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Mathematics 10 Quarter 3 - Module 4:

Problem Solving in Permutations and Combinations

Learning Competency
 Solve problems involving permutations and combinations

Lesson Proper
Permutation and combination are tricky in problem solving but there were easy tricks to easily
identify permutation and combination in a problem. It is the power of its “keywords”.

arrange, ordered ways, distinct ways, distinguish, unique and
many more arranging words

Types of Permutation Formula

without repetition: nPr =
n taken r at a time ( n−r ) !
with repetition: P(n, r) or nPr = n x n x …(r times)= n

n taken all at a time P = n!

Distinct or distinguishable n!
permutation p ! q !r ! …
Circular permutation P = (n – 1)!

select/selected, choice/choose, pick/picked, form/formed,
draw/drawn and many other combining terms
Types of Combination
without repetition: C (n, r) = ,n≥r
( n−r ) ! r !
n taken r at a time
(r +n−1)!
with repetition: C (n, r) =
r ! ( n−1 ) !

Solving Problems Involving Permutations

 Finding permutation of n different objects taken r at a time, without repetition
Example 1: How many 3-digit numbers can be uniquely arranged from the digits 1,2,3,6,
and 7 if repetition of digits is not allowed?

Solution: keyword: uniquely arranged

For 3-digit numbers, there are obviously three place value, namely, ones, tens and
hundreds place value. Since the repetition of digit is not allowed, there are 5 possible choices on
the hundreds value, 4 possible choices on the tens place value and 3 place value on the tens
digit. Using the Fundamental Counting Principle, 5 x 4 x 3 = 60 3-digit numbers. Using the
n Pr = , where n= 5 (composed of 1,2,3,6,7) and r = 3 (3-digit number)
( n−r ) !

5! 5x 4 x 3 x2!
5 P3 = = = 60
( 5−3 ) ! 2!
Therefore, there are 60 3-digit numbers can be formed.

Example 2: In how many ways can we arrange 6 different potted plants if we wish to arrange 4
of them in a row?
Solution: keyword: arranged
n! 6! 6 x5 x 4 x3 x2!
n = 6 and r =4, using the formula; Pr =
n = = = 360
( n−r ) ! ( 6−4 ) ! 2!
Therefore, there are 360 ways that we can arrange 6 different potted plants if
we wish to arrange 4 of them in a row.
 Finding permutation of n different objects taken r at a time, with repetition
Example 1: How many 4 - letter words with or without meaning can be arranged out of the
letters of the word “MODULES” when repetition of letters is allowed?
Solution: keyword: arranged
There are 7 letters, then n=7, r= 4 (4 letter word). The repetition of letters is allowed.
4 4
Using the formula; nPr = n x n x n … = n = 7 = 2,401

Therefore, there are 2,401 4-letter words can be formed.

Example 2: How many 3-digit codes can be arranged from the numbers 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 if
repetition of digits is allowed?
Solution: keyword: arranged
There are 10 digits, then n =10, and r = 3. Thus,
nPr = 10 x 10 x … (3 times) = 103 = 1,000
Therefore, there are 1,000 3-digit codes formed.

 Solving Permutation of n different object taken all at a time

Example 1: In how many ways can we arrange 6 different potted plants in a row?
Solution: keyword: arrange
n= 6, then, P = n! = 6! = (6)(5)(4)(3)(2)(1) = 720 ways.
Therefore, there are 720 ways that we can arrange
6 different potted plants in a row.
 Solving Distinguishable Permutations
(The number of distinguishable permutations, P, of n objects where p objects are alike, q objects
are alike, r objects are alike, and so on…)
Example 1: In how many distinguishable ways can we arrange the letters of the word
Solution: keyword: distinguishable ways
There are 10 letters of the word STATISTICS, n = 10,
Repeated letters are: S = 3 = p; T = 3 = q; and I = 2 = r.
n! 10 ! 3 ,628 , 800 3 ,628 , 800
Using the formula: P= = = = = 50,
p ! q ! r ! … 3! 3 ! 2 ! 6 x 6x 2 72
Therefore, there are 50, 400 distinguishable ways that we can arrange the
letters of the word STATISTICS.
Example 2: How many ways can 3 red, 4 yellow and 2 blue bulbs be arranged distinctly in a
string of Christmas tree lights with 9 sockets?

Solution: keyword: arranged distinctly
n = 9; p = 3 red; q=4 yellow and r = 2 blue.
Using the formula:
n! 9! 362,880 362,880
P= = = = = 1,260 ways.
p ! q ! r ! … 3! 4 ! 2 ! 6 x 24 x 2 288
Therefore, there are 1,260 ways that 3 red, 4 yellow and 2 blue bulbs can be
arranged in a string of Christmas tree lights with 9 sockets.

 Solving problems involving Circular Permutations

Example 1: In how many ways can 6 people be seated around a circular table?
Solution: keyword: ways - seated around
P = (n -1)! = (6 – 1)! = 5! = 5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1 = 120 ways
Therefore, there are 120 ways can 6 people be seated
around a circular table.
Example 2: In how many ways can 4 boys and 3 girls sit on a merry go round, where there are
no two girls sit together?
Solution: keyword: ways – sit on a merry go round
4 boys can be seated in a circular table in (4-1)! ways = 3! = 6 ways
There are 4 spaces between the boys, which can be occupied by 3 girls in
4! 4!
P (4,3) ways = = = 24 ways. Hence, the total number of ways is
( 4−1 ) ! 1 !
6 x P (4,3) = 6 x 24 = 144 ways.
Therefore, there are 144 ways that 4 boys and 3 girls can sit around a
circular table, so that no two girls sit together.

