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laf{kIr ikB~;Øe

¼vdknfed o"kZ& 2021&22½

d{kk& 12

fo"k;%& fgUnh ¼dksj½
;fn fdlh p;fur
lhfer ikB~;dze
ikB ds fdlh mi[kaM
ikB gsrq p;fur ikB
ikB dk uke dks p;fur ugh fd;k
la[;k dk uke
x;k gS rks ml
mi[kaM dk uke
a पद्य खंड (आरोह-2)
1 हरिवंश िाय बच्चन gk¡
2 आलोक धन्वा - पतंग ugha
3 कुँ वि नािायण gk¡ बात सीधी थी पि
4 िघवीि सहाय gk¡
5 मक्ततबोध gk¡
6 शमशेि gk¡
7 ननिाला gk¡
8 तलसीदास gk¡
9 फििाक गोिखपिी gk¡
10 उमाशंकि जोशी- ugha
गद्य खंड (आरोह-2)
1 महादे वी वमाा- भक्ततन gk¡
2 जैनेंद्र कमाि- बाजाि दशान gk¡
3 धमावीि - काले मेघा पानी दे gk¡
4 िणीश्वि नाथ िे ण - पहलवान की ढोलक gk¡
5 ववष्ण खिे - चाली चैक्ललन यानी हम सब ugha
6 िक्जया सज्जाद जहीि - नमक नह ं
7 हजािी प्रसाद द्वववेदी - शशिीष के िूल ugha
बाबा साहे ब आंबेडकि
8 1.श्रम ववभाजन औि जानत प्रथा gk¡
2.मेिी कल्पना का आदशा समाज
1 मनोहि श्याम जोशी- शसल्वि वैडडंग gk¡
2 आनंद यादव- जूझ gk¡
3 ओम थानवी - अतीत में दबे पाुँव ugha
4 ऐन फ्रैंक - डायिी के पन्ने gk¡
vfHkO;fDr ,oa ek/;e ¼iwoZor½ ह ाँ
vifBr cks/k rFkk jpukRed ys[ku ह ाँ

fo"k; % fgUnh ,sfPNd
;fn fdlh
p;fur ikB ds
lhfer ikB~;dze gsrq fdlh mi[kaM dks
ikB dk uke p;fur ikB dk uke p;fur ugh
¼gk¡@ugha½ fd;k x;k gS rks
ml mi[kaM dk
काव्य खंड (अंतरा -2)
1 जयशंकि प्रसाद हाुँ
2 सय
ू क
ा ांत त्रिपाठी 'ननिाला हाुँ
3 अज्ञेय ugha
4 केदािनाथ शसंह ugha
5 ववष्ण खिे हाुँ
6 िघवीि सहाय हाुँ
7 तलसीदास हाुँ
8 जायसी- बािहमासा gkW
9 ववद्यापनत- पद ugha
10 केशवदास- िामचंद्रद्रका ugha
11 घनानंद- कववत्त/सवैया gkW
गद्य खंड (अंतरा -2)
1 िामचंद्र शतल - प्रेमघन की छायास्मनृ त gkW
2 चंद्रधि शमाा गलेिी- सशमरिनी के मनके gkW
3 ब्रजमोहन व्यास- कच्चा चचट्ठा ugha

4 िणीश्वि नाथ िे ण- संवाद्रदया gkW

5 साहनी- गांधी, नेहरू औि यास्सेि अिािात हाुँ

6 असगि वजाहत - शेि,पहचान, चाि हाथ, साझा gkW
7 ननमाल वमाा - जहाुँ कोई वापसी नहीं gkW
8 िामववलास शमाा- यथास्मै िोचते ववश्वम ugha
9 ममता काशलया- दस
ू िा दे वदास gkW
10 हजािी प्रसाद द्वववेदी- कटज ugha
1 प्रेमचंद - सूिदास की झोपडी gkW
2 संजीव - आिोहण ugha

3 ववश्वनाथ त्रिपाठी- ववस्कोहि की माटी gkW

;fn fdlh
p;fur ikB ds
lhfer ikB~;dze gsrq fdlh mi[kaM dks
ikB dk uke p;fur ikB dk uke p;fur ugh
¼gk¡@ugha½ fd;k x;k gS rks
ml mi[kaM dk
प्रभाष जोशी-
4 gkW
अपना मालवा:खाऊ-उजाडू सभ्यता में
vfHkO;fDr ,oa ek/;e ¼iwoZor½ ह ाँ
vifBr cks/k rFkk jpukRed ys[ku ¼iwoZor½ ह ाँ

fo"k; % fgUnh ^c* ¼ikB~; iqLrd&f{kfrt&2½

;fn fdlh p;fur
lhfer ikB~;dze
ikB ds fdlh mi[kaM
ikB gsrq p;fur ikB dk
ikB dk uke dks p;fur ugh fd;k
la[;k uke
x;k gS rks ml
mi[kaM dk uke
1 क्षिनतज-2 काव्य खंड: सूिदास-पद हाुँ
2 तलसीदास- िाम-लक्ष्मण-पिशिाम संवाद नहीं
3 दे व- सवैया, कववत्त नहीं
4 जयशंकि प्रसाद- आत्मकथ्य नहीं
सूया कान्त त्रिपाठी 'ननिाला'- उत्साह, अट नहीं
िही है हाुँ
6 नागाजन
ा - यह दन्तरित मस्कान, िसल हाुँ
7 चगरिजा कमाि माथि- छाया मत छूना हाुँ
8 ऋतिाज- कन्यादान हाुँ
9 मंगलेश डबिाल- संगतकाि नहीं
10 गद्य खंड: स्वयं प्रकाश- नेता जी का चश्मा हाुँ
11 िामवि
ृ बेनीपिी- बालगोत्रबन भगत हाुँ
12 यशपाल- लखनवी अंदाज़ नहीं
सवेश्वि दयाल सतसेना- मानवीय करुणा की
द्रदव्य चमक हाुँ
14 मन्नू भंडािी- एक कहानी यह भी हाुँ
महावीि प्रसाद द्वववेदी - स्िी शशिा के वविोधी
कतकों का खंडन नहीं
16 यतीन्द्र शमश्र-नौबतखाने में इबादत हाुँ
17 भदं त आनंद कौसल्यायन- संस्कृनत नहीं
O;kdj.k ,oa jpuk Hkkx

