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All living things are made from one or more Prokaryotic cells were here first and for
cells. A cell is the simplest unit of life and billions of years were the only form of life on
they are responsible for keeping an Earth. All prokaryotic organisms are
organism alive and functioning. unicellular.
 Pro meaning “before”
Every cell is different but there are basic  Karyon meaning “nucleus”
structures that are common to all cells.  The single-celled organisms of the domains
Bacteria and Archaea

1) An outer boundary called the cell Eukaryotic cells appeared on earth long
membrane or plasma membrane that after prokaryotic cells but they are much
regulates the passage of materials into and more advanced. Eukaryotic organisms
out of the cell; unlike prokaryotic can be unicellular or
2) A gel-like substance making up cell’s  Eu meaning “true”
internal environment called cytoplasm; and  Karyon meaning “nucleus”
 Animal cells, plant cells, fungi, and protists
3) The genetic material in the form of DNA that are eukaryotes
provides instructions to make proteins,
regulates activities, and enables cells to PROKARYOTES
 Most ancient
 Smaller in size
 With simple internal structures
 Enclosed by a plasma membrane encased
within a rigid cell wall.

This small size and simple structure allow these

organisms to reproduce very fast.

 Plasma membrane - a semipermeable

Biologists recognize two main classifications membrane responsible for the
of cells: simple prokaryotes and the more prokaryote to allow waste products to
complex eukaryotes pass through while preventing the
diffusion of essential products to the
external environment.

 Cell wall - responsible for maintaining its

shape, especially when cells are
exposed to high water influx.
Some prokaryotic cells have a capsule that  Larger in size
acts as a protective layer made up of  More complex structural components
polysaccharides lying outside the cell wall.  All higher forms of organisms such as
fungi, plants, and protists.
Lacks a distinct nucleus but possesses an
irregular-shaped region called nucleoid  Eukaryotic cells have their genetic
region. material (DNA) encased within a distinct
 Nucleoid region- where it stores its
genetic material in the form of DNA.  DNA form is linear.

Its cytoplasm is not organized into distinct  These cells have many membrane-
interior compartments. bound interior compartments and their
organelles are neatly arranged.
Scattered throughout the cytoplasm are
small structures called ribosomes where The difference between the structure of
proteins are made. prokaryotes and eukaryotes is so great that
it is considered to be the most important
Some bacteria also possess a plasmid. distinction among groups of organisms.

 Plasmid - an independent circular  

DNA structure

Some prokaryotes also possess

appendages like flagellum, fimbriae, and
conjugation pili.

 Flagellum - a tail like appendage

which allow locomotion.
 Fimbriae - an additional smaller and
bristle-like fiber that grow over the
prokaryotic cell’s surface.

o They help bacteria to attach

themselves to surfaces.
Conjugation pili - tubular structures present
in the cell surface that function for cell-to-cell Both types of cells have cell membranes or
communication, as well as to pass DNA plasma membranes (outer covering of the
from one bacterium to the next. cell).

EUKARYOTES Both types of cells have ribosomes.

Both types of cells have DNA.

Both types of cells have a gel-like substance

making up the cell’s internal environment
known as the cytoplasm.

A plant cell contains a large, singular

vacuole that is used for storage and
maintaining the shape of the cell. In
contrast, animal cells have many, smaller

Most adult plant cells have one large

vacuole that takes up more than 30% of the
cell's volume. At certain times and
conditions, the vacuole takes up as much as
80% of the cell’s volume!


Unlike animal cells, plant cells can harness

the energy of the Sun, store it in the
chemical bonds of sugar and later use this
energy. The organelle which is responsible
for this is the chloroplast. Chloroplasts
PLANT CELLS contain chlorophyll; the green pigment that
Plant cell, the basic unit of all plants. Plant gives leaves their color and absorbs light
cells, like animal cells, are eukaryotic, meaning energy.
they have a membrane-bound nucleus and
organelles. Plant cells have a distinct set of PLASMODESMATA
features and characteristics. They are different
These pores or channels are found between
to the cells of organisms from other kingdoms of
plant cell walls and allow molecules and
communication signals to pass between
The cells of plants are eukaryotic. A eukaryotic individual plant cells.
cell is any cell with a ‘true’ nucleus and
organelles. This immediately separates plant SIZE & SHAPE
cells from the cells of bacteria and archaea.
Plant cells similar in shape with most cells
Plant cells are similar to animal cells in that they being rectangular or cube-shaped.
are both eukaryotic cells and have similar
organelles. However, there are a number of ANIMAL CELLS
differences between plant and animal cells.
All animal cells are multicellular. They are
eukaryotic cells. Animal cells are surrounded by
CELL WALL a plasma membrane and it contains the nucleus
and organelles that are membrane-bound.
Unlike animal cells, plant cells have a cell Unlike the eukaryotic cells of plants and fungi,
wall surrounding the cell membrane. The animal cells do not have a cell wall. This feature
cell wall provides strength and support to was lost in the distant past by the single-celled
the plant. organisms that gave rise to the kingdom
Animal cells are of various sizes and have
irregular shapes. Most of the cells size range
between 1 and 100 micrometers and are visible
only with the microscope. Trillions of cells are
found in the human body. There are many
different types of cells, approximately 210
distinct cell types in the adult human body.


Animal cells have centrioles.

This is distinctly found in the animal cell,
which has the ability to replicate or make
copies by itself. It is made up of 9
microtubule bundles and their primary
function is to assist in organizing the cell
division process.


Lysosomes are round-shaped, membrane-

bound structures containing chemicals that can
break down materials in the cell.


These are locomotive projections found on

the surface of the cell. They allow the cell to
move like an oar or a whip.

Cilia look like little hairs with much shorter


Flagella, on the other hand, look like a whip

or tail.


Animal cells shape and sizes vary greatly

from irregular shapes to round shapes

Plant and animal cells are both eukaryotic cells,

so they have several features in common, such
as the presence of a cell membrane,
cytoplasm, DNA and cell organelles, like the
nucleus, mitochondria, ribosomes, Golgi
apparatus, and endoplasmic reticulum.

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