Solving Problems Involving Combinations

Solving Problem involving Combination without Repetition
Example 1: In how many ways can a committee consisting of 4 members be formed from 8
Solution: Keyword: formed
n = 8, r = 4. Using the formula,
n! 8! 8! 8 x7 x6 x 5x 4! 8 x7 x6 x 5
C (n, r) = = = = = = 70
( n−r ) ! r ! ( 8−4 ) ! 4 ! 4 ! 4 ! 4! 4! 4!
Therefore, there are 70 ways that a committee consisting of 4 members can
be formed from 8 people.
Example 2: In how many ways can a committee of 5 be formed from 5 junior and 7 senior
students if the committee must have 3 seniors?
Solution: Keyword: selected
a) Since there are 7 seniors, & we will be needing 3, so, n=7 and r = 3. Using the formula,
n! 7! 7!
C (n, r) = = C (7,3) = = = 35
( n−r ) ! r ! ( 7−3 ) ! 3 ! 4!3!
b) For 5 juniors; we will be taking 2 only to complete a committee of 5. So, n=5 and r = 2
n! 5! 5!
C (n, r) = = C (5,2) = = = 10
( n−r ) ! r ! ( 5−2 ) ! 2! 3! 2!
By the fundamental counting principle, for every 3 seniors, they can be grouped
with any 2 juniors.
So, 35 x 10 = 350
Therefore, there are 350 ways that a committee of 5 can be selected from 5
juniors and 7 senior students if the committee must have 3 seniors.

 Solving Problem involving Combination with Repetition

A combination with repetition of r objects from n is a way of selecting r objects from a list of n. The
selection rules are:
1. The order of selection does not matter (the same objects selected in different orders are
regarded as the same combination.
2. Each object can be selected more than once.

Example 1: There are 4 colored pens in the store. If you can buy 10 pieces with your money,
how many combinations can you make if repetition is allowed?
Solution: keyword: combinations – repetition is allowed
n= 4 and r = 10 (that may be repeated). Using the formula
(r + n−1)! (10+ 4−1)! 13 ! 13 x 12 x 11 x 10 ! 13 x 12 x 11
C (n, r) = = = = = = 286
r ! ( n−1 ) ! 10 ! ( 4−1 ) ! 10 !(3 !) 10!(3 !) 3!
Therefore, there are 286 possible combinations.
Example 2: Rowell has ₱50.00. He plans to spend this on pens worth ₱25.00 each. If there are
red-, blue-, black-, and violet-colored pens, how many different combinations of these pens can
he buy?

Solution: keyword: combinations

The order in which the pens are chosen does not actually matter. Moreover, pens can be
chosen more than once. Thus, the number of combinations of pens that Rowell can choose is the
number of possible combinations with repetition of 2 pens (2 pens can be bought from ₱50.00 if
each one costs ₱25.00) from 4. We have the following solution: n= 4; r = 2

(r + n−1)! (2+ 4−1) ! 5! 5x 4 x 3! 5x 4

C (n, r) = = = = = = 10
r ! ( n−1 ) ! 2 ! ( 4−1 ) ! 2!(3 !) 2 !(3!) 2!
Therefore, there are 10 different combinations of the pens that Rowell can buy.
Application (PERFORMANCE-Graded)
Directions: Solve the following problems. Write your solutions on a separate sheet of paper.
1. In how many ways can 10 boy scout members arrange themselves at a bonfire in a
circular position?
2. In how many distinguishable ways can we arrange the letters of the word
3. A platoon will select a Leader, Flag Bearer, and Secretary – from among 30 boy scout
members. How many ways can this three be selected from the platoon?
4. In how many ways can we arrange 10 boy scout members in a row?
5. A rover scout wants to buy an ice cream with the following flavors: rocky road,
chocolate, ube cheese, strawberry, and mango. In how many ways can he select 2 flavor
of ice cream for his members?
Directions: Encircle the letter of the correct answer.
How many 4 – digit numbers can be arranged from the digits 1, 3, 5, 6, 8, and 9 if repetition
is allowed?
1. In how many 4 – digit numbers can be arranged?
A. 360 B. 216 C. 1,296 D. 1,210
2. How many ways can we arrange 9 persons be seated in a round table?
A. 720 B. 5,040 C. 40,320 D. 362,880
3. How many possible ways can 11 bottle soft drinks be arranged if it has 3 Cokes, 5 Sprites
and 3 Royals?
A. 9, 240 B. 9, 550 C. 10,140 D. 10, 620

4. Donna has ₱25.00. She will use this money to buy cookies with 5 different flavors. Each
cookie is worth ₱5.00. How many combinations of these cookies can she buy?
A. 98 B. 126 C. 130 D. 146
5. A bookstore has 7 types of notebooks wherein you need to buy 3. How many different
selections can you make if repetition is allowed?
A. 32 B. 48 C. 84 D. 102

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