;fn fdlh p;fur
lhfer ikB~;dze
ikB ds fdlh mi[kaM
ikB gsrq p;fur ikB dk
ikB dk uke dks p;fur ugh fd;k
la[;k uke
x;k gS rks ml
mi[kaM dk uke
1 la{ksi.k ;k lkj&ys[ku gk¡
2 eqgkojk ,oa yksdksfDr;k¡ gk¡
3 laKk] loZuke] fo'ks"k.k gk¡
4 'kCn :i] milxZ&izR;; gk¡
5 drkZ ^us* fpUg~u dk iz;ksx] lekl gk¡

fo"k;%& vaxzsth
;fn fdlh p;fur ikB ds
ikB~;dze gsrq
ikB fdlh mi[kaM dks p;fur ugh
ikB dk uke p;fur ikB
la[;k fd;k x;k gS rks ml mi[kaM
dk uke
dk uke
1 Reading Comprehension Yes
2 Note Making and Summary Writing Yes
4 i) Letters to Editor Yes
ii) Official Letters
5 i) Report Writing Yes
6 i) Article Writing Yes
Textbook (Flamingo)
1 The Last Lesson Yes
2 Lost Spring Yes
3 Deep Water Yes
4 The Rattrap Yes
5 Indigo Yes
6 Poets and Pancakes No
7 The Interview Part-I Part-II No
8 Going Places Yes
1 My Mother At Sixty Six Yes
An Elementary School Classroom In
2 A Slum Yes
3 Keeping Quiet Yes
4 A Thing Of Beauty Yes
5 A Road Side Stand Yes
6 Aunt Jennifer's Tigers No
Text Book (Vistas)
1 The Third Level No
2 The Tiger King Yes
3 Journey To The End Of The Earth Yes
4 The Enemy Yes

;fn fdlh p;fur ikB ds
ikB~;dze gsrq
ikB fdlh mi[kaM dks p;fur ugh
ikB dk uke p;fur ikB
la[;k fd;k x;k gS rks ml mi[kaM
dk uke
dk uke
5 Should Wizard Hit Mommy Yes
6 On The Face Of It Yes
7 Evans Tries An O-Level No
8 Memories Of Childhood Yes
i) The Cutting of My Long Hair i) The Cutting Of My Long
9 ii) We Too Are Human Beings Yes Hair

English Elective
;fn fdlh p;fur
lhfer ikB~;dze gsrq ikB ds fdlh mi[kaM
ikB la[;k ikB dk uke p;fur ikB dk uke dks p;fur ugh
¼gk¡@ugha½ fd;k x;k gS rks ml
mi[kaM dk uke
1 Unseen Passage Yes
2 Unseen Poem Yes
An Essay On Argumentative/ Yes
Discursive /Topic
4 Composition- Article/Report/ Speech Yes Article/ Speech
5 Editing Yes
6 Narration Yes
Text Book (Kaleidoscope)
Short Stories
1 I Sell My Dreams Yes
2 Eveline Yes
3 A Wedding in Brownsville Yes
4 Tomorrow No
5 One Centimetre Yes
1 A Lecture Upon The Shadow Yes
2 Poems By Milton Yes
3 Poems By Blake No
4 Kubla Khan Yes
5 Trees Yes
6 The Wild Swans of Coole Yes
7 Time And Time Again Yes
8 Blood Yes
1 Freedom Yes
2 The Mark On The Wall No
3 Film-Making Yes
4 Why The Novel Matters Yes
5 The Argumentative Indian No
6 On Science Fiction No

;fn fdlh p;fur
lhfer ikB~;dze gsrq ikB ds fdlh mi[kaM
ikB la[;k ikB dk uke p;fur ikB dk uke dks p;fur ugh
¼gk¡@ugha½ fd;k x;k gS rks ml
mi[kaM dk uke
1 Chandalika Yes
2 Broken Images No
The Financial Expert
Or Yes
1 A Tiger For Malgudi

fo"k;%& laLd`r
उपखण्ड जो चयननत नह ं
पाठ संख्या पाठ का नाम चयननत पाठ(हााँ/नह ं)
1 ववद्ययांऽमत
ृ मश्नते हाुँ
2 िघकौत्ससवाद % नहीं
3 बालकौतकम ् हाुँ
4 कमागौिवम ् हाुँ
हां (आिं भ से अपिे त
सवााववनयाचधष्ठानतां च स्वाथाननष्पादनपिे से अंत
5 शकनासोपदे शः गच्छक्न्त पयंत) तक।
6 सूक्तत-सधा हाुँ
7 ववक्रमस्यौदायाम ् नहीं
8 भू-ववभागाः हाुँ
9 कायं वा साधयेयम ् दे हं वा पातयेयम ् नहीं
10 दीनबन्धः श्रीनायािः हाुँ
11 उद्भिज्ज पररषद् हाुँ
12 फकन्तोः कद्रटलता नहीं
13 योगस्य वैशशष्ट्यम ् हाुँ
14 कथं शब्दानशासनं नहीं
अपठठत अिबोधनम ्
1 अपद्रठत गद्यांशाधारित प्रश्नाः हाुँ
रचनात्मकम ् कायं
1 पिम ् आवेदनपिम ् अनौपचारिक पिम ्
2 अनच्छे दलेखनम ् चचिम ् आध ्ृृत्य संकेताधारितम ् अनच्छे म ्

उपखण्ड जो चयननत नह ं
पाठ संख्या पाठ का नाम चयननत पाठ(हााँ/नह ं)
3 लघकथा शब्द सूची सहाय्येन
अनुप्रयुक्त व्याकरणम ्
1 सक्न्धः-स्विसक्न्धः सम्पूणम
ा ्
सक्न्धः-व्यंजनसक्न्धः श्चत्व, ष्टत्व, अनस्वाि
सक्न्धः-ववसगासक्न्धः उत्व, रुत्व, लोप
तत्परुषः, कमाधाियः,
2 समासाः द्ववग, द्वन्द्वः बहव्रीद्रहः
तत्वा, तमन ्, तव्यत ्,
3 प्रत्ययाः अनीयि्, त्व, तल ् ल्यप ्, मतप ्, तत
द्ववतीया तत
ृ ीया चतथी
4 कािक-उपपद ववभक्ततः पंचमी षष्ठी सलतमी
संस्क् ृतसाठहत्यस्य पररचयः
1 पाठयांशानां कवीनां नामानन हाुँ
2 गद्यं, नाटकं, चम्पूकाव्यम ् हाुँ पद्यं, महाकाव्यम ्

