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An Explanation Text about How Flood Happened. The Process of

Socialization of Flood
Arranged as a partial of English subject taught by Sugiyanti, S.Pd.

By Group 8 Class Xll Science 2

1. Aulya Nanda R. (05)
2. Erwinati Ivana Y. (11)
3. Hireyna Shafa Z.M. (15)


February, 2022
We extends special thanks to the God for the blessing and
grace for we, so we can finish this paper on time. Thanks
to Madam Sugiyanti as the English teacher for who
always help her students and give a lot of useful
It is one of the assignments in English subject. It is
composed of the explanation text about How Flood
Happened. This is not a perfect model so we expects the
critic and suggestion in order to make it better.
Hopefully this paper can be used as a reference to learn
about the Explanation Text as How Flood Happened
Lasem, Februari 3, 2022

The Writer


PREFACE .............................................................................................

TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................

EXAMPLE OF THE EXPLANATION TEXT ......................................

TRANSLATION OF EXPLANATION TEXT......................................

ANALYSIS OF EXPLANATION TEXT...............................................

EXERCISES ON EXPLANATION TEXT............................................


Flood is a natural phenomenon which is the water from all the water
sources on the earth overflaw on resident living places. Flood is a
dangerous disaster for human living. Sometimes, flood caused by the
human activites. Flood happens in all part of the world. How is the
process of flood?
Flooding may result from the volume of water within a body of water
such as a river, lake, or ocean. Raining in high intensity and continually
along day is the major case of flooding cause. Regions that have two
seasons (near the equator) tend to have raining longer than regions
which have four seasons (about six months).
Besides, soil density also influences the incident of flood. Water from
the rain can’t be absorbed perfectly by the soil. While this happens, the
depth of water above the surface will higher and higher. Then it drowns
the surrounding area: office, houses, school, rice field, etc. Flood like
this often occur in urban areas.
Floods can be caused by two things, can result from human activity or
natural phenomena result from the extreme form of prolonged rain. The
main cause of most of the flooding is the excessive rainfall. The rain
may occur seasonally-region covering large areas, or from local storm
producing rainfall of high intensity. Most floods are caused by the
processes of the atmosphere or the ocean and high speed air currents.
Melting snow (happens in the 4-seasons State) is another major cause of
On the other hand, human activities can also be a potential disaster such
as floods and forest logging that is getting crowded. For the classically
logging, though not exactly true, the main suspect of flooding are
farmers, who cut down forests in upstream watershed. Settlement and
compacting the soil does not give a chance of rain water to seep into the
ground. Most water, then flow on the ground. Moreover, the river is
supported by an increasingly shallow and narrow river crowded with
inhabitants, and the blockage of water upstream area. Then came the
flood. In fact, once the flood happens in an area, the next flood will be
easier again. Because the pore surface covered with mud so that the soil
water is not able to penetrate.
Floods can cause some losses, both moral and material. As property in
the form of electronic devices can not be used anymore because of
submerged and other household equipment that is damaged. Floods that
are not too big do not give too bad impact to human lives. But if the
flood disaster in a large scale, it can also impact on human life.
Year to year, human always make development that cover the soil
without green places in any urban areas. Human only want to get much
adventages from that without think about how the effect from their do.
Factory also has contribution in making flood. Factory and human
littering the river that obstruct water circulation.
So, what we can do ? We must cooperate with govermant in Increasing
the green areas, make laws of illegal logging and changing people's
behavior to not make the river as a giant trash. Participation of all
elements of society must be organized and coordinated in order to run
effectively. A community organization should be formed to take early
action and organize public participation in flood mitigation.
To try to mitigate the risk, many governments mandate that residents of
flood-prone areas purchase flood insurance and set construction
requirements aimed at making buildings more flood resistant—with
varying degrees of success.

