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A Lesson Plan in Physical Education

(Grade 4)
Prepared By: Saraus, Roly Martel H.

 Content Standard: the learners demonstrate understanding of participation and

assessment of physical activities and physical fitness
 Performance standard: the learners participates and assesses performance in
physical activities
 Learning competency: explains the nature and background of the games

I. Objectives:
At the end of the 40 minutes lesson, the students have:
a. Describe the skill involves in the game
b. Recognize the value of participation in physical activities
c. Execute the different skills involved in the game

II Subject matter: assessment of physical activities and physical fitness

Topic: tumbang preso
Skills to develop: Remembering, Cooperation, Sharp listening ability
Values integration: Collaboration Responsiveness
Materials: PowerPoints presentation, Visual aids
Reference: MISOSA 4 Module 4

II. Procedure:

 Daily routine
a. Prayer
b. Orderliness and cleanliness
c. Greetings
d. Checking of attendance

Teachers activity Students activity Assessment

. Motivation

video ‘’Students will watch the video Video

of the game’’ presentation

‘’What did you observe in the video?’’ ‘’The game tumbang preso ‘’

‘’’Very good class to formally start the

lesson I want to say pls be careful on
our activity for today.’’ ‘’Yes teacher!’’

C. Lesson Presentation
the teacher introduces new

Tumbang preso history

‘’Even though Tumbag Preso is a

native Filipino game, there is no
known date as to when it came to be.
Neither is the creator of the game
known. The children who found it fun
would gather with whichever
materials they had and start playing
the sport. Its popularity has been
passed from generation to
generation, and until today it still
commands significant attention from
children and some adults across the
globe. ‘’

‘’If you are to play Tumbang Preso
game, one requires an empty can,
which serves as preso, a throwing
object such as a slipper, and a
circular barrier around the container,
which can be drawn directly into the
dirt, or using charcoal or chalk. ‘’ ‘’Yes, teacher because we
play it at home!’’
‘’Did you know that class? ‘’
‘’Ugh so you already know how to
play tis game already so let’s start’’

‘’How to play Tumbang Preso’’

 The one to guard the tin

can (preso) is called It, and
he/she is chosen by all the
players throwing the
pamato to the toe-line. ‘’We call it the “”it””
‘’What we call on the person guarding
the can class?’’

 The one who throws the

farthest from the toe-line
becomes the It.

 The other players will then

get at the back of the toe-
line, and the game starts at
a signal from the It.
Immediately the milk can is
knocked down, and the
pamato is retrieved.

 The It then starts putting it

up inside the circle, and the
tagged player becomes the
new It.

 In any case, the can is hit

and fall outside the drawn
circle but remains to stand,
then the It has all the rights
to tag the hitter once
he/she leaves the toe-line.

‘’The can may be kicked or knocked

down under when it is outside the
circle. ‘’ ‘’YES TEACHEEEER’’

‘’Supposing a hitter is unable to

retrieve his/her pamato, the other
hitters can save him/her by hitting the

‘’So class that’s the tumbang preso

game and the mechanics of the
game so are you ready to play
tumbang preso outside? ‘’

E Generalization Inquiry
In this phase teacher will ask based
questions and let student answer.
10 minutes
What is the main material when
playing tumbang preso?

How many players need to be

allowed to play the game?

What we call the person guarding the


Is your teacher is handsome?

After the lesson Performance

IV. evaluation base

The students play tumbang preso 20 minutes

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