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a) Copy of DepEd Vision, Mission, and Core Values

b) Copy of the Division’s Strategic Directions (DEDP)
c) Copy of the School’s Strategic Goals
d) Documentation of Vision Sharing Activities
1.1 Vision, mission and core values e) Attendance during the Vision Sharing Activities SGOD - 1%

CID - 2%

CID MOVs 1. Approved School Improvement Plan (SIP)

2. Approved School BE-LCP and Supporting Documents
3. Documentations on the
conduct of SMEA and other school plans related to implementations

a) Approved School Improvement Plan
1.2. School Planning and Implementation b) Annual Implementation Plan (Signed by the School-Community Planning Team)
c) Documentation of the SIP implementation
Developed and implemented school plans that are aligned d) List of internal and external stakeholders involved in the SIP implementation with letter of communication,
with institutional goals and policies and with active released and received
involvement of the school community e) Documentation that School’s Best Practices in the development and implementation of school plans aligned with
institutional goals and policies are shared to fellow school heads
F. SIP Implementation Monitoring
SGOD - 2%

1.Approved WFP
3. Approved Annual ICT Preventive Maintenance and Security Plan

SGOD - 2.5%
CID CID - 2.5%
1. Copies of the reviewed policies/D.Os
Leading Strategically (15%)

2. Recommended policies/Annotations
3. School Memo/Notice of Meeting on the Policy Review
4. Attendance Sheet
1.3. Policy Implementation and Review 5. Accomplishment Report/Minutes of Meeting

Implemented reviewed policies with strong SGOD

engagement of stakeholders to ensure consistency Report of SMEA Conference for 4 uarters highlighted on the issues and concerns per KPI, adjustment done and policy
recommendation for Division and Regional Level.
of school operations with national and local laws,
regulations and issuances with active engagement of
1. Copies of the reviewed policies/D.Os
KRA 1 Leading Strategically (15%) 2. Recommended policies/Annotations
3. School Memo/Notice of Meeting on the Policy Review
4. Attendance Sheet
1.3. Policy Implementation and Review 5. Accomplishment Report/Minutes of Meeting

Implemented reviewed policies with strong SGOD

engagement of stakeholders to ensure consistency Report of SMEA Conference for 4 uarters highlighted on the issues and concerns per KPI, adjustment done and policy
recommendation for Division and Regional Level.
of school operations with national and local laws,
regulations and issuances with active engagement of
stakeholders (i.e. DO 31 s.2020, DO 35 s.2016, DO 42 CID - 2.5%
s.2016, DO 12 s.2020, and others) OSDS
1. Certification of Submission of Form 7
2. ICT Do's & Dont's
3. School Policy on the use of Social Media

a) Proof of Research/Innovation proposal presentation

b) Approved Research/Innovation proposal
c) Proof of Completed Research/Innovation presentation
d) Approved Completed Research/Innovation
1.4. Research and Innovation e) Proof of Research Findings Dissemination SGOD - 4%
f) Documents of the Research/Innovation Initiatives conducted in the school

1.5. Program Design and Implementation

SGOD - 2.5%


1. Approved Action Plans on Program Implementation
Implemented need-based programs in the school that 2. Approved proposals on program implemented
support the development of learners anchored to any of the
division initiated programs and projects: 3. School Memoranda 4. Accomplishment/Implementation Reports
SOLID (Science), MATRIX (Math), RISE (English), FilKo:PM supported with pictures with QATAME 5. Certificates of Participation/Recognition
DULA (Kindergarten), USWAG (MTB/MLE), T.A.L.E.N.T.S. CID - 2.5%
(MAPEH), ISLAME (ALIVE), LaNOrte Journ Star (Journalism),
(SGOD PRGRMS) for the distance learning delivery.

