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Level : MYP2
Academic year : 2021 - 2022

Answer the questions after reading this text

Georgia O’Keeffe biography

Georgia O’Keeffe, (born November 15, 1887, near Sun Prairie, Wisconsin, U.S.—
died March 6, 1986, Santa Fe, New Mexico),
American painter who was among the most influential figures in Modernism, best known for her large-format
paintings of natural subjects, especially flowers and bones, and for her depictions of New York City skyscrapers
and architectural and landscape forms unique to northern New Mexico.
Early years, O’Keeffe grew up with six siblings on a Wisconsin dairy farm and received art lessons at home
as a child.
Throughout her school years, teachers recognized and cultivated her ability to draw and paint. Upon
graduation from high school, O’Keeffe determined to become a professional artist.
She played an important part in the development of modern art in America, becoming the first female
painter to gain respect in New York's art world in the 1920s. Her unique and new way of painting nature,
simplifying its shapes and forms meant that she was called a pioneer.
The power of Georgia O’Keeffe’s artwork derives from her mastery of essential elements of art making:
line, color, and composition. To understand the richness of Georgia O’Keeffe’s artistic practice, this exhibition
reveals her disciplined drawing practice, dramatic color palette, and innovative sense for composition
through paintings and drawings that span her career. The presentation offers fresh insight into the importance
of line in her work—from preliminary sketches and drawings, to the fluid, seemingly effortless outlines that
define regions of her canvas and divide her compositions into dynamic zones of color, be it the curve of a
flower petal, the horizon of a landscape, or the contour of an abstract form. A brilliant colorist, O’Keeffe
created strong, vibrant works with colors that glow with energy and vitality. Holding all of this together in
harmonious balance is her sense for composition. Time and time again in her work, we see an artist pushing
the boundaries, in some cases quite literally with lines and forms racing off the edge of the canvas, yet
somehow she always manages to maintain a sense of stability and produce works that are visually engaging.
O’Keeffe’s facility with a variety of media—pastel, charcoal, watercolor, and oil—combined with her sense for
line, color, and composition to produce deceptively simple works. Her confidence in handling these elements
makes her style of painting look effortless. Our intent with this exhibition is not to eliminate the mystery of her
artwork, but rather to deepen the appreciation of her skill and unique talents as one of the most technically
proficient and artistically innovative artists of the twentieth century.

1.What are the elements of art?

2. What made Georgia O'Keeffe unique?
3. Why is Georgia O'Keeffe important in history?
4. What is Georgia O Keeffe's artistic style or art movement called?
5. what techniques did Georgia O’Keeffe use?
6. How to reproduce a picture , explain the process.
7. Identify elements of art used in these pictures from Georgia’s drawings?

1/2 GOOD LUCK !!!

Level : MYP2
Academic year : 2021 - 2022

Drawing activity (Pratical)

Choose only one drawing from those three pictures , then reproduce it on your paper.

2/2 GOOD LUCK !!!

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