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Niv amharic bible pdf

Contact - Bible copy right - Bible Society of Ethiopia and Eritrea Code licensed under CC BY 3.0Page 2 1 እግዚአብሔር ይነሣ፥ ጠላቶቹም ይበተኑ፥ የሚጠሉትም ከፊቱ ይሽሹ። 2 ጢስ እንደሚበንን እንዲሁ ይብነኑ፤ ሰም በእሳት ፊት እንደሚቀልጥ፥ እንዲሁ ኅጥኣን ከእግዚአብሔር ፊት ይጥፉ። 3 ጻድቃንም ደስ ይበላቸው፥ በእግዚአብሔርም ፊት ሐሤት ያድርጉ፥ በደስታም ደስ
ይበላቸው። 4 ለእግዚአብሔር ተቀኙ ለስሙም ዘምሩ፤ ወደ ምድረ በዳ ለወጣም መንገድ አድርጉ፤ ስሙ እግዚአብሔር ነው፥ በፊቱም ደስ ይበላችሁ፤ በፊቱም ይደነግጣሉ። 5 እግዚአብሔር በቅዱስ ቦታው ለድሀ አደጎች አባት፥ ለባልቴቶችም ዳኛ ነው። 6 እግዚአብሔር ብቸኞችን በቤት ያሳድራቸዋል፥ እስረኞችንም በኃይሉ ያወጣቸዋል፤ ዓመፀኞች ግን በምድረ በዳ ይኖራሉ። 7 አቤቱ፥ በሕዝብም ፊት በወጣህ ጊዜ፥ በምድረ በዳም ባለፍህ ጊዜ፥
ምድር ተናወጠች፥ 8 ከሲና አምላክ ፊት፥ ከእስራኤል አምላክ ፊት ሰማያትም አንጠበጠቡ። 9 አቤቱ፥ የሞገስን ዝናብ ለርስትህ አዘነብህ፥ በደከመም ጊዜ አንተ አጸናኸው። 10 እንስሶችህ በውስጡ አደሩ፤ አቤቱ፥ በቸርነትህ ለድሆች አዘጋጀህ። 11 እግዚአብሔር ቃሉን ሰጠ፤ የሚያወሩት ብዙ ሠራዊት ናቸው። 12 የሠራዊት ነገሥታት ፈጥነው ይሸሻሉ፤ በቤትም የምትኖር ምርኮን ተካፈለች። 13 በርስቶች መካከል ብታድሩ፥ ከብር እንደ ተሠሩ
እንደ ርግብ ክንፎች፥ በቅጠልያ ወርቅም እንደ ተለበጡ ላባዎችዋ ትሆናላችሁ። 14 ሰማያዊ ንጉሥ በላይዋ ባዘዘ ጊዜ፥ በሰልሞን ላይ በረዶ ዘነበ። 15 የእግዚአብሔር ተራራ የለመለመ ተራራ ነው፤ የጸና ተራራና የለመለመ ተራራ ነው። 16 የጸኑ ተራራዎች ለምን ይነሣሉ? እግዚአብሔር ይህን ተራራ ያድርበት ዘንድ ወደደው፤ በእውነት እግዚአብሔር ለዘላለም ያድርበታል። 17 የእግዚአብሔር ሰረገላዎች የብዙ ብዙ ሺህ ናቸው፤ ጌታ በመቅደሱ
በሲና በመካከላቸው ነው። 18 ወደ ላይ ዓረግህ፥ ምርኮን ማረክህ፥ ስጦታንም ለሰዎች ሰጠህ፥ ደግሞም ለዓመፀኞች በዚያ ያድሩ ዘንድ። 19 እግዚአብሔር አምላክ ቡሩክ ነው፤ እግዚአብሔር በየዕለቱ ቡሩክ ነው፤ የመድኃኒታችን አምላክ ይረዳናል። 20 አምላካችንስ የደኅንነት አምላክ ነው፤ ከሞት መውጣትም ከእግዚአብሔር ነው። 21 ነገር ግን እግዚአብሔር የጠላቶቹን ራስ፥ በኃጢአት የሚሄድንም የጠጕሩን አናት ይቀጠቅጣል። 22
እግዚአብሔር እንዲህ አለ። ከባሳን አመጣቸዋለሁ፥ ከባሕርም ጥልቅ እመልሳቸዋለሁ፥ 23 እግሮችህ በደም ይረገጡ ዘንድ፥ የውሾችህ ምላስ በጠላቶች ላይ ይሆን ዘንድ። 24 የአምላኬ የንጉሥ መንገድ በመቅደሱ፥ አቤቱ፥ መንገድህ ተገለጠ። 25 አለቆች ቀደሙ፥ መዘምራንም ተከተሉ፤ ከበሮን በሚመቱ በቈነጃጅት መካከል። 26 እግዚአብሔርን በጉባኤ፥ ጌታችንንም በእስራኤል ምንጭ አመስግኑት። 27 ወጣቱ ብንያም በጕልበቱ በዚያ አለ፥
ገዦቻቸው የይሁዳ አለቆች የዛብሎን አለቆችና የንፍታሌምም አለቆች። 28 አቤቱ፥ ኃይልህን እዘዝ፤ አቤቱ፥ ይህንም ለእኛ የሠራኸውን አጽናው። 29 በኢየሩሳሌም ስላለው መቅደስህ ነገሥታት እጅ መንሻን ለአንተ ያመጣሉ። 30 በሸምበቆ ውስጥ ያሉትን አራዊት፥ በአሕዛብ ውስጥ ያሉትን የበሬዎችንና የወይፈኖችን ጉባኤ ገሥጽ፥ እንደ ብር የተፈተኑት አሕዛብ እንዳይዘጉ፤ ሰልፍን የሚወድዱትን አሕዛብን በትናቸው። 31 መኳንንት ከግብጽ