1.6. Learners' Voice SGOD - 1%

Applied effective strategies in utilizing learners voice such as 1. Accomplished Survey Tool/Questionnaire 2. Consolidated Survey Result and
feeling, views and/or opinion to inform policy development Analysis
towards decision making.
CID - 1%

Modes of Verifications:
a) Quarterly Monitoring Result of KPIs - ACCESS b) Quarterly Monitoring Results of KPIs - Quality (learners with
1.7. Monitoring and evaluation processes and tools high performance and low performance based on CMSS Result, Quarterly MPS Results of Learning Areas, Phil. IRI/ SGOD - 5%
1.7. Monitoring and evaluation processes and tools high performance and low performance based on CMSS Result, Quarterly MPS Results of Learning Areas, Phil. IRI/ SGOD - 5%
c) Quarterly Monitoring of the Implementation of Program, Projects, and Activities (PPAs)
d) QATAME Report in the conduct of SLAC and other school-based training and seminars.
Accomplished SBM Self-Assessment Tool-duly certified and approved
2.1. Records management SGOD 3%

2.2. Financial management Check Disbursement Register (Quality)

2.2.1 Ensured judicious utilization of funds through effective Bank Reconciliation Statement (Efficiency)
and efficient fiscal management during the FY 2020-2021. Certificate of Liquidation (Timeliness)

OSDS - 5%

2.2.2 Ensured 100% implementation of the WFP based on

the timelines and budget matrix as indicated in the Program implementation/utilization report FY 2021
approved SIP or AIP.

Inventory Custodian Slip (DepEd Memo No. 48 s 2021)

KRA 2: Managing School Operation and Resources (15%)

Property Acknowledgment Receipt (DepEd Memo No. 48 s 2021)

Modes of Verifications:
a) Approved Program of Works of the minor repair of classrooms
b) Proof of the completed minor repair of classrooms
c) Approved Program of Works of Gender and Development (GAD) projects
d) Proof of the completed Gender and Development (GAD) projects
e) Proof of the application for the School Site Titling
f) Approved School Site Titling / Special Patent
g) Approved National School Building Inventory (NSBI) Forms
2.3.1 School facilities and equipment (SGOD) h) Proof of the application for the demolition of the dilapidated building/s 2% SGOD
i) Completed demolition documents
j) Number of donated Infrastructure project/s
k) Proof of the implementation of the donated project/s

2.3.2 (OSDS) Established and implemented clear property

accountability and supply management system in the school Report on Physical Count of Inventories (RPCI)
for an equitable and transparent distribution and utilization
of materials, supply and equipment during SY 2021-2022 1% OSDS

Report on Physical Count of Property Plant and Equipment (RPCPPE)

System generation on the cut-off date per LIS/BEIS reports.
2.4 Provide direction and support towards maintaining and
managing the database and management information 4% SGOD
system of the division
System generation on the cut-off date per LIS/BEIS reports.
2.4 Provide direction and support towards maintaining and
managing the database and management information 4% SGOD
system of the division

Implemented DRRM Activities such as Safety Drills and Climate Change Adaptation Activities..
2.5. School safety for disaster preparedness, mitigation and
resiliency 3% SGOD

Approved proposal of the activity with Narrative report and attachment of documentations
List of needs of learners, school personnel & stakeholders with support reasons and justification
2.6. Emerging opportunities and challenges 2% SGOD

3.1. School-based review, contextualization, and 1. Approved School Learning Resoucre Plan 2. Signed list with pictures of locally developed learning
implementation of learning standards resources (approved in the school level)
3. Copies of at least 5 locally developed learning resources with attached evaluation tools accomplished during
the school level evaluation
Report on Sustained functional School Learning Resource Center (SLRC)/Reading Clinic/School Library 3% CID
Provided technical assistance to teachers on developing 5. List and pictures of digitized and printed learning resources (LRs) in
contextualized learning resources that support teaching all learning areas, in all grade levels per grading period downloaded from the LR Portal/DepEd Commons/Division
standards and pedagogies Website 6. Approved proposals
7. Attendance Sheets

3.2. Teaching standards and pedagogies

Engaged school personnel such as master teachers, head 1. Approved Instruction Supervisory PLan/Classroom Observation Plan/Technical Assistance Plan
teachers and department heads in providing technical 2. Accomplished and signed COT-RPMS Forms
assistance to teachers on eaching standards and pedagogies 3. Signed Report on Teachers' Observed and Given Assistance (RTOGA) CID 5%
within and accross learning areas to improve their teaching

1. Accomplished Feedback Forms/Tools from the learners

3.3. Teacher Performance Feedback 2. Accomplished Feedback Forms/Tools from the parents
3. Accomplished Feedback Forms/Tools from other stakeholders
Collaborated with school personnel in effectively using 4. Consolidated stakeholders feedback CID 3%
validated feedback obtained from learners, parents and 5. Feedback results
other stakeholders to improve teachers performnace. and analysis

