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Test I – Multiple Choice Test: (3 points each)

Directions: Choose the letter of the best answer and write it on the
blank provided at the left side of the test item. Use capital letters only.

__________ 1. It is an area of management practice which is concerned with

the integration of people into a work situation in a way productivity,
cooperatively, and with economic, psychological and social satisfaction.

A. Human Relations C. Public Information Model

B. Environment Scanning D. Organizational Behavior

__________ 2. It is a tool that has helped to identify and prioritize the

strategic issues which an organization’s plans are founded on.

A. Job Satisfaction C. Environment Scanning

B. Human Relations D. Task Performance

__________ 3. It emphasizes on maintaining and enhancing the image of an

organization simply by circulating relevant and meaningful information.

A. Environment Scanning C. Two-way Asymmetrical

B. Public Information Model D. Human Relations

__________4. It is a more “scientifically persuasive” way of communicating

with key audience.

A. Human Relations C. Public Information

B. Two-way Asymmetrical Model D. Two-way Symmetrical

__________5. It creates and sustains mutually beneficial relationships

between an organization and its key stakeholders.

A. Organizational Culture C. Human Relations

B. Public Relations D. Two-way Symmetrical Model
Test II – Identification Test: (3 points each)

Directions: Read the sentences carefully. Identify and choose the

letter of your best answer on the box. Write your answer on the blank. Use
capital letters only.

A. Caesar
B. St. Agustin
C. Thomas Paine
D. Georgiana Cavendish
E. Ivy Lee
____________ 1. He said, PR director must have access to top management
and must be able to influence decision.

____________ 2. A Duchess of Devonshire with Charles James Fox included

press relations, lobbying and celebrity campaign.

____________ 3. The Master of Political Propaganda that his writings could

make people do and believe in things.

____________ 4. Delivered eulogies to Roman Emperor the 1st of the people in-
charge of Public Relation .

____________ 5. Wrote 1st campaign biography to convince Romans that he

would be the best head of state.

Test III- Enumeration: (60 points)

Directions: Answer the following questions. (2 points each)

1 – 12 – Twelve Commandments of Human Relations

13 – 17 – Characteristics of a Good Planner

18 – 21 - Importance of Public Relation Planning

22 – 24 - Fundamental Reasons to Build Relationships

25 – 27 - The Newspapers Advertising

28 – 30 - Role of Public Relations

Test IV- Essay (10 Points)

Directions: Answer the questions. (10 points )

1. Explain this given quotation of W. Somerset Maugham:

“ When you choose your friends, don’t be short-changed by
choosing personality over character.”

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