ይመጣሉ፤ ኢትዮጵያ እጆችዋን ወደ እግዚአብሔር ትዘረጋለች። 32 የምድር ነገሥታት፥ ለእግዚአብሔር ተቀኙ፥ ለጌታም ዘምሩ። 33 በምሥራቅ በኩል ወደ ሰማየ ሰማያት ለወጣ ለእግዚአብሔር ዘምሩ፤ የኃይል ቃል የሆነ ቃሉን፥ እነሆ፥ ይሰጣል። 34 ለእግዚአብሔር ክብርን ስጡ፤ ግርማው በእስራኤል ላይ፥ ኃይሉም በደመናት ላይ ነው። 35 እግዚአብሔር በቅዱሳኑ ላይ ድንቅ ነው፤ የእስራኤል አምላክ እርሱ ኃይልን ብርታትንም ለሕዝቡ
ይሰጣል፤ እግዚአብሔርም ይመስገን። 1 Let God arise! Let his enemies be scattered! Let them who hate him also flee before him.2As smoke is driven away, so drive them away. As wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish at the presence of God.3But let the righteous be glad. Let them rejoice before God. Yes, let them rejoice with gladness.4Sing to God!
Sing praises to his name! Extol him who rides on the clouds: to Yah, his name! Rejoice before him!5A father of the fatherless, and a defender of the widows, is God in his holy habitation.6God sets the lonely in families. He brings out the prisoners with singing, but the rebellious dwell in a sun-scorched land.7God, when you went forth before your people, when
you marched through the wilderness... Selah.8The earth trembled. The sky also poured down rain at the presence of the God of Sinai--at the presence of God, the God of Israel.9You, God, sent a plentiful rain. You confirmed your inheritance, when it was weary.10Your congregation lived therein. You, God, prepared your goodness for the poor.11The Lord
announced the word. The ones who proclaim it are a great company.12"Kings of armies flee! They flee!" She who waits at home divides the spoil,13while you sleep among the campfires, the wings of a dove sheathed with silver, her feathers with shining gold.14When the Almighty scattered kings in her, it snowed on Zalmon.15The mountains of Bashan are
majestic mountains. The mountains of Bashan are rugged.16Why do you look in envy, you rugged mountains, at the mountain where God chooses to reign? Yes, Yahweh will dwell there forever.17The chariots of God are tens of thousands and thousands of thousands. The Lord is among them, from Sinai, into the sanctuary.18You have ascended on high.