CID 4%
Established a clear program for journalism by:
1. Copy of published school paper;
2. Signed documents as proof on the conduct of school-based journalism activities
3. Proof of participation in at least district-level training and competitions
3.4. Learner achievement and other performance indicators 4. Increased Proficiency Level (PL) of learners by 3% or more per quarter based on the school's first-quarter
average grade as the baseline
5. Documents as proof of participation in Festivals and other competitions (Awards Receive)
Engaged the wider school community in developing data 6. Printed CMSS
based interventions to sustain learners achievement and 7. Phil IRI Results
attain other performance indicators

Established a clear program for journalism by:
1. Copy of published school paper;
2. Signed documents as proof on the conduct of school-based journalism activities
3.4. Learner achievement and other performance indicators 3. Proof of participation in at least district-level training and competitions
4. Increased Proficiency Level (PL) of learners by 3% or more per quarter based on the school's first-quarter
average grade as the baseline
Engaged the wider school community in developing data 5. Documents as proof of participation in Festivals and other competitions (Awards Receive)
based interventions to sustain learners achievement and 6. Printed CMSS
attain other performance indicators 7. Phil IRI Results
KRA 3: Focusing on Teaching and Learning (40%)

Approved School Sport's Action Plan Awards Received in the Provincial Meet, Regional and National Competitions
Data Based on potential athletes Innovation made in the Sports Program, Award on Brigada Eskwela Best
Implementing School

Increased Proficiency Level (PL) of learners by 3% or more per quarter based on the school's first-quarter average CID 4%
grade as the baseline. Established a clear program for reading by:
1.Conducting Pretest and posttest in reading and submitting results;
2. Implementing school-based reading programs;
3.5 Learning Assessment Increasing the reading profiency level of learners by 3% based on pretest results as a baseline.
Achieved higher learning outcomes through the use of SGOD
learning assessment tools, strategies, and results that are QUARTERLY CMSS RESULT REPORTED DURING QUARTERLY SMEA CONFERENCE

1. Signed accomplished Classroom Evaluation Tools CID 2.5%
2. Consolidated Classroom Evaluation Results
3. Sarimanok Certification
3.6. Learning environment 4. Documents showing partnerships with stakeholders
Maintained a learner-friendly, inclusive, and healthy
learning environment engaging the school community SGOD
GaD (if applicable)

1. School/Pupil's Handbook 2. Approved proposal on Handbook Development

3. School Memo 4. Letter of Invitation to Stakeholders
5. Notice of Meeting 6. Attendance Sheet
3.8. Learners' Discipline 7. Minutes of the Meeting 8. Narrative Report
Ensured consistent integration and application of learner with pictures
discpline policies which are developed with stakeholders CID 2%
into various school processes by school personnel at all SGOD
times and at all levels Existing School Child Protection Policy and Committee School Policy Manual collaboratively crafted by
stakeholders, PTA , school personnel and the community Report on advocacy conducted in the school and
community School Report on the Incidents of Bullying, Child-Abuse and Child In-Conflct with the Law, School
Handbook , Omnibus Guidelines on the Regulation of Operations of the Parent-Teacher Associations
1. School/Pupil's Handbook 2. Approved proposal on Handbook Development
3. School Memo 4. Letter of Invitation to Stakeholders
5. Notice of Meeting 6. Attendance Sheet
3.8. Learners' Discipline 7. Minutes of the Meeting 8. Narrative Report
Ensured consistent integration and application of learner with pictures
discpline policies which are developed with stakeholders CID 2%
into various school processes by school personnel at all SGOD
times and at all levels Existing School Child Protection Policy and Committee School Policy Manual collaboratively crafted by
stakeholders, PTA , school personnel and the community Report on advocacy conducted in the school and
community School Report on the Incidents of Bullying, Child-Abuse and Child In-Conflct with the Law, School
Handbook , Omnibus Guidelines on the Regulation of Operations of the Parent-Teacher Associations

Certificates of Orientations, Trainings, Seminars, Scholarship attended and participated CID- 1%

- Served as Resource Person, Evaluator, Judge or Speaker to District, Division, Region or National Activities , or a
Chairman or member to a committee
4.1. Personal and professional development

