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Trapezoids and Kite

Mathematics 9 Quarter 3:Week 4


• prove theorems on trapezoids and kites

• solve problems involving parallelograms,
trapezoids and kites
Lesson 1: Theorem on a
A Trapezoid is a quadrilateral
with at least one pair of parallel

• The parallel sides are called bases.

• The non-parallel sides are called legs.
• The base angles of a trapezoid are
consecutive angles with a common side
which is a base of the trapezoid.
Median of a
The median of a trapezoid is a
segment joining the midpoints
of the legs of the trapezoid.
The Midsegment
Theorem of Trapezoid
The median of a trapezoid is
parallel to each base and its
length is one half the sum of the
lengths of the bases.

𝑴𝑵 = (𝑫𝑪 + 𝑨𝑩)
Refer to the figure at the right to answer the
following questions.

If BE = 10cm and RA = 14cm, how long is

Refer to the figure at the right to answer the
following questions.

If TS = 20cm and BE = 15cm, how long is

Isosceles Trapezoid
An Isosceles Trapezoid is a
quadrilateral with a pair of parallel
sides and whose legs are in equal
length and therefore the base angles
are also equal.
Theorems on Isosceles
• The base angles of an isosceles
trapezoid are congruent.

• Opposite Angles of an isosceles

trapezoid are supplementary.

• The diagonals of an isosceles

trapezoid are congruent.
Refer to the figure at the right to answer the
following questions.

If m∠ APR= 120°, what is m∠PAT?

Refer to the figure at the right to answer the
following questions.

If m∠ APR= 120°, what is m∠ATR?

Refer to the figure at the right to answer the
following questions.

If the diagonal PT = 15, how long is diagonal AR?

Lesson 2: Theorems on
A kite is defined as quadrilateral
with two pairs of adjacent and
congruent sides.
Theorems on Kite
• In a kite, the perpendicular
bisector of at least one diagonal
is the other diagonal.

• The area of a kite is half the

product of the lengths of its
Refer to the figure at the right to answer the
following questions.

If ES = 20cm, how long is IS?

Refer to the figure at the right to answer the
following questions.

Find the area of the quadrilateral KITE if its

diagonals KT and EI measure 30cm and
20cm respectively.
Lesson 3: PROBLEMS
Example 1:
Given ⊡QRST is a parallelogram with the
indicated measures of the sides and angles.
Find the values of x and y.
Example 2:
Given: RUBY is trapezoid with median IJ.
If RU = 3x – 9, IJ = 12, and YB = 4x + 12, find x.
Example 3: Given the ⊡PQRS as marked and with perimeter of
60 cm. If |RT| = 3𝑥 + 1 cm, |PT| = 5x – 3 cm, and |QS| =
3𝑥 2 + 6𝑥 – 1 cm, find the value of x and the lengths of 𝑃𝑇̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅, 𝑅𝑇̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅,
and 𝑆𝑄̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅.

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