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Nama : Ni Putu Ayu Marina

No Absen : 19

NIM : 2002622010455

Program Studi : Akuntansi

1 20 Kind of jobs & their description

No Jobs Name English Indonesia

1 Nurse - Treating - Merawat pasien
(Perawat) patient - Memberikan obat
- Give the - Memberikan
medicine perhatian kepada
- Give attention pasien
for patient
2 Tailor ( Penjahit) - Measure the - Mengukur kain
cloth - Menjahit ain
- Sewing the - Menyelesaikan
cloth pakaian tepat waktu
- Finishing the
cloths on time
3 Waiter (Pelayan Pria) - Serving the - Melayani makanan
guest food tamu
- Give - Memberikan
Attention for perhatian kepaa
the guest tamu
- Ensure the - Memastikan orderan
guest order tamu
4 Police ( Police) - Manage the - Mengatur lalu lintas
traffic - Menjaga keamanan
- Maintain masyarakat
Security for - Menegakan hukum
- Law
5 Teacher (Guru) - Educating and - Mendidik dan
teaching the mengajar siswa
students - Mengembangkan
- Expend the keterampilan dan
students skills ilmu pengetahuan
and siswa
6 FisherMan (Nelayan) - Cathing fish - Menangkap ikan
- And then sell - Kemudian
it to the menjualnya ke
customer pelanggan
7 Pilot ( Pilot) - Driving a - Mengemudikan
plane pesawat
- Ensure - Memastikan
passanger safe kemanan
8 Soldier ( Tentara) - Mantain - Mempertahankan
territorial keutuhan wilayah
integrity - Melindungi wilayah
- Protect the
9 Pharmacist (Apoteker) - Designing - Mendesain obat
mediciene - Menjaga kualitas
- Maintain the obat tetap baik
mediciene is
10 Actress (Artis) - Acting - Berakting sesuai
according to dengan adegan
the scene
11 Architect ( Arsitek) - Desaining - Mrancang bangunan
Buildings - Mengawasi
- Supervise konstruksi bangunan

12 Bidan( Midwife) - Monitor and - Memantau dan

examine memeriksa ibu
pregnant hamil
women until - Sampai melahirkan
give birth to a bayi
13 Chef (Koki) - Prepareing the - Mempersiapkan
guest meals makanan tamu

14 Mechanic (Montir) - Check the - Mengecek kondisi

condition of kendaraan
the - Memperbaiki mesin
transportation teknis kendaraan
- Repair the
machine of
the transport
15 Painter (Pelukis) - Creating and - Menciptakan dan
painting two melukis karya dua
dimensional dimensi berupa
works of art lukisan
in the form
16 Accounting (Akuntan) - Making - Membuat laporan
financial keuangan
report - Memastikan
- Ensure the keseimbangan
balance of laporan keuangan
17 Engineering (Teknisi) - Ensure works - Memastikan
safety keselamatan kerja
- Repair the - Memperbaiki
technical error kesalahan teknis
18 Gardener (Tukang - Keep the - Menjaga kebersihan
Kebun) environment lingkungan

19 Marketing ( Pemasaran) - Preparing and - Merencanakan dan

set mnetapkan harga
promotional promosi
price - Melayani pelanggan
- Serve
20 Bartender (Pelayan Bar) - Make and - Membuat dan
serve drink menyajikan
for the guest minuman untuk

2. 10 Sentences tell about country and nationality

1. Jion is from Malaysia He is a Malaysian

2. Sakura is from Japan She eats Japanese meatball
3. Viola is from Italia He dances Italian ballet
4 Margarete is from Prancis She is Franch designer
5. Jake is from Netherland He sing Dutch songs
6. Smith is from Spanish He speaks Spaniard language
7. Mike is from Austraila He drinks Australian softdrink
8. Ling Jean is from China She eats Chinese fried rice
9. Ahmad is from India He sing Indian songs
10. Chirs is from Scotlandia He speaks Scottish language

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