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an early riser (= a morning person): người thức dậy sớm

having a daily routine plays a vital/crucial role in my life: có lịch trình hoạt
động hằng ngày thì rất quan trọng đối với tôi.
to be very busy
I don’t feel the need to change it
get a sufficient amount of free time to relax
to be balanced with my activities in life
 A proper daily routine will assist people in arranging your activities in the
most sensible way
increase efficiency and productivity in learning / working : gia tăng năng suất
và hiệu suất trong việc học / công việc
Daily activities
an early riser (= a morning person)
having a daily routine plays a vital/crucial role in my life: có lịch trình hoạt động
hằng ngày thì rất quan trọng đối với tôi.
to be very busy
I don’t feel the need to change it
get a sufficient amount of free time to relax
to be balanced with my activities in life
A proper daily routine will assist people in arranging your activities in the most
sensible way
increase efficiency and productivity in learning / working

Ready meal : thức ăn chế biến sẵn.
Carbohydrates; Fat; Vitamins; Minerals
Recipe: công thức nấu ăn
Balanced diet
health-conscious: ý thức về sức khỏe
Get over = get better/recover: hồi phục
Suffer from: chịu đựng (bệnh)
Healthcare: chăm sóc sức khỏe
Prescription: đơn thuốc
Symptoms: triệu chứng
Diabetes: bệnh đái tháo đường; Obesity: bệnh béo phì
Heart diseases = cardiovascular diseases: bệnh về tim mạch
Heart attack: cơn đau tim
Stomach ache: đau bụng
Improve/boost immune system: cải thiện/tăng cường hệ miễn dịch
Stay in shape: giữ dáng
Build muscle: tăng cơ bắp
Hit the gym: tập gym
Metabolism (n): sự trao đổi chất
Be back on one’s feet (idiom): hồi phục, trở lại bình thường
Break a habit (idiom): bỏ 1 thói quen xấu
Midnight snack: ăn vặt buổi khuya

How can people improve their health?

- exercise regularly
- have a healthy eating habit
- limit refined sugars and saturated fats: hạn chế đường tinh chế và chất béo bão
- drink water instead of sugary beverages
- eat fish or other types of seafood instead of red meat at least once a week
- get enough sleep at night

Do you think healthcare should be free?

- the government might not have - low-income people have access
enough budget to provide to decent care: người thu nhập
unlimited medical services : chính thấp được tiếp cận với dịch vụ y tế
phủ có thể không có đủ ngân sách tốt
để cung cấp tất cả các dịch vụ y tế
- lead to better access to necessary
miễn phí.
care and improved population
- when people don’t have to worry health: được tiếp cận tốt hơn với
about medical bills, they tend to dịch vụ chăm sóc thiết yếu và cải
use more healthcare, it leads to thiện sức khỏe dân số.
the increase in medical costs
- help people reduce the financial
risk associated with sudden,
unpredictable health costs: giúp
mọi người giảm hoặc loại bỏ rủi ro
tài chính liên quan đến chi phí y tế
đột ngột, không thể đoán trước

● alive and kicking: to continue being well and healthy.
My grandma is almost 90 but she's still alive and kicking.
● to break a habit: to stop doing something that is a habit, especially
something bad or harmful.
I was a drug addict, but a managed to break this habit.
● to black out: to lose consciousness.
I blacked out before my final exam, because I was too worried about it.
● to be under the weather: to feel ill.
Mary won't be at work todays, she's a bit under the weather.
● to phone in sick: to call your superior to inform him/her that you are sick
and won't be at work for some time.
I had to phone in sick last week, because I caught a flu.
● sick as a dog = to be at death’s door: very sick.
Paul caught a flu a few days ago and now he's sick as a dog.
● white as a sheet: can be sad about a very pale person
Jonh looks sick. Look at him! He's white as a sheet.