Banjir adalah salah satu bencana alam ketika curah hujan tinggi
di musim penghujan atau disebabkan kurangnya daerah resapan
air. Adanya banjir tentu menimbulkan dampak kerugian bagi
masyarakat. Oleh sebab itu, diperlukan cara pengendalian pada
daerah aliran sungai agar tidak menimbulkan luapan air.
Bagaimana banjir terbentuk??????? Banjir terjadi ketika air
menggenangi tanah yang biasanya kering, yang dapat terjadi
dalam banyak cara. Hujan yang berlebihan, bendungan atau
tanggul yang pecah , pencairan salju atau es yang cepat, atau
bahkan bendungan berang -berang yang ditempatkan secara
sayangnya dapat membanjiri sungai, menyebar ke daratan yang
berdekatan, yang disebut dataran banjir . Banjir pesisir terjadi
ketika badai besar atau tsunami menyebabkan air laut naik ke
daratan .
Sebagian besar banjir membutuhkan waktu berjam-jam atau
bahkan berhari-hari untuk berkembang, memberikan waktu bagi
penduduk untuk bersiap atau mengungsi. Lainnya menghasilkan
dengan cepat dan dengan sedikit peringatan. Apa yang disebut
banjir bandang bisa sangat berbahaya , langsung mengubah
aliran sungai atau bahkan aliran sungai kering menjadi arus
deras yang menyapu segala sesuatu yang dilaluinya ke hilir.
Perubahan iklim meningkatkan risiko banjir di seluruh dunia,
terutama di daerah pesisir dan dataran rendah, karena perannya
dalam peristiwa cuaca ekstrem dan naiknya air laut .
Peningkatan suhu yang menyertai pemanasan global dapat
berkontribusi pada badai yang bergerak lebih lambat dan
menurunkan lebih banyak hujan , menyalurkan uap air ke sungai
di atmosfer seperti yang menyebabkan hujan lebat dan banjir di
California pada awal 2019.
Sementara itu, gletser yang mencair dan faktor lainnya
berkontribusi terhadap kenaikan permukaan laut yang telah
menciptakan risiko banjir kronis jangka panjang untuk tempat-
tempat mulai dari Venesia, Italia hingga Kepulauan Marshall .
Lebih dari 670 komunitas AS akan menghadapi banjir berulang
pada akhir abad ini , menurut analisis 2017; itu sudah terjadi di
lebih dari 90 komunitas pesisir.
Untuk mencoba mengurangi risiko, banyak pemerintah
mengamanatkan agar penduduk daerah rawan banjir membeli
asuransi banjir dan menetapkan persyaratan konstruksi yang
bertujuan membuat bangunan lebih tahan banjirdengan berbagai
tingkat keberhasilan.
• a general statment
Flooding is a natural disaster when rainfall is high in the rainy
season or is caused by a lack of water catchment areas. The
existence of floods certainly causes losses for the community.
Therefore, it is necessary to control the watershed so as not to
cause overflow of water.

• A sequence

How floods form

A flood occurs when water inundates land that's normally dry,
which can happen in a multitude of ways.

Excessive rain, a ruptured dam or levee, rapid melting of snow

or ice, or even an unfortunately placed beaver dam can
overwhelm a river, spreading over the adjacent land, called a
floodplain. Coastal flooding occurs when a large storm or
tsunami causes the sea to surge inland.
Most floods take hours or even days to develop, giving residents
time to prepare or evacuate. Others generate quickly and with
little warning. So-called flash floods can be extremely
dangerous, instantly turning a babbling brook or even a dry
wash into rushing rapids that sweep everything in their path

Climate change is increasing the risk of floods worldwide,

particularly in coastal and low-lying areas, because of its role in
extreme weather events and rising seas. The increase in
temperatures that accompanies global warming can contribute to
hurricanes that move more slowly and drop more rain, funneling
moisture into atmospheric rivers like the ones that led to heavy
rains and flooding in California in early 2019. Meanwhile,
melting glaciers and other factors are contributing to a rise in sea
levels that has created long-term, chronic flooding risks for
places ranging from Venice, Italy to the Marshall Islands. More
than 670 U.S. communities will face repeated flooding by the
end of this century, according to a 2017 analysis; it's happening
in more than 90 coastal communities already.

• Closing
To try to mitigate the risk, many governments mandate that
residents of flood-prone areas purchase flood insurance and set
construction requirements aimed at making buildings more flood
resistant—with varying degrees of success.

1. What is flooding
Answer: Flooding is a natural disaster when rainfall is high in
the rainy season or is caused by a lack of water catchment areas.

2. How floods form

Answer: A flood occurs when water inundates land that's
normally dry, which can happen in a multitude of ways

3. how coastal flooding occurs

Answer: when a large storm or tsunami causes the sea to surge

4. how Climate change is increasing the risk of floods

worldwide, particularly in coastal and low-lying areas?
Answer: because of its role in extreme weather events and rising

5. how long does a flood take?

Answer: take hours or even days to develop, giving residents
time to prepare or evacuate.

6. why flash floods can be extremely dangerous?

Answer: instantly turning a babbling brook or even a dry wash
into rushing rapids that sweep everything in their path

7. what increasing the risk of floods worldwide

Answer: Climate change

8. how many US communities have faced repeated flooding this

Answer: More than 670

9. what purchase flood insurance

Answer: at making buildings more flood resistant with varying
degrees of success.

10. What are the government's efforts to reduce the risk of

damaged buildings?
Answer: many governments mandate that residents of flood-
prone areas purchase flood insurance and set construction
requirements aimed


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