यठि ककसी चयननत पाठ
पाठ का पाठ्यक्रम हे तु
पाठ के ककसी उपखंड को
चयननत पाठ
संख्या चयननत नह ं ककया गया है
नाम का नाम ( हां/
तो उस उपखंड का नाम
नह ं)
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Types of Relations
1 1.3 Types of Functions Yes
1.4 Composition of Functions
and Invertible Function
1.5 Binary Operations
2.1 Introduction
2.2 Basic Concepts
2.3 Properties of Inverse
Trigonometric Functions

यठि ककसी चयननत पाठ
पाठ का पाठ्यक्रम हे तु
पाठ के ककसी उपखंड को
चयननत पाठ
संख्या चयननत नह ं ककया गया है
नाम का नाम ( हां/
तो उस उपखंड का नाम
नह ं)
MATRICES 3.7 Elementary Operation
3.1 Introduction (Transformation) of a
3.2 Matrix Matrix
3.3 Types of Matrices
3.8 Invertible Matrices
3.4 Operations on Matrices
3 3.5 Transpose of a matrix
3.6 Symmetric and Skew
Symmetric Matrices
3.7 Elementary Operation
(Transformation) of a
3.8 Invertible Matrices
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Determinant
4.3 Properties of Determinants
4.4 Area of a Triangle
4.5 Minors and Cofactors
4.6 Adjoint and Inverse of a
4.7 Applications of Determinants
and Matrices
CONTINUITY AND 5.8 Mean Value Theorem
5.1 Introduction
5.2 Continuity
5.3 Differentiability
5.4 Exponential and
Logarithmic Functions
5.5 Logarithmic Differentiation
5.6 Derivatives of Functions in
Parametric Forms
5.7 Second Order Derivative
5.8 Mean Value Theorem
APPLICATION OF 6.5 Approximations
6.1 Introduction
6.2 Rate of change of
6 6.3 Increasing and Decreasing Yes
6.4 Tangents and Normals
6.5 Approximations
6.6 Maxima and Minima

यठि ककसी चयननत पाठ
पाठ का पाठ्यक्रम हे तु
पाठ के ककसी उपखंड को
चयननत पाठ
संख्या चयननत नह ं ककया गया है
नाम का नाम ( हां/
तो उस उपखंड का नाम
नह ं)
INTEGRALS 7.7.1 Definite Integral as
7.1 Introduction the limit of a sum.
7.2 Integration as an Inverse
Process of Differentiation
7.3 Methods of Integration
7.4 Integral of some particular
7.5 Integration by partial
7 Fractions Yes
7.6 Integration by parts
7.7 Definite Integral
7.8 Fundamental Theorem of
7.9 Evaluation of Definite
Integrals by substitution
7.10 Some Properties of
Definite Integrals.
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Area under Simple Curves
8.3 Area between Two Curves
DEFEERENTIAL EQUATIONS 9.3 General and Particular
9.1 Introduction Solutions of a
9.2 Basic concept Differential Equation
9.3 General and Particular
9.4 Formation of a
Solutions of a Differential
Equation Differential Equation
9.4 Formation of a Differential whose General
Equation whose General Solution is given.
Solution is given 9.4.1 Procedure to form a
9.5 Methods of solving First differential equation
order, First Degree that will represent a
9 Differential Equations Yes given family of

9.5 Methods of Solving

First Order, First Degree
Differential Equations
9.5.1 Differential equations
with variables separable
9.5.2 Homogeneous
Differential Equations
9.5.3 Linear Differential

यठि ककसी चयननत पाठ
पाठ का पाठ्यक्रम हे तु
पाठ के ककसी उपखंड को
चयननत पाठ
संख्या चयननत नह ं ककया गया है
नाम का नाम ( हां/
तो उस उपखंड का नाम
नह ं)
10.1 Introduction
10.2Some Basic Concepts
10.3 Types of Vectors
10.4 Addition of Vectors
10.5 Multiplication of vector by
a scalar
10.6Product of Two Vectors
GEOMETRY 11.7 Coplanarity of Two
11.1 Introduction Lines
11.2 Direction Cosines and 11.8 Angle between Two
Direction Ratios of a Lines Planes
11.3 Equation of a Line in 11.9 Distance of a Point
Space from a Plane
11.4 Angle between Two Lines 11.10 Angle between a Line
11.5 Shortest Distance between and a Plane
Two Lines
11.6 Plane
11.7 Coplanarity of Two Lines
11.8 Angle Between Two
11.9 Distance of a Point from a
11.10 Angle between a Line and
a Plane
LINEAR PROGRAMMING 12.3 Different types of
12.1 Introduction Linear Programming
12.2 Linear Programming Problems
12 Problem and its Mathematical Yes
12.3 Different Types of Linear
Programming Problems
PROBABILITY 13.3 Multiplication Theorem
13.1 Introduction on Probability
13.2 Conditional Probability 13.4 Independent Events
13.3 Multiplication Theorem 13.5 Bayes’ Theorem
on Probability 13.6 Random Variables
13.4 Independent Events and its Probability
13.5 Bayes Theorem
Yes Distributions
13.6 Random Variables and 13.7 Bernoulli Trials and
its Probability Binomial distribution
13.7 Bernoulli Trials and
Binomial distribution