Picky (adj) /ˈpɪki/: kén chọn
Cuisine (n) /kwɪˈziːn/: ẩm thực, phong cách nấu nướng
Complexity (n) /kəmˈpleksəti/: sự phức tạp, tốn nhiều công sức
Fresh ingredients /freʃ ɪnˈɡriːdiənt//: nguyên liệu tươi mới
Intense flavours /ɪnˈtens ˈfleɪvər/: hương vị đậm đà
Stink (v) /stɪŋk/: bốc mùi, có mùi khó chịu
Smelly (adj) /ˈsmeli/ có mùi khó chịu.
Processed food /prəˈsest fuːd/: đồ ăn chế biến sẵn
Low-quality food: đồ ăn kém chất lượng
Immune system /ɪˈmjuːn sɪstəm/: hệ miễn dịch
Energy levels: mức năng lượng
The fast pace of life: nhịp độ nhanh của cuộc sống
Fitness plan: kế hoạch tập thể thao
Have a profound passion for: có niềm đam mê to lớn với cái gì
● dine in: dine at home.
We're dining in tonight.
● dine out: dine at a restaurant.
We're dining out tonight.
● fussy eater: someone who is very picky about the food and doesn't eat
My husband is a fussy eater, and he's never pleased with my cooking.
● in a walking distance of: close to.
I usually dine at a restaurant that's in a walking distance of my home.
● more of a chore than a pleasure: something you do rather unwillingly.
I think that cooking is more of a chore than a pleasure.
● mouth-watering: delicious, appetizing.
● my mouth is watering: that is to say you find something very appetizing.
People use this expression when they see/smell food that looks very
nutritious products: products rich in calories.
A nutritious breakfast is a great way to start the day, as it gives your body the
nutrients and you get enough energy.
● quality justifies the bill: when a product is worth buying due its good
quality, even if it's expensive.
I first thought those strawberries were too expensive, but when I tasted them I
understood that their quality justified the bill.
● restrain one's hunger: to avoid eating when you really want to. Usually
practiced during diets.
John couldn't restrain his hunger anymore and went to the nearest fast-food
● slap-up meal: a quick and fatty meal. To slap up means to cook something
very quickly.
I feel like making a slap-up meal tonight.
● to be dying of hunger: an exaggerated way of saying you are really hungry.
I haven't eaten all day. I'm dying of hunger!
● to be ravenous (to have ravenous appetite): to be really hungry, starving,
After working all day, I had a ravenous appetite.
● to bolt something down: to eat a large amount of food very quickly.
Don't bolt your food down like that, it's very rude!
● to catch a snack: to eat a little portion of food very quickly.
● to eat a balanced diet: to eat correctly and in time.
● to eat like a horse: to always eat a lot.
She's so thin, yet she eats like a horse.
● to follow a recipe: to cook a meal using instructions.
Although she had never cooked a jugged hare before, she followed a recipe and
made a fantastic meal.
● to foot the bill: to pay the bill.
You paid for dinner last time. Let me foot the bill for lunch today.
● to grab a bite to eat: to eat something quickly.
I won't eat the whole cake, just let me grab a bite to eat.
● to have a sweet tooth: to enjoy eating sweet food.
Dave eats candy all the time. He must have a sweet tooth.
● to overeat oneself: eat too much, eat immodestly.
If you overeat, you're bound to get fat.
● to play with your food: to push food around the plate without eating it.
● to spoil your appetite: to do something that would hinder your desire to
Stop talking about the snails, you're spoiling my appetite!
● to tuck into: to eat something greedily and with pleasure.
After not eating the whole day, he tucked into the ham like a savage.
● to wine and dine: to banquet, to "entertain with good food". If you wine
and dine someone, you usually take him out to dinner at a fancy restaurant.
The company wined and dined us, hoping to convince us we should accept the
● to work up an appetite: to do something that will lead to hunger.
He must have worked up an appetite in the gym.

Temporary memory loss : mất trí nhớ tạm thời
Short-term memory : trí nhớ ngắn hạn # Long – term memory : trí nhớ dài hạn
Have a good/ excellent memory = have a memory like an elephant: trí nhớ tốt
Mary has a memory like an elephant. She can easily remember everything she has
Jane has an excellent memory, she can remember things for a long time.
Have a bad/poor/ terrible memory = have a memory like a sieve /siv/ : trí nhớ
không tốt
Some thing(s)/ people remain/stay in my memory = tobe able to remember
things/people for a long time : luôn ghi nhớ một điều gì đó/ một ai đó.
You always stay in my memory/ mind
This movie always remains in my memory

Do you think memory is important/ vital/ essential?

