giúp chúng ta…
That’s true. Having good health has a positive effect on almost every aspect of our lives.
It can help enhance our quality of life. It can prevent chronic diseases and long-term
illnesses. Furthermore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can bring us many happiness,
confidence as well as mental balance.
C: Đúng vậy, chúng ta phải luôn cố gắng để chăm sóc sức khỏe thật tốt và tìm hiểu những kiến
thức về sức khỏe nhiều hơn
That's right, let's always try to take good care of our health and learn more health
knowledge, furthermore looking for the ways of covid 19 pandemic prevention.
B: Vâng, bây giờ có rất nhiều nguồn để mình có thể học hỏi và xây dựng chế độ sống khỏe
chẳng hạn như…
Yes, now there are many sources for us to learn ad build healthy lifestyle such as you
can watch some video on youtube or search on Internet about how to always stay
healthy and prevent covid19 infection.
A: Hi vọng chúng ta sẽ luôn có thật nhiều sức khỏe đặc biệt là trong mùa dịch này nữa
I hope that we all stay healthy, especially in this long-lasting pandemic.
D: Um, sorry mọi người, đến lúc tôi phải về nhà để chuẩn bị bữa tối cho bố rồi. Hẹn gặp mọi
người lại nhé. Cảm ơn mọi người nhiều lắm
Uh, I can't agree more. Oh, look at the time, it's late. I have to prepare dinner for my
family, so I better get going. Thank you so much for your advice and It's really a good
talk. Bye.!
E: Oke, tạm biệt D nhé. Mong bố bạn nhanh khỏe nha. Chắc chúng ta cũng phải về nhà luôn
Okay, good bye Ly. Hope your dad gets well soon. Maybe, we should go home too, right?
C: Yes, cũng muộn rồi, tôi cũng phải về đây. Tạm biệt mọi người
Yes, it’s time for me to go, hope to see you all someday, bye
B: Tạm biệt mọi người. Giữ gìn sức khỏe nhé!
Take care and dont forget to keep in touch.

E: U trời, sao chúng tôi không nghe bạn nói gì. Hazz khổ thân, bây giờ bố bạn có những dấu
hiệu không khỏe như nào?
Oh dear, why didn’t we hear you said about that? How is your father’s health, now? Does
he have any serious symptoms?

E: Tôi cũng có biết cái này  ĐƯA RA LỜI KHUYÊN SỐ 3

Besides 2 meaningful advice above, I reckon that you should advise your dad keep the
most comfortable spirit, limit stress and overthinking at maximum level. You know,
stress causes the immune system to overwork. Furthemore, I think you can guide him
practice meditation which have effective result in reduce heart rate, blood pressure.
E: Tôi cũng nghĩ vậy, tôi thấy bây giờ đại dịch tràn lan, mức độ lây nhiễm ngày càng cao nhưng
mọi người lại có quan điểm rằng: Ai cũng sẽ mắc Covid thôi
Absolutely right, I couldn’t agree with you more. As you know, with the context of the
Covid 19 pandemic at present, the situation of Covid 19 processes intricate together with
the speed of spread of infection is extremely quickly. However, some people with
negative thinking suppose that: “EVERYONE WILL BE POSITIVE FOR COVID 19” and it is
clear that they are subjective with their health. 
E: Tôi cũng nghĩ vậy, tôi đang cố gắng tham gia nhiều hoạt động thể thao để nâng cao sức
khỏe mỗi ngày  ĐƯA RA VÀI TIPS VỀ THỂ DỤC
I agree with you. I think doing exercise plays an essential role in building a healthy
lifestyle. To be specific, exercise profits the body and mind as well as it benefits in
weight loss and reduces the risk of diseases. Especially, it brings an effective result in
boosting the immune system to prevent Covid.Well, I am a person who is quite fat, so I
am in process of attempting to practice more exercise such as jogging, planking and
squating on a regular basis. Moreover, I also play volleyball with my cousin when I have
leisure time, it keeps me in shape, it helps to enhance the function of the brain. And last
but not least, it refreshes my mind after a long day of hard work. 