fo"k;%& HkSfrd foKku
Chapter Selected
S. Chapter Name chapter
No. Deleted topics from selected chapters
No. (yes/
According to text book
1 1 Electric charge and field Yes Forces between multiple charges; superposition principle
2 2 Electric potential and Yes Electric potential due to a dipole and system of charges;
capacitance equipotential surfaces, electrical potential energy of a system of
two point charges and of electric dipoles in an electrostatic
field. Combination of capacitors in series and in parallel,
Conductors and insulators, free charges and bound charges
inside a conductor. Dielectrics and electric polarization, Van de
Graaff generator.
3 3 Current Electricity Yes Electrical energy and power, electrical resistivity and
conductivity. Carbon resistors, colour code for carbon resistors;
temperature dependence of resistance .electrical resistance, V-I
characteristics (linear and non-linear), Potentiometer – principle
and applications to measure potential difference, and for
comparing emf of two cells; measurement of internal resistance
of a cell.
4 4 Magnetic effect of Yes Concept of magnetic field, Oersted’s experiment. bar magnet as
current an equivalent solenoid, magnetic field lines; current sensitivity
and conversion to ammeter & voltmeter of Moving coil
Current loop as a magnetic dipole and its magnetic dipole
moment. Magnetic dipole moment of a revolving electron.
5 5 Magnetism and matter Yes Magnetic field intensity due to a magnetic dipole (bar magnet)
along its axis and perpendicular to its axis. Torque on a
magnetic dipole (bar magnet) in a uniform magnetic field Para-,
dia- and ferro - magnetic substances, with examples.
Electromagnets and factors affecting their strengths. Permanent

6 6 Electromagnetic Yes
induction Eddy currents
7 7 Alternating current Yes LC oscillations (qualitative treatment only), , resonance; power
in AC circuits, wattless current
8 8 Electromagnetic waves Yes Transverse nature of electromagnetic waves. Need for
displacement current. Modified ampere’s circuital law
9 9 Ray optics Yes Reflection of light, spherical mirrors, mirror formula dispersion
of light through a prism. Scattering of light – blue colour of the
sky and reddish appearance of the sun at sunrise and sunset.
Optical instruments: Human eye, image formation and
accommodation, correction of eye defects (myopia,
hypermetropia, presbyopia and astigmatism) using lenses.
10 10 Wave Optics Yes Diffraction due to a single slit, width of central maximum.
Resolving power of microscopes and astronomical telescopes.
11 11 Dual Nature of Matter Yes
and Radiation
12 12 Atoms No
Alpha - particle scattering experiment; Rutherford’s model of
atom; Bohr model, energy levels, hydrogen spectrum.
13 13 Nuclei No
Radioactivity –Radioactive decay law
Mass-energy relation, mass defect; binding energy per nucleon
Composition and size of nucleus, atomic masses, isotopes,
isobars; isotones. alpha, beta and gamma particles/rays and
their properties; nuclear

14 14 Semiconductor Yes Junction transistor, transistor action, characteristics of a

transistor; transistor as an amplifier (common emitter

Electronics: Material configuration) and oscillator, Transistor as a switch.
devices and simple
15 15 Communications system No Elements of a communication system (block diagram only);
bandwidth of transmission medium. Propagation of
electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere, sky and space wave
propagation. Need for modulation. Production and detection of
an amplitude-modulated wave.

fo"k;%& jlk;u foKku

Unit Selected topics Deleted topics

Classification of solids based on Impurity defects, non-

different binding forces: molecular, ionic, stoichiometric defects,
covalent and metallic solids, amorphous electrical properties,
and crystalline solids, crystal lattice and conduction of electricity in
unit cell: primitive, bcc, fcc, end centred solid, conduction of
cubic, bravais lattices, close packed electricity in semi
Solid state
structures, voids, packing efficiency, conductors, application of n-
calculation of no. Of atoms per unit cell, type, p- type semi-conductor,
radius and density, coordination number, magnetic properties, anti-
point defects- frenkel ans schottky only, ferromagnetism,
magnetic properties: paramagnetism, ferrimagnetism.
diamagnetism and ferromagnetism.

Types of solutions, expression of Solubility of gases in liquids

concentration of solutions of solids in (henry’s law), abnormal
liquids, vapour pressure of liquid molar mass, van’t hoff factor
solutions (raoult’s law), ideal and non
ideal solutions, colligative properties and
Solutions determination of molecular mass using
colligative properties(relative lowering of
vapour pressure ,elevation of boiling
point, depression of freezing
point,osmotic pressure), Reverse

Redox reactions, conductance in Equilibrium constant from

electrolytic solutions, molar conductivity, 13illia equation, gibb’s free
kohlrausch’s law, electrolysis and energy ,measurement of
faraday’s laws of electrolysis, conductivity of ionic
electrochemical cell, difference between solutions, batteries, fuel
galvanic and electrolytic cell, cells, corrosion
measurement of electrode potential and
emf of the cell, Nernst equation.

Unit Selected topics Deleted topics

Rate of reaction: average and Pseudo first order reaction,

instantaneous rate, factors affecting rate effect of catalyst, collision
of reaction(concentration only),rate law theory.
rate expression and rate constant, order
Chemical kinetics and molecularity, integrated rate
equations and half life period (zero and
first order only), temperature
dependence of rate of reaction,
14illiamso equation.

Adsorption, distinguish between Mechanism of adsorption,

adsorption and absorption,types of adsorption isotherm,
adsorption: physisorption and catalysis, macromolecular,
chemisorption, distinguish between true multimolecular and
solution, colloids and suspension, associated colloids,
classification of colloids based on preparation of colloids,
physical state and nature of interaction charge on colloidal particles,
between dispersed phase and coagulation, protection of
dispersion medium, purification of colloids.
colloids, properties of colloid: tyndall
effect, browain movement
,electrophoresis ,emulsions (oil in water
and water in oil)

Occurrence of metals, concentration of Thermodynamic principles of

ores : hydraulic washing ,magnetic metallurgy,14illiamso
separation, froth floation method, diagram.
principles and
leaching, metallurgy of aluminium, iron,
processes of
copper and zinc, refining: liquation,
isolation of
electrolysis, zone refining ,vapour phase
refining (mond’s process and van arkel

