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Analysis of simultaneous interpreting

Prepared by Viktoria Husar

Group: IHP-25

Source: video “The meeting of Kyiv educators with the President of the International
Association of School Principals Ari Pokka”.


The meeting was organized by Ranok Publishing House. During this conference next topics were
discussed (covered):

 Disadvantages of previous Ukrainian educational system;

 Implying NUS (New Ukrainian School) and its basics.

The language and the vocabulary of this extract were accessible; the speaker didn’t use complex
terminology. The interpreter prepared in advance for this conference. He was able to convey text
from the SL to the TL and vice-verse. Also, as the matter of fact, before the meeting the
interpreter received a presentation from Ari Pokka (speaker) and translated it. Moreover during
Pokka’s speech he was obliged to present it and monitor speaker’s requests.

*REMARK: the SL speaker (Ari Pokka) isn’t an English native speaker. He made some
grammatical and lexical mistakes which stump the interpreter. Nevertheless, Pokka has a
sufficient command of the English language.

Downsides of the interpretation:

 Stalling between the sentences;

 Insertion of unnecessary information:

Speaker: “To see at this time so many Kiev educators and the people like faraway from different
parts of Ukraine make me very humble…”

Interpreter: “Мені дуже приємно бачити таку велику кількість освітян у цьому залі, які
приїхали не тільки з Києва, а й з інших куточків України. Я почуваю себе трошки таким

My variant: “Побачивши таку велику кількість освітян з Києва та інших куточків України,
я почуваю себе сором’язливо…”

Speaker: “It tells these people who are working with education business in Ukraine are really
interested to develop themselves and share their ideas and learn maybe a little bit more , but also
to make a new time networks which helps schools to develop themselves.”

Interpreter: “Я думаю, що ви приїхали сюди з такою метою, щоб почути, але й також
навчитися чогось і розвивати певні якісні мережеві стосунки.”
My variant: “Я вважаю, що присутні тут працівники української освітньої системи
прагнуть самовдосконалитися, дізнатися щось нове та встановити сучасні інтернет-

 Inappropriate equivalents:

Make me very humble – таким смиренним…

My variant: почуваю себе сором’язливо.

A new time networks – певні якісні мережеві стосунки….

My variant: якісні/сучасні/новітні інтернет-зв’язки.

Even more flexible - більш таким гнучким.

My variant: більш кмітливий.

Advantages of the interpretation:

 Selection of information;
 Summary of information:

Speaker: “So the main question I think today is not only to speak about Finnish system, but also
is to think about it and how will you make the best Ukrainian system of education for your

Interpreter: “І взагалі, хоча ми будемо говорити про фінську систему освіти,то основне
питання – це як викластися на повну і як зробити вашу освітню систему найкращою..”

 Proper paraphrasing:

All the good ideas, take them – гарні ідеї беріть на озброєння

When I first time came in Kyiv it was year 1987- вперше я приїхав до Києва в 1987 р.

…you are the one who have all the keys to success – ви маєте всі шанси для того щоб стати


The interpreter did outstanding work. He managed to proceed comprehensible translation.

Also he was able not to get sidetracted by speaker’s accent and mistakes. To my opinion,
some equivalents of his and paraphrases were inappropriate. This interpreter should
expend his vocabulary and improve memory and listening skill.

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