Conditional type 2 : express something untrue in the present
If +S + V ( SIMPLE PAST), S + would + V ( bare)
If we were unable to remember certain things, our life would be very hard/
difficult. Because/ since our memories help us retain/ hold lots of important
information we use in our daily life.

Do you think it's important to have a good memory?

Do you think having a good memory is important for students?
It is + adj + to v ; Comparative Adj
Having good memory makes life easier.
Having good memory brings huge advantages.
Having good memory is very beneficial.
+ save time
+ recall things easily

What can people/ students/ you do to improve their memory?

There are many ways people can do/ practice to make their memory better
+ include physical activity in their daily routine
Physical activities increase blood flow to their whole body, including their brain.
This might help keep their memory sharp.
+ Stay mentally active
Mentally stimulating activities help keep people’s brain in shape. For example,
doing crossword puzzles, learning to play a musical instrument can help people
have good memory.
+ Socialize regularly
Social interaction helps ward off depression and stress, both of which can
contribute to memory loss. Thus, people should look for opportunities to get
together with friends or relatives.
+ Have enough sleep
Sleep plays a vital role in helping people consolidate/ enhance their memories.
+ Have healthy diets
A healthy diet is good for your brain; Take vitamins

Environmental problems
Air pollution, water pollution
The air becomes seriously polluted in some major cities such as HCMC, Ha noi
the main sources are transportation, industrial production, construction,
agricultural production, improper waste management
waste water from industrial parks is discharged directly to the environment
without treatment
polluted water is a leading cause of chronic poisoning and cancer: nước ô nhiễm
là một nguyên nhân hàng đầu gây ngộ độc mãn tính và ung thư

What can individuals do to help protect the environment?

- turn off electric items when they are not in use
- use LED light bulbs instead of conventional ones
- purchase goods and clothing that are made in sustainable ways: mua hàng hóa
và quần áo được sản xuất theo cách bền vững (bảo vệ môi trường)
- reuse and recycle more
- participate in local environmental campaigns
- carpool/walk/ cycle to work: đi chung xe/ đi bộ/ đi xe đạp đi làm
- install solar panels can reduce the amount of greenhouse gas emissions

- Had a stab at (idiom)
If you attempt to do something, even though you’re not likely to be successful,
you’re said to have a stab at it.
Example: I’d never tried skiing before, but I had a stab at it while I was in France.
- Work out (phrasal verb)
This phrasal verb can mean a few things. Most commonly it means to exercise,
and people work out at the gym. It also is commonly used if you’re successful. It
can also mean to figure out how to do something.
Example A: He works out at the gym every day.
Example B: If it doesn’t work out, you can always come back here.
Example C: I haven’t worked out how to do that yet.
- As a consequence (phrase)
It’s used for saying that one thing is a result of something else.
Example: I’ve lived in France for a very long time, and as a consequence I can
speak French fluently.
- Move out (phrasal verb)
If you move out of somewhere, it means you stop living in a particular home.
Example: I moved out three years ago, but sometimes I miss that apartment.
- Fend for yourself (phrasal verb)
If you fend for yourself you take care of and provide for yourself without
depending on anyone else.
Example: When I moved to Boston I had to fend for myself for the first time in my
- Eat out (phrasal verb)
Simply means to eat at a restaurant instead of at home.
Example: When I lived in Spain, I used to eat out all the time.
- Get old (verb)
If something gets old it becomes annoying, boring, or undesirable because you’ve
done it too many times.
Example: Eating mac and cheese every day gets old really fast.
- Worth it (adjective)
If something is worth it, it’s worth the cost or work involved to attain it. The
benefits will outweigh the costs.
Example: Getting up early to jog is tough but worth it.
- Rave review (noun)
A rave review is when someone writes or talks about something really positively,
such as a product, service, book, TV show, movie, etc. They're really happy with
whatever they're reviewing.
Example: The movie received rave reviews.
- Your fair share (idiom)
This phrase is used to indicate an amount of something that you deserve, whether
it’s a good or bad thing.
Example: Leave the rest of the pizza for other people. You’ve had your fair share.
- Mediocre (adjective)
Something that’s not very good.
Example: Parents don’t want their kids going to mediocre schools

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