1. Approved initiatives
2. Narrative Reports SGOD 2%

4.2. Professional reflection and learning 3. Professional reflection and learning

opportunities 4. E-SAT and Development Plan
Improved practice thru initiating professional reflections
and promotion of learning opportunities with other school SGOD
heads Activities Conducted such as
Coaching and Mentoring
Approved Training Proposals, SLAC, INSET with Training Accomplishment and Completion Report

Training Record of teachers for professional development such as scholarships, trainings, seminars attended and 2%
List of Educational Attainment of Teachers SGOD
4.3. Professional networks Certificates of Awards/Recognition received by teachers, School Head and School

Accomplishment reports about Professional Development attended/ conductedImplementation Plan and CID 1%
Imprementation Report

4.4. Performance management INSET Training Attended
Ensured career advancement of individual school personnel
and improved office performance thru collaborative PostgraduateCoordinatorship of District with assignment order thru a memorandum Menotring and Coaching Form
monitoring and evaluation of the performance management
system implementation SGOD
a. Demographic Profile of Teachers SGOD 1%
b. Monitoring, Coaching and Feedback Forms
c. Approved Performance Result
d. Attendance to Mid-year Performance Review
1. Individual Plan for Professional Developmental plan. 2. School Plan for
Professional Development 3. Approved INSET Proposal
with signed Accomplishment Report 4. Approved LAC
Plan with signed Accomplishment Report

4.5. Professional development of school personnel 5. Teacher's Portfolio with Certificates and other proofs of IPPD implementation (sample only)
1. Individual Plan for Professional Developmental plan. 2. School Plan for 2%
Professional Development 3. Approved INSET Proposal
with signed Accomplishment Report 4. Approved LAC
Plan with signed Accomplishment Report
KRA 4: Developing Self and Others (15%)

4.5. Professional development of school personnel 5. Teacher's Portfolio with Certificates and other proofs of IPPD implementation (sample only)
Enhanced strengths and addressed performance gaps
among school personnel thru monitoring and evealution of SGOD
the professional development iniatives implemetation a. Compilation of Part IV of the IPCRF/OPCRF
b. E-SAT consolidated results of teachers
c. SPPD of the School duly approved by Division Authorized Personnel
d. Performance Evaluation Result (IPCRF and OPCRF)
e. List of TA given and Action Conducted

1. Approved Training Proposals/LACs/PD activities 2. Accomplishment Report of Trainings/LAC
Sessions/PD activities conducted supported with pictures
3. Summary of IPCRF Rating of the school personnel 5.
4.6 Leadership development in individuals and teams School Memo 6. Attendance Sheet

Fostered shared governance and accountability thru SGOD

capacity building on leardership roles and responsibilities of a. List of teachers (with approved Training Proposal and Matrix) as proponent of a Training, Teacher as Resource
school personnel Speaker in School, District, Region or National Level
b. Teacher as Proponent of an Innovation
c. List of Teachers who Conducted Research

Mental Health Activities Conducted for teaching and non-teaching personnel 2%

Advocacy Campaign on Adopt A School Program (RA 8525), Brigada Eskwela Implementation Guidelines, Omnibus
4.7 General welfare of human resources Guidelines on the Regulation of Operations of the Parent-Teacher Associations, Copy of Adopt A School Kit SGOD
Manual, DO 40, S. 2015 – GUIDELINES ON K TO 12 PARTNERSHIPS, RA 9155

Advocacy materials, advocacy campaign conducted with attached documents & reports

a. School-based rewards and recognition committee SGOD
b. School Memo for Calling the Meeting
4.8 Rewards and recognition mechanism c. Minutes of the Meeting
- Reward and Recognition d. Narrative Report of Activities Conducted
- School implementation of PRAISE (Committee, Mechanics, e. Pictures
narrative report, pictures) d. Certificate of Recognition/Appreciation received or given to learners,
school personnel, school head, stakeholders for sustained exemplary performance/or continued support
a. School-based rewards and recognition committee
b. School Memo for Calling the Meeting
4.8 Rewards and recognition mechanism c. Minutes of the Meeting
- Reward and Recognition d. Narrative Report of Activities Conducted
- School implementation of PRAISE (Committee, Mechanics, e. Pictures
narrative report, pictures) d. Certificate of Recognition/Appreciation received or given to learners,
school personnel, school head, stakeholders for sustained exemplary performance/or continued support