You have led away captives. You have received gifts among men, yes, among the rebellious also, that Yah God might dwell there.19Blessed be the Lord, who daily bears our burdens, even the God who is our salvation. Selah.20God is to us a God of deliverance. To Yahweh, the Lord, belongs escape from death.21But God will strike through the head of his
enemies, the hairy scalp of such a one as still continues in his guiltiness.22The Lord said, "I will bring you again from Bashan, I will bring you again from the depths of the sea;23That you may crush them, dipping your foot in blood, that the tongues of your dogs may have their portion from your enemies."24They have seen your processions, God, even the
processions of my God, my King, into the sanctuary.25The singers went before, the minstrels followed after, in the midst of the ladies playing with tambourines,26"Bless God in the congregations, even the Lord in the assembly of Israel!"27There is little Benjamin, their ruler, the princes of Judah, their council, the princes of Zebulun, and the princes of
Naphtali.28Your God has commanded your strength. Strengthen, God, that which you have done for us.29Because of your temple at Jerusalem, kings shall bring presents to you.30Rebuke the wild animal of the reeds, the multitude of the bulls, with the calves of the peoples. Being humbled, may it bring bars of silver. Scatter the nations that delight in
war.31Princes shall come out of Egypt. Ethiopia shall hurry to stretch out her hands to God.32Sing to God, you kingdoms of the earth! Sing praises to the Lord! Selah.33To him who rides on the heaven of heavens, which are of old; behold, he utters his voice, a mighty voice.34Ascribe strength to God! His excellency is over Israel, his strength is in the
skies.35You are awesome, God, in your sanctuaries. The God of Israel gives strength and power to his people. Praise be to God! Page 3 1 ሃሌ ሉያ። እግዚአብሔርን በመቅደሱ አመስግኑት፤ በኃይሉ ጠፈር አመስግኑት። 2 በችሎቱ አመስግኑት፤ በታላቅነቱ ብዛት አመስግኑት። 3 በመለከት ድምፅ አመስግኑት፤ በበገናና በመሰንቆ አመስግኑት። 4 በከበሮና በዘፈን አመስግኑት፤ በአውታርና በእምቢልታ አመስግኑት። 5
ድምፁ መልካም በሆነ ጸናጽል አመስግኑት፤ እልልታ ባለው ጸናጽል አመስግኑት። 6 እስትንፋስ ያለው ሁሉ እግዚአብሔርን ያመስግን። ሃሌ ሉያ። 1Praise Yah! Praise God in his sanctuary! Praise him in his heavens for his acts of power!2Praise him for his mighty acts! Praise him according to his excellent greatness!3Praise him with the sounding of the trumpet! Praise him with harp and
lyre!4Praise him with tambourine and dancing! Praise him with stringed instruments and flute!5Praise him with loud cymbals! Praise him with resounding cymbals!6Let everything that has breath praise Yah! Praise Yah! Page 4 = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = ="For I know the plans I have for you," says the LORD. "They are plans for good and not for
disaster, to give you a future and a hope" ( Jeremiah 29:11)We wish you all a Happy New Year and prosperous 2013 ~ Amharic Bible Team= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =What's new in Version 1.2~ We wrote the code all over again ~ The slider is very smooth now ~ Fixed issues with non-stop playing ~ Control everything (play, Pause, forward
etc) through apple headphone ~ Fixed stability issues----------------------Amharic Audio Bible is an app that lets Read and listen to an old Amharic Bible version or the Haile Selassie 1962 version for your iPhone, ipad and iPod. It is streamed on demand/offline mode to your iphone, ipod, ipad touch as long as you have Internet connection.It is Offered with
essential iOS features, utilizing the power of apple device for Amharic speaking community.A simple, yet a powerful design allows users to easily listen to the Bible, navigate,bookmark and take notes.FEATURES- We have two types of Audio ( Offline/Online)- Offline Audio ( You don't need internet connection)- current online Audio Bible ( This requires
Internet connection) -Search function for easy navigation-Side Notes – Attach your thoughts, comments and meditation or book for future reference-Bookmarking-Notes organized by chapters-Fast Searching- Quick,intuitive interface lets you get to the desired chapter quickly.- Playback starts within seconds of selecting desired chapter. -Historyand much
more.Internet Connection NEEDED for the online audio, you don't need Internet connection for offline audio" It comes complete with New and Old testaments. Fast and easy to use. This app has been updated by Apple to use the latest Apple signing certificate.- Support for newer version of iphones- New interface- Added daily verse, reading , quiz- Added
more Bible version andmuch more. Pls, update your app for compatibility issues Blessings, Amharic Bible Team This is very useful app, especially the Audio Bible is handy for me because I can listen to it even while I am driving. Since I started using this app even it initiated more to read my Bible verses regularly, I recommend all Christians to try this
