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Evolution is the change or gradual process of things which can be positive or negative, in
history the evolution in technology has been something relevant and technology has not
been left behind in its own evolution, rather it is something that has always It is constantly
changing, but what has this evolution brought with it? What has changed during this
process from how life was before and how it is now with this technology? Answering these
questions is something that we can observe and we can also remember how things were
before, we start to think what advantages and disadvantages existed before and in the same
way what advantages and disadvantages we can observe now. For this we will see below
some comparisons of the past and the present with technology.
Speaking from a social point of view, in the past communication with people who were far
away was something limited and not everyone could access it, but nowadays this is an
advantage because in a matter of seconds, or with a call from a cell phone, you can
communicate with someone miles away. Also on the social side we can mention a
disadvantage of the present due to the influence of technology on people now relationships
or communication with people who are close to us, with whom we live and see every day,
this technology is a disadvantage because it does not We talk to them, we don't hang out
that much, and this was an advantage before your close relationships were solid because
they could sit down and talk without being interrupted by a cell phone, a television, etc.
Now from the point of view of the person as a human resource, technology has become a
disadvantage, because nowadays people are needed less to work in a factory, a machine can
easily replace their work, but in the past the person was part essential in that environment,
to be able to do a job, which gave more employment opportunities and on the other hand,
now people are being fired and there are fewer employment opportunities since a machine
can easily replace their work. Among other important points of how life was before and
how it is now with technology we can mention medicine and health, it is remarkable that
technology has been an advantage because now thanks to this technology there are more
advanced and effective methods in the present treat diseases and have more effective
medicine. If we see the intellectual side or the use of information, before we had to study
several books to learn about a topic, but nowadays with technology we only have to write
the topic we are looking for in a search engine and it already gives us many options about
the topic, in some even in a simplified way, this can be taken as an advantage and a
disadvantage, a disadvantage because the habit of reading has been lost, and an advantage
because it is easier to access information.
So we can see that in the past we did not have this technology that we now have for our
daily lives in all aspects, which has come to benefit but also brings drawbacks, what makes
the difference or can mark a positive point is the way in which we use technology, we must
be wise, intelligent and prudent to give technology an adequate use, so that it is far from
affecting our lives in the present and the future is something positive and something that
benefits us makes us a better life easier, but at the same time it does not take us away from
enjoying the little things that we have always had around us.

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