Unit Selected topics Deleted topics

Group 15 elements :electronic Group 15 elements:

configuration, occurrence, trends in preparation properties and
physical and chemical properties, uses of dinitrogen, method of
preparation, properties and uses of preparation of oxides of
ammonia and nitric acid, oxides of nitrogen allotropic forms of
nitrogen (structure only), oxoacids of phosphorous, preparation,
phosphorous (structure only) properties and uses of
group 16 elements: occurrence phosphine ,pcl5 and pcl3
,electronic configuration, trends in
physical and chemical properties Group 16 elements:
,preparation(by contact process) preparation, properties and
properties and uses of sulphuric acid uses of dioxygen, ozone,
P-block elements ,oxoacids of sulphur(structure only), sulphur dioxide
allotropic form of sulphur. group 17 elements:
Group 17 elements: occurrence preparation, properties and
,electronic configuration, trends in uses of HCl.
physical and chemical properties, Group 18 elements
preparation, properties and uses of :preparation properties and
chlorine, structure of oxoacids of uses of XeF2 , XeF4, XeF6.
halogens, interhalogen compounds .
Group 18 elements: occurrence,
electronic configuration, trends in
physical and chemical properties,
structure of XeF2, XeF4, XeF6, XeO3
and XeOF4

Introduction , electronic configuration, Trends in standard electrode

general trends in properties of 1st row potential, trends in stability of
transition elements : metallic character, higher oxidation state,
d- & f- block oxidation state, colour, catalytic chemical reactivity and e
elements properties, magnetic properties, values, lanthanoids and
interstitial compounds, alloy formation, actinoids
preparation and properties of KmnO4
and K2Cr2O7.

Introduction, ligands, coordination Colour, magnetic properties

number, oxidation state, IUPAC and shape of coordination
Co-ordination nomenclature of mononuclear co- compounds, werner’s theory,
compounds ordination compounds, isomerism stereoisomerism, bonding in
(structural only), bonding in coordination metal carbonyls, stability of
compounds VBT and CFT. coordination compounds.

Unit Selected topics Deleted topics

Haloalkanes : nomenclature , nature of Methods of preparation from

c-x bond,method of preparation : from alcohol, chemical properties
alkanes by free radical halogenation, :stereochemical aspect of
from alkenes and halogen exchange nucleophilic substitution
(finkelstein and swarts reaction), reaction.
physical properties ,chemical properties, Chemical properties of
Haloalkanes and SN1 and SN2 reactions, wurtz reaction haloarenes : nucleophilic
haloarenes haloarenes: nature of c-x bond, method substitution reaction, wurtz
of preparation: from amine by fittig reaction, fittig reaction,
sandmeyer reaction only, physical Uses and environmental
properties ,electrophilic substitution effect of dichloromethane,
reaction (directive influence of halogens) trichloromethane, tetra
chloromethane, iodoform,
freons and DDT.

Alcohols: nomenclature, methods of Alcohols: methods of

preparation from alkene (acid catalysed preparation by reduction of
hydration, HBO), by the reduction of carboxylic acids and esters,
carbonyl compounds, from 16illiams chemical properties: acidity
reagent, physical properties, chemical of alcohol, mechanism of
properties: esterification, reaction with dehydration of alcohol, some
HX (distinguish between three classes of important compounds like
alcohols by lucas reagent), dehydration methanol and ethanol.
of alcohols excluding mechanism, Phenols: methods of
oxidation of alcohols. preparation from benzene
Alcohols, Phenols: nomenclature, methods of sulphonic acid, from cumene
phenols and preparation: from haloarenes, from ,chemical properties: acidity
ethers diazonium salts, physical properties, of phenol, oxidation.
chemical properties: electrophilic Ethers: method of
substitution reaction, kolbe’s reaction, preparation by dehydration
reamer – tiemann reaction, reaction with of alcohol.
Zn dust.
Ethers: nomenclature , methods of
preparation : 16illiamson synthesis only,
physical properties, chemical properties:
cleavage of C-O bond (reaction with
HX), electrophilic substitution reaction
(friedel crafts alkylation and acylation)

Unit Selected topics Deleted topics

Aldehydes and ketones: Aldehydes and ketones:

nomenclature, nature of carbonyl group, methods of preparation from
methods of preparation from oxidation of dehydrogenation of
alcohols, ozonolysis of alkenes, alcohols, by hydration of
rosenmund reduction ,stephen’s alkynes, from hydrocarbon
reduction, from acyl chloride, from ,by oxidation of methyl
benzene and substituted benzene benzene, use of chromic
(freidel crafts acylation), physical oxide, by side chain
properties, chemical properties: chlorination followed by
mechanism of nucleophilic addition hydrolysis, gatterman koch
reaction, addition of HCN, NaHSO3 reaction, from nitriles,
RMgX, alcohol, ammonia and its chemical properties: wolf
derivatives, reactivity, reduction to kishner reduction, haloform
Aldehydes , alcohols. Reduction to hydrocarbons reaction, cross aldol
ketones and (clemmensen only), oxidation reaction condensation.
carboxylic acids (reaction with tollen's reagent and Carboxylic acids: methods
fehling's solution), aldol condensation, of preparation: from acyl
cannizzaro's reaction, electrophilic halides and anhydrides,
substitution reactions, uses. chemical properties: acidity ,
Carboxylic acids: nomenclature, formation of anhydride,
methods of preparation: by oxidation of reaction with ammonia.
primary alcohols and aldehydes, from
alkyl benzenes, from nitriles and amides
and by hydrolysis of esters, physical
properties, chemical properties:
decarboxylation, esterification, reaction
with PCl3,PCl5,SOCl2, reduction,
halogenations (HVZ reaction),
electrophilic substitution reaction

Unit Selected topics Deleted topics

Nomenclature, classification, methods Structure of amines,

of preparation : by reduction of nitro methods of preparation:
compounds, reduction of nitriles, reduction of amide, gabriel
ammonolysis of alkyl halide, hoffman phthalimide synthesis,
bromamide degradation reaction , chemical properties: bascity
physical properties, chemical properties: of amine, alkylation acylation
carbylamine reaction, reaction with .
nitrous acid, reaction with hinsberg Diazonium salts: gatterman
reagent (arylsuphonyl chloride), reaction, coupling reactions,
electrophilic substitution reaction . importance of diazonium
Diazonium salts: nomenclature, methods salts in synthesis of aromatic
of preparation: by diazotisation reaction compounds
only , physical properties, chemical
properties: sandmeyer's reaction,
replacement by H, -OH, -F, -I and NO2
group .

