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Total analysis of the food record:   

Nama : Nadia vega

Nim : 7113411121042

1.Rata rata konsumsi nasi dalam per hari : 400 gram

energy     1443,6 kcal

water     -    g
protein (8%) 26,8    g
fat (1%) 2,4    g
carbohydr. (91%) 318,0 g
dietary fiber 3,2    g
alcohol (0%) -    g
PUFA 1,2    g
cholesterol 0,0 mg
Vit. A     0,0 µg
carotene     - mg
Vit. E (eq.)     0,0 mg
Vit. B1 0,2 mg
Vit. B2 0,2 mg
Vit. B6 0,6 mg
tot. fol.acid 24,0 µg
Vit. C     0,0 mg
sodium     0,0 mg
potassium 324,0 mg
calcium 32,0 mg
magnesium 144,0 mg
phosphorus     412,0 mg
iron 2,4 mg
zinc 4,4 mg

2.Konsumsi per hari Protein Hewani (uji dalam nutri survey)

Total analysis of the food record:   

energy 230,5 kcal

water     -    g
protein (29%) 16,0    g
fat (50%) 12,6    g
carbohydr. (22%) 12,0    g
dietary fiber 0,7    g
alcohol (0%) -    g
PUFA 4,1    g
cholesterol 279,4 mg
Vit. A 119,5 µg
carotene     - mg
Vit. E (eq.)     2,2 mg
Vit. B1 0,1 mg
Vit. B2 0,3 mg
Vit. B6 0,1 mg
tot. fol.acid 32,7 µg
Vit. C     0,5 mg
sodium 92,3 mg
potassium 234,5 mg
calcium 36,8 mg
magnesium 23,2 mg
phosphorus     231,3 mg
iron 1,1 mg
zinc 1,1 mg

Databases Melalu APL SPSS : sumber protein

Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Jml_smbr_Pro 1 16.00 16.00 16.0000 .

Valid N (listwise) 1

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