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How do you think the lessons you studied in General Mathematics can be applied in your future years
here at STI and even as you graduate years from now?

I've discovered that successful mathematicians are similar to successful magicians. They grasp the
fundamental ideas and retain them while attempting to be meticulous and accurate. When they learn,
they form crucial concepts that they later apply to their work. They do not undervalue the importance of
precision and accuracy in their work.

Long-term investment is based on math. You must have the mindset that you will try to retain what you
learn as you go and that you will not lose concepts as you learn to succeed.

It's an underappreciated subject that many people struggle with, but those who struggle too much while
learning tend to forget what they've learned in the past, which is fatal to having a pleasant math
learning experience.


- General Mathematics serves as a reminder that we must have the right mindset in order to
retain what we learn and avoid losing concepts as we progress.
- General Mathematics encourages us to be more detailed and specific.


- As a result, General Mathematics lesson would be useful in our future years, particularly when it
comes to investing money.

2. What values were you able to obtain in General Mathematics and how will you apply these to become
students of virtue in your future years at STI?

In Mathematics, there are primarily ten values. Practical value, intellectual value, social value, moral
values, disciplinary values, cultural values, international values, artistic values, vocational values, and
psychological values are all examples of value. We also learned about mathematical correlations.
Mathematics is a universal subject, as we all know. It has a wide range of applications. Without
mathematics, we can't think about anything. We saw that mathematics has connections to life, other
subjects, and various branches of mathematics as well as different themes within the same subject.
Mathematics plays an important role in our daily lives.


- In Mathematics, there are primarily ten values. Practical value, intellectual value, social value,
moral values, disciplinary values, cultural values, international values, artistic values, vocational
values, and psychological values
- General Mathematics is a global subject that is intertwined with our daily lives.

- As a result, General Mathematics can support us in becoming students of virtue in STI and other
fields of life.

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