Carbohydrates: classification (aldoses Polysaccharides, importance

and ketoses), monosaccharides of carbohydrates, enzymes
(glucose and fructose), disaccharides and hormones.
(sucrose, maltose, lactose).
proteins: elementary idea of α-amino
Biomolecules acids, peptide bond, polypeptides,
structure of protein: primary , secondary,
tertiary and quaternary structure,
denaturation of proteins.
Nucleic acids: DNA and RNA
Vitamins: classification and functions.

Classification: natural and synthetic, Classification based on

mode of polymerisation: addition and structure, molecular forces,
condensation, homo and copolymers, mechanism of addition
monomers of some important polymers: polymerisation, HDP, LDP,
polythene, PVC, teflon, buna -n, buna-s, PAN, melamine
nylon-6, nylon-6,6, terylene, bakelite, formaldehyde resin,
natural rubber, neoprene, vulcanisation molecular mass of polymer.
of rubber, biodegradable polymers.

Chemicals in medicine: antacids, Drug and their classification,

antihistamines, analgesics, antibiotics, cleansing action of soaps
Chemistry in antiseptics, disinfectents, tranquilizers, and detergents
everyday life antifertility drugs, chemical in food,
artificial sweetening agents, food
preservatives, antioxidant in food.

fo"k;%& tho foKku
;fn fdlh p;fur ikB ds
lhfer ikB~;dze gsrq
ikB fdlh mi[kaM dks p;fur
ikB dk uke p;fur ikB dk uke
la[;k ugh fd;k x;k gS rks ml
mi[kaM dk uke
1 Reproduction in Organism नहीं
Sexual Reproduction in Flowering
2 हाुँ
3 Human Reproduction हाुँ
4 Reproductive Health हाुँ
Principles of Inheritance and
5 हाुँ
6 Molecular Basis of Inheritance हाुँ
7 Evolution नहीं
8 Human Health and Diseases हाुँ
Strategies for Enhancement in
9 नहीं
Food Production
10 Microbes in Human Welfare हाुँ
Biotechnology - Principles and
11 हाुँ
12 Biotechnology and its Application हाुँ
13 Organisms and Populations हाुँ
14 Ecosystem हाुँ
15 Biodiversity and its Conservation नहीं
16 Environmental Issues हाुँ

fo"k;%& bfrgkl
;fn fdlh p;fur ikB
lhfer ikB~;dze
ds fdlh mi[kaM dks
ikB gsrq p;fur ikB
ikB dk uke p;fur ugh fd;k x;k
la[;k dk uke
gS rks ml mi[kaM dk
1 bZVa]s euds rFkk vfLFk;k¡ gM+ik lH;rk gk¡
jktk] fdlku vkSj uxj vkjafHkd jkT; vkSj vFkZ
2 gk¡
O;oL;k,¡ ¼yxHkx 600 bZ0iw0 ls 600 bZloh½
ca/kqRo tkfr rFkk oxZ vkjafHkd lekt ¼yxHkx
3 ugha
600 bZ0iw0 ls 600 bZloh½
fopkjd] fo'okl vkSj bekjrsa lkaLd`frd fodkl
4 gk¡
¼yxHkx 600 bZ0iw0 ls 600 bZloh½

;fn fdlh p;fur ikB
lhfer ikB~;dze
ds fdlh mi[kaM dks
ikB gsrq p;fur ikB
ikB dk uke p;fur ugh fd;k x;k
la[;k dk uke
gS rks ml mi[kaM dk
;kf=;ksa ds utfj,
5 lekt ds ckjs esa mudh le> ¼yxHkx nloha ls ugha
l=goha lnh rd½
HkfDr&lwQh ijaijk,¡
6 /kkfeZd fo'oklksa esa cnyko vkSj J}k xazFk gk¡
¼yxHkx vkBoha ls vBkjgoha lnh rd½
,d lkezkT; dh jkt/kkuh % fot;uxj
7 gk¡
¼yxHkx pkSngoha ls l=goha lnh rd½
fdlkku] tehankj vkSj jkT;
8 d`f"k lekt vkSj eqxy lkezkT; gk¡
¼yxHkx lksygoha ls l=goha lnh rd½
jktk vkSj fofHkUu o`Ùkkar eqxy njckj
9 gk¡
¼yxHkx lksygoha ls l=goha lnh rd½
Hkkx & 3
mifuos'kokn vkSj nsgkr ljdkjh vfHkys[kksa dk
10 gk¡
fonzkgs h vkSj jkt 1857 dk vkanksyu vkSj mlds
11 gk¡
12 vkSifuosf'kd 'kgj uxj&;kstuk] LFkkiR; ugha
egkRek xk¡/kh vkSj jk"Vªh; vkanksyu
13 gk¡
lfou; voKk vkSj mlls vkxs
foHkktu dks le>uk
14 gk¡
jtkuhfr] Le`fr] vuqHko
lafo/kku dk fuekZ.k
15 gk¡
,d u, ;qx dh 'kq:vkr

fo"k;%& Hkwxksy
;fn fdlh p;fur ikB ds
lhfer ikB~;dze gsrq
ikB fdlh mi[kaM dks p;fur
ikB dk uke p;fur ikB dk uke
la[;k ugh fd;k x;k gS rks ml
mi[kaM dk uke
iqLrd dk uke & ekuo Hkwxksy ds ewy fl)kar
1 ekuo Hkwxksy izd`fr ,oa fo"k; {ks= gkW
2 fo'o tula[;k forj.k] ?kuRo vkSj o`f) gkW
3 tula[;k la?kVu gkW
4 ekuo fodkl gkW
5 izkFkfed fdz;k,¡ gkW
6 f}rh;d fdz;k,¡ gkW
7 r`rh;d vkSj prqFkZ fdz;kdyki ugha
8 ifjogu ,oa lapkj ugha
9 varjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj ugha

