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After you read the article, please make 6 questions based on the article above by using 5 W +
- Who is responsible for planning, designing and supervision of contruction work
four house, office buildings, skyscrapers, landscapes, and even entire cities ?
- What is an architect ?
- Where is an architect get a necessary documents pertaining to the town planning?
- Why the job as an architect is challenging ?
- When is an architect needed ?
- How architect involved in all the phases of the contrition of a building?
2. Please mention 10 parts of the house below and explain the function of each part !

1) The main function of door is to maintain privacy and safety inside the room or house
when it is closed. (9)
2) A roof is the top covering of a building. (4)
3) A ladder is used for climbing up or down something. (8)
4) The The primary function of the chimney is to direct the smoke away from the stove and
out of the house. (2)
5) The purposes of walls in buildings are to support roofs, floors and ceilings; to enclose a
space as part of the building envelope along with a roof to give buildings form; and to
provide shelter and security. (19)
6) The function of window are providing Natural Sunlight, delivering energy efficiency,
ventilating the home. (21)
7) A fireplace is an open area built into the structure of a home where a fire can be safely
contained to generate heat and to provide a relaxing atmosphere, while allowing waste
gases and smoke to leave the property via a chimney. (16)
8) A truss gives a stable form capable of supporting considerable external load over a large
span with the component parts stressed primarily in axial tension or compression. (23)
9) There is a lamp hang on the ceiling. its function is to light up the room. (14)
10) The function of plafond are the heat holder from roof in order that heat doesn’t drop into
room below directly,to dim rain water drops above the room ,especially on roof cover
made from zinc metal or aluminium materials. (20)
3. Please make a paragraph by using Conditional Sentence type 2 ! (max 2 paragraph) !
My friend called and asked me to accompany him to the book store, but I can’t go
because I’m at a photography competition. If I had a free time, I would accompany him to the
book store.
This is my first time to enter the competition. If i won the competition i would buy a
new camera. Even though I'm not winning now, I'm happy that I gained experience.
4. Please make a short video about the parts of your house. Share your link
5. Please fill in the blanks with the use of Some or Any!
1. I am so thirsty. Can I get some water?
2. I don’t have any girlfriend. Believe me.
3. She doesn’t have any Degree, but she is smart.
4. He didn’t watch any movies last night.
6. After finishing the study of English for Architecture, can you write your personal
opinion about the study of English for Architecture and what do you think about the
importance of this study for supporting your academic achievement ?
After I learned English for architecture, i really understand the functions and benefits that I
get. It is very valuable in architecture to be able to express yourself well in the language of
those you need to work with maybe in the future. And it was fun to learn about any

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