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Lesson Plan

English 3

Date & Time: Grade & Section: 3

I. Objective: Recognize adverbs of manner.

Code: EN3G-IVi-j-6.1

II. Subject Matter:

A. Topic: Adverbs of manner
B. Reference: LM pp. 355-357, TG pp. 407-409
C. Materials: Story “A Plan”, flashcards and manila paper
D. Value Focus: Be happy and learn to appreciate small things in life.

III. Procedure
Teacher’s activity Student’s Activity
A. Preparatory Activities:
1. Review :
Today, before we discuss our new lesson,
let us have a review first regarding our
previous lesson.
Direction: Read the following
sentences. Underline the adverbs.
1. The girls danced gracefully
2. The children listen
3. Alex runs quickly.
4. Ana dances well.
Now, can you tell me what are the adverbs used in
the sentences? The adverbs in the ff. sentences are:


2. Motivation:

I had prepared here a song for you to sing titled

“Row, row your boat”. And surely, you know this
Everybody sing with me.
Row, row, row your boat
Gently down the stream
Merrily, merrily, merrily,merrily
Life is but a dream. (2x) It’s all about sailing.
So what was the song all about?
Yes teacher.
Do you love sailing too?

Sounds great!

Now, As you heard the song, what are the The adverbs present in the song are gently and
adverbs present in the song? merrily.


B. Developmental Activities
1. Presentation:
This time, we are going to read a story titled,
“A Plan”. Children, kindly listen as I read to
you the story because afterwards, I will be
asking you some questions.
(Read the story)

“A Plan”
Jeanette V. Sison

“Yehey, it’s vacation time,” shouted

Miguel. “School days are over,” added
Samantha. “Let us start planning our
Summer Vacation!” Father shortly added.
Suddenly, Mang Cardo the postman
called loudly outside for mother. “Aling
Martha, you have a letter from your brother,”
he yelled.
Mother eagerly went outside to get the
letter from him. “I seldom receive a letter
from Anton,” she wondered.
“Anton is inviting us to have a vacation
in Baguio City. We never had a chance to
visit him and his family,” she smiled.
“That is good! It will be a treat for all
of us,” father warmly added. Samantha and Yes teacher.
Miguel giggled happily about the good
news. It’s all about a plan for a vacation.

Have you enjoyed listening to story?

Yes teacher.
That’s great!
What was the story all about? Because it makes us happy and enjoy life.
Good answer!
How about you children, do you love going on a
trip or in a vacation?

Why? How does it feel?

Sounds great!

Now, I am going to give you some sentences and

what you are going to do is:
Direction: Underline the adverbs used
in the sentence.
1. Mang Cardo, the postman, called
loudly outside for mother. Yes ma’am.
2. Mother eagerly went outside to get
the letter from him.
3. Samantha and Miguel giggled
happily about the good news.

Are you done?

The adverb of manner in the sentence is loudly.
Good job! Let us answer.
(Read the sentences)

1. Mang Cardo, the postman, called

loudly outside for mother. The adverb in the sentence is eagerly.
How did Mang Cardo call the mother in
sentence 1?

2. Mother eagerly went outside to get The adverb present in the sentence is happily.
the letter from him.
How did mother go outside in sentence

3. Samantha and Miguel giggled

happily about the good news.
How did Samantha and Miguel giggle?

Excellent answers!
Because our today’s lesson is all about adverbs
of manner. So what is an adverb of manner?
Pupils, kindly listen as I discuss this to you
because afterwards, we will be having
activities and questions to be answered.
2. Discussion:
Words that answer the question “How?” are
called adverbs of manner. It tells us the way or
how something is done. Adverbs of manner are
usually adjectives that end with –ly.

For example: beautifully

Beautiful + ly = beautifully
Soft + ly = softly

Let us use it in a sentence. Adverbs

Ana plays piano beautifully. Because they tell how something is done.
How did Ana play piano?

Ana plays piano softly.

How did Ana play piano? Adverbs of manner tell us the way something is
done. It answers the question how.
Amazing! So how do we call the words
beautifully, softly, and terribly? The example of adverbs of manner are:
Hardly, lovingly, sincerely, sadly, faithfully

3. Generalization
Again, what is adverb of manner?

Can you give examples?


Let’s proceed.

C. Post Activities
1. Guided Practice
At this moment, we will be having a
group activity, let me divide you into groups of
four or five members. Then, I’m going to
provide you an activity sheets about adverbs of
manner. (group the pupils)
What you are going to do is:
Direction: Complete the sentence by (pupils do their activity)
changing the adjective inside the phrase
into an adverb. Yes ma’am.
Example: Alex sings (loud)
_____________. Answer: loudly

1. The boy speaks (harsh) ____________. (each group recited their answers)
2. The children run (swift) ____________. -Harshly
3. Raymond listens (attentive)_________. -Swiftly
4. Karen greeted the guest (polite)______. -Attentively
5. Rodel works (careful) _____________. -Politely
Are you done with your activity?

Good job!

Let us answer. (read the sentences then answer)

Very good! Let us give a round of applause to

each group for an amazing performance in this

2. Small Group Activity

For another activity, you’re going to form three

Direction: Let each group write five sentences Yes teacher.

using any of the adverbs written on the board.
Pupils present their outputs in a class. (Pupils reported their answers)

List of Adverbs
Neatly quickly
Frankly successfully
(Answers may vary)
Nicely slowly
Cheerfully correctly
Are you done with your activity?

Well done! Let us hear the answers of each group.

Let us give a clap for each group for they had

reported well.

Here are some of the examples.

1. She dresses neatly.
2. Marry told me frankly the rumors.
3. The dog sits nicely.
4. Ana dances cheerfully.
5. John walks to the classroom quietly.
6. The bus arrived quickly.
7. Carlo made a cake successfully.
8. Sheila walks slowly.
9. Kean answered the questions correctly. Yes ma’am.
10. The girl honestly told the story to her
teacher. 1. Sadly
2. Clearly
3. Independent Practice 3. Gently
For your individual activity, change the 4. Wisely
underlined words into adverbs of manner. Do
this in your notebook.
1. “I got a low score in the test”, Angel sad told
her mother.
2. The little boy writes his name clear.
3. Mother gentle wipes my tears.
4. Gerald answers the question wise.

Are you done?

Let’s answer.

IV. Evaluation:
Direction: Circle the adverb of manner in each sentence. Do this in your notebook.

1. George listens carefully.

2. The boy ran quickly.
3. Edward did her work quietly.
4. The teacher sits nicely.
5. Gaile wears her slippers properly.

E. Assignment
Direction: Give 5 examples of adjective then change it into adverb of manner. Use
it in a sentence.

Prepared by: Maisy Hope D. Vargas

Teacher 1 Applicant

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