PTA activities ( PTA Day, Family Day)
Partnership Engagement Activities (MOA, MOU, DOA & DOD, Narrative Report with one page collage pictures)
5.1 Management of diverse relationships Letter of Invitation (Released and received), Attendance SGOD
Brigada Eskwela which includes Recognition of stakeholders


Existing learners' school organization/clubs (such as but not limited to SSG/SPG, YES-O, BKD,BSP/GSP, etc.) with
Accomplishment Report (Narrative Report, Photo Documentation and Attendance) in conducting election/creation
process Approved Youth Formation Program Implementation Plan Accomplishment Report submitted to the
Division Office (Narrative Report, Photo Documentation and Attendance) Awards Received as Best/Outstanding
Program Implementer (Division, Regional and National level)
5.2 Management of school organizations
Conduct of School PTA Election and Municipal Level
SPTA and FPTA Officers
Minutes, Documentations
Accomplishment Report which includes Financial Report & Programs and Projects of SPTA

CID- 1%

1. Approved proposal 2. Attendance sheet

3. School memo 4. Accomplishment report
5. List of learners with disabilities (with doctor's diagnosis, if evident; list of learners with
difficulty (without doctor's diagnosis) 6. IPED/MEP/ALS implementation related documents, if
RA 5:Building Connections (15%)


5.3 Inclusive practice "1. Approved GAD Project Proposals
Strenghen awareness, acceptance and respect thru 2. Approved Wellness Program Action Plan" "1. Accomplishment Report and Certificate of Completion
promoting inclusive practices engaging the wider school
community 2. Accomplishment Report on the School Advocacy conducted" "1. School Projects that are gendered sensitive
financed by the LGU & NGO's

2. Wellness Program is introduced and conducted in the barangay " "1. Barangay Plan on the conduct of Gender
1. Approved proposal 2. Attendance sheet
3. School memo 4. Accomplishment report
5. List of learners with disabilities (with doctor's diagnosis, if evident; list of learners with
difficulty (without doctor's diagnosis) 6. IPED/MEP/ALS implementation related documents, if
KRA 5:Building Connections (15%)


5.3 Inclusive practice "1. Approved GAD Project Proposals

Strenghen awareness, acceptance and respect thru 2. Approved Wellness Program Action Plan" "1. Accomplishment Report and Certificate of Completion
promoting inclusive practices engaging the wider school
community 2. Accomplishment Report on the School Advocacy conducted" "1. School Projects that are gendered sensitive
financed by the LGU & NGO's
2. Wellness Program is introduced and conducted in the barangay " "1. Barangay Plan on the conduct of Gender
sensitivity PAPs
2. Barangay Plan on the conduct of Wellness Program PAPs"

1. Approved LAC on Effective Communication 2. Approved Mentoring and Coaching Plan on Effective
3. Accomplished Mentoring and Coaching Form on Effective Communication
4. Teacher's Work on Writing Communications 5. Proof on the utiization of varied communication platforms
5.4 Communication
6. School Memo 7. Others
Facilitated information sharing, collaboration, and support
thru mentoring and coaching school personnel on effective SGOD
communication both in speaking and in writing as well as Letter of communication/invitation to the stakeholders/partners (released and received)
the positive use of varied communication platforms. Notice of meeting (released and received)
School Memo
Approved School Report Card (Mid-Yead and Year End SRC)
Narrative report with pictures and attendance on the SRC dissemination.
SRC Feedback of Implementation

Activities conducted which involved the stakeholders (PTA meeting, Forum, Brigada Eskwela, Oplan Balik Eskwela,
Brigada Pagbasa, etc.)
5.5 Community engagement -Accomplishment Report every activity
-Online Report thru DepEd Partnership Database System
- Letter of communication to the stakeholders/partners (released and received)
Activities conducted which involved the stakeholders (PTA meeting, Forum, Brigada Eskwela, Oplan Balik Eskwela,
Brigada Pagbasa, etc.)
5.5 Community engagement -Accomplishment Report every activity
-Online Report thru DepEd Partnership Database System
- Letter of communication to the stakeholders/partners (released and received)

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