app.While I conclude my feedback, I would like to say that the only issue I experience with this app is, sometimes it crushes or shuts down by itself and gets frozen.Also I recommend the builder of this app that you can provide a paid version while it is worth it. So it can support you to come up with a stable and ad free version. I don’t mind paying for this app,
worth it.Thanks, God bless you. For the most part the audio feature is fantastic. I have been listening to it from genesis all the way down. There are flaws here and there and some chapters are missing texts towards the end. There are also times when readers repeat the same line two times. Those are no big deal in my opinion considering how difficult it is to
make this happen. I hope this feedback is consecutive for the app developers to make the app better. I would like to wrap my review by saying thank you for making this happen. I would pay more money to get this. God bless you. If you can read or listen amharic you should get this App. I sleep with this App on sometimes and I even listen it on the way to
work, at gym and just about anywhere I am. it's like having a word of GOD with you everywhere you go! I am an app junky and believe me this is the best App I have ever downloaded. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Great work. Classic example of technology and gospel! Much love! The developer, Nippt, has not provided details about its privacy
practices and handling of data to Apple. The developer will be required to provide privacy details when they submit their next app update. Although Christianity became the state religion of Ethiopia in the 4th century, and the Bible was first translated into Ge'ez at about that time, only in the last two centuries have there appeared translations of the Bible into
Amharic. Abu Rumi translation The first translation of the Bible into Amharic was by Abu Rumi in the early 19th century.[1] In the opinion of Edward Ullendorff, "The hisouis Asselin de Cherville, possessed a manuscript containing a complete translation of the Bible into Amharic, created by the mutual efforts of the Consul and Abu Rumi." As Ullendorff relates,
for ten years "every Tuesday and Saturday his de Cherville's door was shut to all visitors when he read with 'my Abyssinian, slowly and with the utmost attention, every verse of the Sacred Volume, in the Arabic Version which we were able to translate.' But we are not told from which Arabic version the rendering was made."[2] Where the Arabic words were
"abstruse, difficult, or foreign", de Cherville then consulted "the Hebrew Original, the Syriac Version, or the Septuagint" for clarification. William Jowett purchased de Cherville's manuscript, consisting of 9,539 pages written in "the fine hand" of Abu Rumi for £1,250, which he then presented for review to Professor Samuel Lee, and the final manuscript was
printed by Thomas Pell Platt[3] in increasing portions: the four Gospels in 1824, the entire New Testament in 1829, and the complete Bible in 1840. This translation, "with some changes and amendments, held sway until the Emperor Haile Selassie I ordered a new translation", which was published in 1960/61.[4][5] First Haile Selassie I Bible (1935) A new
translation was underway, under the Emperor Haile Selassie I's patronage, when the Italian army invaded. This manuscript was later sent to Britain and printed, but most of the copies were destroyed in a fire during the bombing of London.[6] This translation is sometimes known as the "Buxton" translation, because a British missionary named Alfred Buxton
(1891–1940)[7] was instrumental in sending the manuscript from occupied Ethiopia to Britain. This same basic translation, with some changes, was later printed in the USA, with funds raised by Rev. Donald Barnhouse. After it was printed,[8] this translation (sometimes referred to as the "Barnhouse New Testament") was found to contain a serious error in
Rev. 19:10 & 22:9 (an angel commanding John to worship him, rather than prohibiting John to worship him), so most copies were destroyed.[9] New Haile Selassie I Bible (1962) In 1962, a new Amharic translation from Ge'ez was printed, again with the patronage of the Emperor. The preface by Emperor Haile Selassie I is dated "1955" (E.C.), and the 31st
year of his reign (i.e. AD 1962 in the Gregorian Calendar),[10] and states that it was translated by the Bible Committee he convened between AD 1947 and 1952, "realizing that there ought to be a revision from the original Hebrew and Greek of the existing translation of the Bible".[11][12] It included the 66 books of the protocanon (i.e. those held canonical in
common with Protestant and Catholic Christians), as the 5 narrow canon deuterocanonical books were published separately. The five narrow canon Ethiopian deuterocanonical books comprise 1 Enoch (Henok; different from the standard editions of Ge'ez manuscripts A~Q by foreign academics), Jubilees (Ge'ez: Mets'hafe Kufale) and I, II, and III Meqabyan