;fn fdlh p;fur ikB ds
lhfer ikB~;dze gsrq
ikB fdlh mi[kaM dks p;fur
ikB dk uke p;fur ikB dk uke
la[;k ugh fd;k x;k gS rks ml
mi[kaM dk uke
ekuo cLrh
iqLrd dk uke & Hkkjr yksx vkSj vFkZO;oLFkk
tula[;k%forj.k] ?kuRo] o`f) vkSj
1 la?kVu
2 izokl % izdkj] dkj.k vkSj ifj.kke gkW
3 ekuo fodkl ugha
4 ekuo cfLr;k¡ ugha
5 Hkwlalk/ku rFkk d`f"k gk¡
6 ty lalk/ku gkW
7 [kfut rFkk ÅtkZ lalk/ku gkW
8 fuekZ.k m|ksx gkW
Hkkjr ds lanHkZ esa fu;kstu vkSj lrr~
9 iks"; fodkl
10 ifjogu rFkk lapkj gk¡
11 varjkZ"Vªh; O;kikj ugha
HkkSxksfyd ifjizs{; esa p;fur dqN eqn~ns
12 ,oa leL;k,¡
iqLrd dk uke & Hkwxksy esa Á;ksxkRed dk;Z
1 vk¡dM+sa % lzksr vkSj ladyu gkW
2 vk¡dM+ksa dk izdze.k gkW
3 vk¡dM+ksa dk vkys[kh fu:i.k gkW
vk¡dM+ksa dk izdze.k ,oa ekufp=.k esa
4 daI;wVj dk mi;ksx
5 {ks=h; losZ{k.k ugha
6 LFkkfud lwpuk izkS|ksfxdh gkW

fo"k;%& vFkZ'kkL=
ikB~;dze gsrq ;fn fdlh p;fur ikB ds fdlh mi[kaM dks
ikB dk uke p;fur ikB p;fur ugh fd;k x;k gS rks ml mi[kaM dk
dk uke uke
प्रथम िाग : प्रारं भिक व्यष्टि अथथशास्र
1 व्यष्टि अर्थशास्त्र का परिचय हां
माुँग में परिवतान औि माुँग मािा में
2 उपभोक्ता का व्यवहाि एवं मांग
हां परिवतान

3 mRiknd का व्यवहाि एवं पूष्टतथ हां पूनता वक्र में गनत एवं पूनता वक्र में परिवतान

ikB~;dze gsrq ;fn fdlh p;fur ikB ds fdlh mi[kaM dks
ikB dk uke p;fur ikB p;fur ugh fd;k x;k gS rks ml mi[kaM dk
dk uke uke
बाजाि के प्रकाि एवं कीमत ,dkf/kdkjkRed izfr;ksfxrk ,oa
ष्टिर्ाथिण हां vYikf/kdkj dk vFkZ rFkk fo”ks’krk,¡
ष्टितीय भाग : प्रािं ष्टभक समष्टि अर्थशास्त्र
िािरीय आय एवं संबंष्टर्त िाष्रीय ननवात्य आय (कल एवं शद्ध),
5 समुच्चय - मूल र्ािणाएं एवं हां ननजी आय, व्यक्ततगत आय, व्यक्ततगत
माप ननवात्य आय।
भारत में बैंक िं ग प्रणाली में हाल े सुधार एविं
6 मुद्रा एवं बैंष्टकंग हां मुद्दे - किजी रण एविं आधुकि ी रण,
कवमुद्री रण
स्वैक्च्छक बेिोजगािी एवं पण ू ा िोजगाि का अथा
बहल एवं अपयाालत मांग की समस्याएं,
बहल एवं अपयाालत मांग के ननिाकिण के उपाय -
7 आय एवं िोजगाि का ष्टिर्ाथिण हां
साख की उपलब्धता सिकािी व्यय में परिवतान

िाजस्व घाटा, िाजकोषीय घाटा एवं प्राथशमक

घाटा - अथा एवं ननद्रहताथा
सिकािी बजट औि
8 हां ववशभन्न प्रकाि के घाटों की गणना,
सिकाि की भशू मका को घटाना - अथा एवं
ववदे शी ववननमय दि - अथा (क्स्थि एवं लोचशील),
9 भुगताि संतुलि हां गण एवं दोष, मांग एवं पूनता द्वािा ननधाािण
मतत बाजाि में ववननमय दि का ननधाािण

fo"k; % jktuhfrd foKku

;fn fdlh p;fur ikB ds

lhfer ikB~;dze gsrq
fdlh mi[kaM dks p;fur ugh
ikB la[;k ikB dk uke p;fur ikB dk uke
fd;k x;k gS rks ml mi[kaM
dk uke
समकाल न विश्ि राजनीनत
1 शीत यद्ध का दौि हाुँ
2 दो तवीयता का अंत- हाुँ
3 समकालीन ववश्व में अमेरिकी वचास्व हाुँ
4 सत्ता के वैकक्ल्पक केंद्र हाुँ

5 समकालीन दक्षिण एशिया हााँ
6 अंतर्ााष्ट्रीय संघठन हााँ
7 समकालीन विश्ि में सर्ु िा नहीं
8 पयाािर्ण एिं प्राकृततक संसाधन नहीं
9 िैश्िीकर्ण हााँ
स्वतंत्र भारत में राजनीतत
1 र्ाष्ट्र तनमााण कन- चुनौततयााँ हााँ
2 एक दलीय प्रभत्ु ि का दौर् हााँ
3 तनयोजित विकास कन र्ािनीतत हााँ
4 भार्त के विदे ि संबध
ं नहीं
कांग्रेस प्रणाली चुनौततयााँ ुर् :
5 हााँ
ु स्
ा थापना
6 लोकतांत्रिक व्यिस्था का संकट हााँ
7 िन आंदोलनों का उदय हााँ
8 िेिीय आकांिाएाँ नहीं
9 भार्तीय र्ािनीतत में नए बदलाि हााँ

fo"k; % lekt 'kkL=

;fn fdlh p;fur ikB ds
lhfer ikB~;dze gsrq
fdlh mi[kaM dks p;fur
ikB la[;k ikB dk uke p;fur ikB dk uke
ugh fd;k x;k gS rks ml
mi[kaM dk uke
भारतीय समाज
1 भार्तीय समाि एक परर्चय हााँ
भार्तीय समाि कन िनसांखिकनय
2 हााँ
सामाजिक संस्थाएं तनर्ं तर्ता एिं:
3 हााँ
4 बाज़ार् एक सामाजिक संस्था के रूप में नहीं
सामाजिक विषमता एिं बहहष्ट्कार् के
5 हााँ
6 सांस्कृततक विविधता कन चन
ु ौततयााँ हााँ
7 परर्योिना काया के शलए सझ
ु ाि हााँ
भारत में सामाजजक पररवततन एवं ववकास
1 संर्चनात्मक परर्ितान हााँ
2 सांस्कृततक परर्ितान हााँ
3 भार्तीय लोकतंि कन कहातनयााँ हााँ
4 ग्रामीण समाि में विकास एिं परर्ितान हााँ