E: Thật đúng vậy, có được sức khỏe tốt sẽ giúp chúng ta…
That’s true. Having good health has a positive effect on almost every aspect of our lives.
It can help enhance our quality of life. It can prevent chronic diseases and long-term
illnesses. Furthermore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can bring us many happiness,
confidence as well as mental balance.
E: Oke, tạm biệt D nhé. Mong bố bạn nhanh khỏe nha. Chắc chúng ta cũng phải về nhà luôn
Okay, good bye Ly. Hope your dad gets well soon. Maybe, we should go home too, right?

E: U trời, sao chúng tôi không nghe bạn nói gì. Hazz khổ thân, bây giờ bố bạn có những dấu
hiệu không khỏe như nào?
Oh dear, why didn’t we hear /hɪə(r)/ you said about that? How is your /ˈfɑːðə(r)/ father’s
health, now? Does he have any serious /ˈsɪəriəs/ symptoms? /ˈsɪmptəm/

E: Tôi cũng có biết cái này  ĐƯA RA LỜI KHUYÊN SỐ 3

Wow, Linh is like an expert. /ˈekspɜːt/ Besides 2 meaningful advice above, personally
/ˈpɜːsənəli/ I reckon /ˈrekən/ that you should advise /ədˈvaɪz/ your dad /dæd/ keep the
most comfortable /ˈkʌmftəbl/ spirit /ˈspɪrɪt/, limit stress and overthinking at maximum
/ˈmæksɪməm/ level. You know, stress causes the immune /ɪˈmjuːn/ system to overwork.
Furthemore /ˌfɜːðəˈmɔː(r)/, I think you can research /rɪˈsɜːtʃ/ about meditation and
guide /ɡaɪd/ him practice it, as far as I know meditation bring effective /ɪˈfektɪv/ points/rɪ
ˈzʌlt/ in reduce heart rate, blood pressure. /ˈpreʃə(r)/ and boost /buːst/ his brain and
memory. /ˈmeməri/
E: Tôi cũng nghĩ vậy, tôi thấy bây giờ đại dịch tràn lan, mức độ lây nhiễm ngày càng cao nhưng
mọi người lại có quan điểm rằng: Ai cũng sẽ mắc Covid thôi
Absolutely /ˈæbsəluːtli/ right, I couldn’t agree with you more. As you know, with the
context of the Covid 19 pandemic /pænˈdemɪk/ at present /ˈpreznt/, the situation of
Covid 19 processes /ˈprəʊses/intricate /ˈɪntrɪkət/ together with the speed of spread of
infection /ɪnˈfekʃn/ is extremely quick. However, some people with negative thinking
suppose /səˈpəʊz/ that: “EVERYONE WILL BE POSITIVE FOR COVID 19” and it is clear
that they are subjective /səbˈdʒektɪv/ with their health. That’s so sad
E: Tôi cũng nghĩ vậy, tôi đang cố gắng tham gia nhiều hoạt động thể thao để nâng cao sức
khỏe mỗi ngày  ĐƯA RA VÀI TIPS VỀ THỂ DỤC
I agree with you. I think doing exercise plays an essential /ɪˈsenʃl/ role in building a
healthy lifestyle. To be specific /spəˈsɪfɪk/, exercise profits/ˈprɒfɪt/ the body and mind as
well as it benefits in weight loss /lɒs/ and reduces the risk of diseases. Especially, it
brings an effective result in boosting the immune system to prevent Covid. Well, I am a
person who is quite fat, so I am in process of attempting to practice more exercise such
as jogging, planking and squating on a regular basis. Moreover, I also play volleyball
with my cousin when I have leisure /ˈleʒə(r)/ time, it keeps me in shape, it helps to
enhance the function of the brain. And last but not least, it refreshes my mind after a
long day of hard work. 

E: Thật đúng vậy, có được sức khỏe tốt sẽ giúp chúng ta…
That’s true. Having good health has a positive effect on almost every aspect of our lives.
It can help enhance our quality of life. It can prevent chronic diseases and long-term
illnesses. Furthermore, maintaining a healthy lifestyle can bring us many happiness,
confidence as well as mental balance.
E: Oke, tạm biệt D nhé. Mong bố bạn nhanh khỏe nha. Chắc chúng ta cũng phải về nhà luôn
Okay, good bye Ly. Hope your dad gets well soon /suːn/. Maybe, we should go home too,

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