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Answer the following in your own words:

1. Differentiate types of weir. (5pts)

A weir is basically an obstruction in the flow path in an open channel. The weir will cause an
increase in the water depth as the water flows over the weir. In general, the greater the flow rate,
the greater will be the increase in depth of flow, the height of water above the top of the weir is the
measurement usually used to correlate with flow rate.
According to crest:
a. Sharp-crested weir - a weir with a sharp upstream corner or edge such that the water springs
clear of the crest is a sharp- crested weir.
b. Board-crested weir - these are constructed only in rectangular shape and are suitable for the
larger flows. Head loss will be small in case of broad crested weir.
c. Contracted weir - the crest is cut in the shape of a notch and is similar to a rectangular weir.
Head loss is going to occur in this type. It was often considered an “unsuppressed” weir.
d. Suppressed weir - the crest runs all the way through the river so the head loss is marginal.
This is the horizontal flow contraction that is “suppressed.”
According to shape:
a. Rectangular Weir - rectangular notch, symmetrically located in a vertical thin plate which is
placed perpendicular to the sides and bottom of a straight channel, is defined as a rectangular
sharp-crested weir.
b. Triangular Weir - the form of the weir is basically a reverse triangle like V, so it’s often called V-
notch weir. This kind of wire is well suited for calculating discharge over small flows with greater
c. Cipolleti Weir - the crest and sides of the weir plate are placed far enough from the bottom and
sides of the approach channel to produce full contraction.
d. Trapezoidal Weir - it is also trapezoidal in form and alters the rectangular weir with such a
slightly greater potential for about the same crest weight.
e. Contracted Weir - the crest is cut in the form of notch and then it is similar to rectangular weir.
Head loss will occur in this type.

2. What have you learned after the discussion? (5pts)

In this discussion, I have learned the different types and classifications of weirs. Weirs are highly
useful hydraulic tools that allow engineers to manage and control water height, velocity, and most
importantly they can be used to calculate discharge.
Answer the following in your own words:
1. Discuss reynolds number. (5pts)
The Reynolds number represents the ratio of a fluid's inertial forces to its viscous force. Inertial force involves force
due to the momentum of the mass of flowing fluid. Think of it as a measure of how difficult it would be to change the
velocity of a flowing fluid. Viscous forces deal with the friction of a flowing fluid. Think of pouring a cup of tea versus
pouring cooking oil. The cooking oil has a higher viscosity because it's more resistant to flow. We can determine
whether fluid flow is laminar or turbulent based on the Reynolds number. If the Reynolds number is less than 2300,
the flow is laminar. Any Reynolds number over 4000 indicates turbulent flow. In between these values
indicates transient flow, which means the fluid flow is transitioning between laminar and turbulent flow. This usually
happens only for a short period of time at the beginning or end of fluid flow when a valve or faucet is turned on or off.
Let's look at the equation for the Reynolds number.

2. Discuss velocity distribution in pipes. (5pts)

The shape of the velocity curve depends upon whether the flow is laminar or turbulent. If the flow
in a pipe is laminar, the velocity distribution at a cross section will be parabolic in shape with the
maximum velocity at the center being about twice the average velocity in the pipe. In turbulent
flow, a fairly flat velocity distribution exists across the section of pipe, with the result that the entire
fluid flows at a given single value.

3. Discuss shearing stress in pipes. (5pts)

Shearing stress refers to a type of shear which makes the shearing surfaces to glide toward each other in opposite
directions. It is symbolized by t w. It is more generally referred as the ratio of shear force to the area of mating surfaces.
4. Discuss headloss. (5pts)
Within a pipe, frictional contact with the walls means that fluid flow is highest on the
pipe axis and effectively zero at the pipe wall. The frictional contact causes a pressure
and energy loss along the pipe and this is much greater with turbulent flow. Whereas
with a laminar flow, pressure loss is proportional to pipe velocity, in turbulent flow it is
proportional to its square.
5. Discuss series and parallel pipe. (5pts)
Pipes are said to be in series if they are connected end to end (in continuation with each other) so that
the fluid flows in a continuous line without any branching. The volume rate of flow through the pipes in
series is the same throughout. Pipes are said to be in parallel when they are so connected that the flow
from a pipe branches or divides into two or more separate pipes and then reunite into a single pipe.
Similarly when a number of pipes be connected in parallel, then also, the total loss of head in the
system is equal to the loss of head in any one of the pipes.

6. What have you learned after the discussion? (5pts)

In this module, I have learned that reynolds number does have several practical applications in the
real-time world. It’s primary application is the analysis of the flow of a fluid in a cross-sectional
area. It is used to display and to assess the velocity at which the flow transits from laminar to
turbulent. I also learned about the velocity distribution in pipes, shearing stress in pipes, the
different types of head loss which is minor and major loss, and the difference between series and
parallel pipes.

 I also learned the different types of head loss which is minor and major loss. 

I also learned the difference between series and parallel pipes

The Reynolds Number does have several practical applications in the real-time world! The
Reynolds Number's primary application is the analysis of the flow of a fluid in a cross-sectional
area. It helps determine the velocity at which the flow transits from laminar to turbulent. The
Reynolds Number is applied in determining the behaviours of different liquids.

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