(completely different from I, II, and III Maccabees) [13] The 81 book Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church Bible, including the deuterocanonicals, 46 books of the Old Testament and 35 books of the New Testament, was published in 1986. This version incorporates a few minor changes or corrections to the 1962 Amharic text of the New Testament, but the
text of the Old Testament and Deuterocanon are identical to those previously published under Haile Selassie I. UBS Versions (1987, 2005) Under the Bible Society of Ethiopia (a member of the United Bible Societies), a new translation was printed in 1987, translated directly from Hebrew and Greek. A revised version of this appeared in 2005. These versions
contain only the 66 books of the Protestant canon, and they have not been widely embraced by the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church. IBS Version (2001) Living Bibles International produced a New Testament in 1985.[14] Following the 1992 merger of LBI with IBS, the International Bible Society produced a complete Bible in 2001.[15] This is a
translation from the English NIV, or is at least very heavily reliant upon it. New World Translation of Holy Scriptures In 2008, the Watch Tower Society produced an Amharic translation of Jehovah's Witnesses New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures.[16] Millennium Amharic Bible For the millennium celebration on the Ethiopian calendar, the Ethiopian
Orthodox Church and the Ethiopian Bible Society produced a new translation.[17] This translation differed from recent Amharic translations in that the translators generally followed the Greek Septuagint (LXX) translation for the Old Testament and the Ge'ez for both the Old and the New. It was warmly welcomed by the Orthodox, but not by Protestants, both
sides misunderstanding some points of history and the Biblical canon.[18] See also Orthodox Tewahedo biblical canon References ^ William Jowett, Christian Researches in the Mediterranean from MDCCCXV to MDCCCXX in Furtherance of the Objects of the Church Missionary Society (London, 1822), pp. 171-229. ^ Ullendorff, Ethiopian and the Bible, p.
64 ^ _Thomas_Pell_(DNB00) ^ Ullendorff, Ethiopia and the Bible, pp. 65f. ^ Electronic access to the Abu Rumi version ^ A. F. Matthew. 1956. The Revision of the Amharic Bible. The Bible Translator 7.2: 72-76 online version ^ Buxton died in the London bombing in 1940. Alfred Buxton of Abyssinia and Congo by Norman Grubb, with a foreword by the Rt.
Hon. Viscount Caldecote. Published 1942 by Lutterworth. ^ "Archived copy". Archived from the original on 2012-03-15. Retrieved 2012-03-11.CS1 maint: archived copy as title (link) ^ Brian Fargher, The Origins of the New Churches Movement in Southern Ethiopia, 1927-1944; Studies of Religion in Africa, 16 (Leiden: Brill, 1966), p. 291. ^ The Haile
Selassie Amharic Bible, Lapsley/Brooks Digitalization project. Ullendorf misreads this as AD 1955 (Ethiopia and the Bible, p. 66) ^ s:Statement on the Revised Amharic Bible ^ Ullendorff comments "I have not made a systematic comparative study of the Abu Rumi and Emperor translations, but from desultory reading of both versions the following picture
seems to emerge: I can find no evidence that the new recension has been subjected to any perceptible collation with the Hebrew and Greek originals. The Amharic has certainly been modernized and updated; the order of words in particular has been brought into conformity with contemporary stylistic tastes in Amharic. The use of Abu Rumi's text can clearly
be discerned, even where the changes that have been introduced are by no means negligible." (Ethiopia and the Bible, p. 67) ^ "1962 Amharic Bible at Good Amharic Books". Archived from the original on 2011-07-11. Retrieved 2008-07-09. ^ Electronic version of 1985 New Testament ^ Amharic Bible (c) International Bible Society, Amharic (2001) Index ^
Online version ^ Bruk A. Asale. 2014. A millennium translation based on the Ge'ez and LXX: A new Bible translation in the Ethiopian church and its controversy. The Bible Translator 65(1): 49-73. ^ Bruk A. Asale. 2014. A millennium translation based on the Ge'ez and LXX: A new Bible translation in the Ethiopian church and its controversy. The Bible
Translator 65(1): 49-73. External links An 1886 Amharic translation of the Old Testament (protocanon only) - reprinted by E.O. Tewahedo Church 1886 Amharic translation of the New Testament 2001 Bible from International Bible Society, now renamed "Biblica" Hiyaw Qal, Living Bible New Testament New Testament in easy Amharic Old Testament in easy
Amharic Free Amharic Bible app Retrieved from "

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