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prontluns and Determiners

personrtl pronoutrs l nterrog:rtive Pronouns

rrlto_ rrltotlt. rrltosc (personal)
takc tltc plaec tlt'etttilllltlt1 lltttl 1lrtrllcr tltlLttts rlhich (citlrer personal tlr ttot,t-llcrstlttill) c,g. Whiclr is 1rlur sister'l
Wlriclt (tll'the drrrrks)dtr rott 1rrcler
Singula r l)l tt r:t l
rrhat (norn}aIl\ lloI1-1)crsonal)
1 st 1lcrstrn, I. tnc \\ e_ tl\
2tlcl 1lerstrtt: \ou \ ()Ll

.3rd 1relsotl, shc. lter

lrc. ltinl tl].\. tI]cl]l lntlefinite pronouns
llcIbr ttr tltc prc5el}cc tlt absencc ()l'a (ltlalltitJ .

posscssive pronouns anlbodr. ilnrtlne, atllthittg

U\er\ htl(l\. e\ er\(llle. er crr tllitt::
are gcrlitir cs ol'pcrsotlal l]r()1,1()tllls
nobtltlr. tttt tlttc_ ttrlthittg. ttrrc
Singtrlar Plttral
stlntcbotl1. 5()ll1co11c. sonlctltitlg
1 st pcrstrtt, ttlinc otlrs
caclt. eithcr. lleithcr. thc other
2trcl 1lct,sott, \()(lrs \()Llrs
both. ltrr. lt lcrt,. scvcral. tttattr
_3rd 1lcrstrn: his. lrcrs. its tltcirs
soltrc. all. lllorc. lll()st. ll()llc
hal l. t\\ cnt\ 1)ne- thc second
Reflcrive pronouns
rcfir to the sanlc |)crs()ll or thin!. as thc sLrlrjcct clocs c_g. \'oLr-ll |rtrrt loLrrsclí.
eivc ctttpltasis to a ll()tlll l)l]rxsc l lc rrrotc ttl rttc hirttscll.

Sing rt la r |'l lr rIt l

llltro(lucc tttrLtn lrllrltscs ltr nlakc i( cIcar \\ hat thc ttlrttn rclcrs tt),
rlr1 scl l' tlttrsclr c:
rrrttrscI I' r tlttr:alr cs

lrirnscl l. lrcrscll. itscll' lItetttsclr cr l'rt-dcttrnlincrs

cilll c()ltl( lleli)rC il Lclltl,ill dclcrtttitlct,
rlt Lrl t i 1ll ic t,s tloLrblc, 1rr icc. thrcc tilllcs.
Denlonstrirtiye I)ronouns

litlctiilns hlll. orlc-thirtl..,

rcl)rcScllt a thillg ()l things itll. lltltIt sLtclt. u llat tthcsc call occtlr tt itltrlLrt a cclltrill dctcrltlil]cr)
sttch catt erltttlline lt itlt rltIter prc-dctcrntittct,s 1alI suclr.jtrkcr t
Sirlgtrlar I'lttral
aA|,| c()lllc alicr a central tlctcrttlincr ( n() sttclr jokcs )
th is tlltsc
cilIl c()lllc alicl a 1rost-detr:rttlinr'r (ntanr sLrclt.jokes)
th at t|]()sc

('entral tlcterntincrs
Reciprocal Pronouns \\'c catttlot contbittc cclltral dcternlincrs to illtroducc tltc satttc Ittrtttt 1lllrase
articlcs a. an. thc
caclt trlher clcttttrtlstrlttircs lhis.that.tItcsc.thosc
()llc all()tlrcr lcs l)l\. rtlttr. his- her. its. tltcrr
lrtrsscss i

itttcrrogalir cs rr hat. hiclt. rr hosc

Relative pronouns rc l ati vcs rr ltich rvhtlsc. rr hatcr cr. rt hicltct,cr,,,
introdttcc rclatii c clatrses inclcflnitcs s()llle. all\. no. cntrugh. cver}. cach. citlrer. ncithcr

u lltr rr lttlttt rr htlsc l)()st-d ett rm in crs

rr Iriclt n ll ielt rr lttlsc calt culllc alicr a celttrltl dctcrnlittcr
that tIrilt ttttt,t,tbers one. second. . .
nran1 . léu . little
\ollrinill llcltli\ c
il]tl()dL|ectltrrttitlalrelittivec]aLtscs c,q, Yiltt tllal takc rrhichcrcr \1)tl \\allt

rr lt iclt. lr lticlrcl,cr. tl hat . lr ltatcvcr- rr hocr cr. rr hotttcvcr

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