;fn fdlh p;fur ikB ds
lhfer ikB~;dze gsrq
fdlh mi[kaM dks p;fur
ikB la[;k ikB dk uke p;fur ikB dk uke
ugh fd;k x;k gS rks ml
mi[kaM dk uke
औधोगिक समाज में परिवर्तन औि
5 नह ीं
6 भम
ू ड
ीं ल किण औि सामाजजक परिवर्तन हााँ
7 जनसींपकत साधन औि जनसींचाि नह ीं
8 सामाजजक आींदोलन हााँ

ladk;%& okf.kT;
fo"k;%& ys[kk'kkL=
पाठ पाठ का नाम सीममत यदि ककसी चयननत पाठ के ककसी उपखंड को
संख्या पाठ्यक्रम हे तु चयननत नह ं ककया गया है तो उस उपखंड का नाम
चयननत पाठ
का नाम( हां/
नह ं)
अलाभकाि सींस्थाओीं के No
1 ललए लेखाींकन
साझेदाि लेखाींकन Yes Past adjustment and Guarantee of profit
2 आधािभूर् अवधािणाएाँ
साझेदाि फमत का Yes Adjustment of Capital
3 पन
ु ितठन साझेदाि का प्रवेश
साझेदाि फमत का Yes Adjustment of Capital and death of partner
4 पुनितठन साझेदाि की सेवाननववृ ि/मत्ृ यु
अींश पाँज
ू ी के ललए Yes
5 लेखाींकन
ऋणपत्रो का ननितमन No
6 एवम शोधन
कम्पनी के वविीय Yes
7 ववविण
वविीय ववविणों का Yes
8 ववश्लेषण
9 लेखाींकन अनुपार् Yes
10 िोकड़ प्रवाह ववविण Yes

विषय - व्यािसाययक अध्ययन
पाठ संख्या पाठ का नाम सीममत पाठ्यक्रम हे तु यदि ककसी चययनत पाठ के
चययनत पाठ का नाम( ककसी उपखंड को चययनत
हां/ नह ं) नह ं ककया गया है तो उस
उपखंड का नाम

1 प्रबंध की प्रकृति एवं महत्व ह ाँ

2 प्रबंध के सिदध ंि ह ाँ
3 व्यवि तयक व ि वरण नह ं
4 तनयोजन ह ाँ
5 िंगठन ह ाँ
6 तनयक्ु तिकरण ह ाँ
7 तनर्दे शन ह ाँ
8 तनयंत्रण ह ाँ
9 ववत्तीय प्रबंध नह ं
10 ववत्तीय ब ज र नह ं
11 ववपणन ह ाँ
12 उपभोति िंरक्षण ह ाँ

विषय -व्यिसाययक गणित और सांख्ख्यकी

पाठ पाठ का नाम सीममत पाठ्यक्रम हे तु यदि ककसी चययनत पाठ के ककसी
संख्या चययनत पाठ का नाम( उपखंड को चययनत नह ं ककया
हां/ नह ं) गया है तो उस उपखंड का नाम
1 Arithmetic Progression Yes
2 Geometric Progression Yes
3 Harmonic Progression No
4 Properties of A.P, G.P & H.P No
5 Permutation & Combination Yes
6 Determinants Yes
7 Matrices Yes
8 Set Theory Yes
9 Differentiation No
10 Integration No
Measures of Central Tendency Yes
11 Arithmetic Mean
12 Median Yes
13 Mode Yes
14 Geometric Mean Yes
15 Harmonic Mean No
16 Analysis of Time Series Yes
17 Theory of Probability No
18 Interpolation & Extrapolation Yes

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पाठ पाठ का नाम सीममत यदि ककसी चयननत
संख्या पाठ्यक्रम हे तु पाठ के ककसी
चयननत पाठ का उपखंड को चयननत
नाम( हां/ नह ं) नह ं ककया गया है
तो उस उपखंड का

1 उद्यमितीय/ साहमसक अवसरों की अनभ

ु तू त एवं पहचान हााँ
2 पयाावरण अथवा वातावरण का सक्ष्
ू ि अध्ययन हााँ
3 ववपणन/ बाजार िल
ू यांकन हााँ
उद्यमितीय/ साहमसक सअ
ु वसर की पहचान एवं व्यवहायाता हााँ
4 अध्ययन
5 उपक्रि का चुनाव हााँ
6 उपक्रि की स्थापना हााँ
7 व्यावसातयक तनयोजन हााँ
8 पररयोजना की अवधारणा एवं तनयोजन हााँ
9 पररयोजना प्रततवेदन का तनिााण एवं पररयोजना िल
ू यांकन हााँ
10 संसाधन तनधाारण: ववत्तीय एवं गैर- ववत्तीय हााँ
11 स्थायी एवं कायाशील पाँज
ू ी की आवश्यकताएाँ हााँ
12 कोष प्रवाह वववरण नह ं
13 लेखांकन अनप
ु ात नह ं
14 सि ववच्छे द ववश्लेषण नह ं
15 उद्यिी पाँज
ू ी: कोषों के स्रोत एवं साधन नह ं
16 प्रौद्योगगकी का चयन हााँ
17 प्रबंध की बतु नयाद आधार हााँ
18 उत्पादन प्रबंध एवं ककस्ि तनयंरण नह ं
19 ववपणन प्रबंध हााँ
20 ववत प्रबंधन एवं व्यावसातयक ववत्त के स्रोत हााँ
21 लागत एवं लाभ का तनधाारण हााँ
22 व्यवसाय िें सिवद्
ृ गध एवं ववकास की संभावनाएं एवं रणनीतत नह ं
23 उद्यमितीय अनश
ु ासन एवं सािाजजक उत्तरदातयत्व हााँ
24 पररयोजना हााँ


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