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Salon services:

Personal care products:

Ways to improve appearance:
1. Diet ăn kiêng
2. Exercise tập thể dục
3. Massage xoa bóp
4. Hair restoration phục hồi tóc
5. Cosmetics and makeup mỹ phẩm và trang điểm
6. Facials chăm sóc da mặt
7. Face-lifts phẫu thuật nâng da mặt
8. Liposuction phẫu thuật hút mỡ
9. Chemical peels thay da sinh học
1. I think I’ll pass Không, xin cảm ơn.
2. At your wits’ end vô phương kế / không vui vì điều gì đó
3. It takes time to recover tốn nhiều thời gian để phục hồi
4. A piece of cake dễ dàng
Quantifiers for indefinite quantities and amounts
Dùng some và any cho cả danh từ đếm được và không đếm được.
Dùng some cho câu khẳng đinh:
We bought some combs. Now we have some.
They need some soap. We have some.
Dùng any cho câu phủ định:
I don’t have any razors. I don’t want any.
We don’t want any makeup. We don’t need any.
Dùng some và any cho câu hỏi với ý nghĩa như nhau:
Do you want any aftershave? OR Do you want some aftershave?
Does she have any nail files? OR Does she have some nail files?

Dùng a lot of hoặc lots of cho cả danh từ đếm được và không đếm được trong câu hỏi lẫn
câu nói với ý nghĩa như nhau.
That store has a lot of (or lots of) razors. / They don’t have a lot of (or lots of)
sunscreen. / Do they have a lot of (or lots of) makeup?
Dùng many và much trong câu phủ định.
Dùng many với danh từ đếm được số nhiều:
They don’t have many brands of makeup. (NOT They don’t have much brands of
Dùng much với danh từ không đếm được
The store doesn’t have much toothpaste. (NOT The store doesn’t have many

Indefinite pronouns: someone / no one / anyone

Someone / no one / anyone là các đại từ không xác định. Sử dụng đại từ không xác định
khi không xác định được người nào hoặc khi người đó không quan trọng.
Dùng someone hoặc no one trong câu khẳng định
Someone / no one is available.
Someone / No one is waiting for the manicurist.
I saw someone at the front desk.
Dùng anyone hoặc someone trong câu hỏi
Can anyone / someone wash my hair?
Is there anyone / someone at the front desk?
Did you see anyone / someone waiting for a shave?
Dùng anyone trong câu phủ định
There isn’t anyone waiting.
I didn't see anyone at the salon.

Exercise 1: Complete each sentence with some or any.
1. Is there __any__ shampoo on the bathroom shelf?
2. I don’t think we have _______ sunscreen. Can you pick ______up when you go to the
3. I was looking for face powder in the cosmetics section, but I didn’t see _______.
4. I’m going to the drugstore to get _______ aftershave and some dental floss. Do we
need _______ soap?
5. Wow! Your hands are so dry! There’s _______ really good hand lotion near the sink in
the kitchen. You should use ______ of that.
6. My hair’s a mess, and I don’t have _______ hairspray at home. I’ll get ______ right
here in this store.
7. My children need _______ new toothbrushes for our vacation.
8. There aren’t _______ good combs or brushes in this store. Let’s go to Cosmetics Riot
across the street.
Exercise 2: Circle the correct quantifiers to complete the conversations.
1. A: Please get (any / a lot of) toothpaste when you go to the store.
B: Again? I can’t believe there isn’t (some / any). What do the children do with it— eat
2. A: Oh, no! Mom and Dad are coming for breakfast tomorrow and there isn’t (much /
many) milk.
B: No problem. I don’t use (much / any) milk in my co ee, and your dad doesn’t use
(some / any).
3. A: I’m going shopping. Is there (any / many) shaving cream? Could you check in the
B: No, honey. There isn’t (some / any). You need (much / some). And while you’re at the
store, there isn’t (a lot of / many) shampoo. Could you get (some / much)?
4. A: There aren’t (many / much) eggs in the fridge. We defi nitely need (some / many)
for the cake.
B: Would you like me to pick (some / any) up when I go out later?
5. A: Where would I find nail clippers? I need (some / much), and I didn’t see (much /
any) on the shelf.
B: Really? We had (much / lots of) them this morning. Let me go look.
Exercise 3: Complete each sentence with someone, no one, or anyone. Remember:
Use a capital letter for the first word in a sentence.
1. There’s someone at the door. Could you please open it?
2. I don’t see _______ at the front desk. I need to find _______ so I can pay.
3. Can _______ help us? We’re looking for the hair care department.
4. _______ can give you a massage today. Everyone is busy.
5. We don’t think there’s ________ available to do your personal training today. But
________ can tomorrow.
6. Can _________ give me a manicure and a pedicure later today?
7. She didn’t call ________ about the problem at the spa.


Topic 5: Talk about how you take care of your appearance
 Are you happy with your appearance?
 Is appearance important to you?
 Which is more important, inner beauty or outer beauty?
 How do you take care of your skin/hair/teeth/….?
 Which personal care products do you use for your skin/hair/teeth/…..?
 Do you usually go to salon or spa?
 Where is the salon/spa located?
 Who do you go there with?
 Which service(s) do you usually get when you go to that salon/spa?
 How much do you have to pay?
 What do you think about cosmetic surgery?
 What are the pros and cons of cosmetic surgery?
 If you have money, which procedure(s) do you want to have? Why?

Exercise 4:
* Answer keys:
2. any, some
3. any
4. some, any
5. some, some
6. any, some
7. some
8. any
1. B: any
2. A: much
B: much, any
3. A: any
B: any, some, a lot of, some
4. A: many, some
B: some
5. A: some, any
B: lots of
2. anyone, someone
3. someone / anyone
4. No one
5. anyone, someone
6. someone / anyone
7. anyone
1. b 2. e 3. a 4. c 5. d


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