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THEME: Inquiry in Science

(c) Trace the words. Then, cut and paste the correct pictures.
Science Process Skill: Observing Then, colour the pictures.

(a) Trace the words below.

Human has five senses organs which eyes to see

are eyes, nose, tongue, ears dan skin.

(b) Cut and paste the correct words. Then, colour the picture.
nose to smell

ears to listen

tongue to taste
Suheil’s Collectibles

Suheil’s Collectibles
skin to touch

 
(d) Trace the words. Then, cut and paste the correct pictures. (e) Cut and paste the correct answer. Then, colour the pictures.

sense of touch

sense of sight sense of taste

Suheil’s Collectibles

Suheil’s Collectibles
sense of hearing sense of smell

sense of smell sense of taste

sense of hearing sense of sight
 sense of touch 

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