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Reading Log

Date: 10/17/22
3-4 sentence summary of the last section you read in your own words:
Offred and Ofglen start to open up more to each other as they go to see young women get
married to Angels. We also learn more about Offred’s past before the Gilead and how she got
caught trying to escape. This was while she was talking to the Commander about love.

Reading section for today: _______

Page # Inference Evidence and Explanation

233 The Commanders have a nightclub “If anyone asks you, say you’re an evening
where they can be with other women rental.”
that aren’t handmaids or wives This quote makes it seem like the
Commanders have access to lots of other
women while they are at this event. It is
assumed that is a nightclub because they
go at night and through a back entrance
where no wives can go.

238 Moira must have been caught after “Then I see her, Moira… and black high
her escape heels. She always hated high heels.”
Moira is doing something she isn’t
comfortable doing, meaning she doesn't
have complete freedom. This must mean
she was caught after escaping the 2nd
time but, they sent her to the club instead
of back to the Red center.

Date: 10/18/22
3-4 sentence summary of the last section you read in your own words:
The Commander dresses up Offred and sneaks her into a club for officials and trade partners.
In the club there are other women, dressed up with many of these women having various hard
working professions in the past. Also, at the club the women and men have complete access
to alcohol and information to another. This is where Offred sees Moira.

Reading section for today: _______

Page # Inference Evidence and Explanation

245 There was an underground “At last I tried remembering our mailing list.
organization that looked to rebel We’d destroyed it, of course, early on.”
against the Gilead The mailing list could be the address of all
the people supporting the organization,
however since it was illegal they had to
destroy the information so no one would
get caught.
254 The Commander wants to be more “And the Commander, for a change, is
intimate with Offred waiting; I can hear him pacing in the main
Usually when the Commander and Offred
have intercourse it is with Sereena there as
well. However, here it's just the two of them
so the Commander seems to want it more.

Date: 10/19/22
3-4 sentence summary of the last section you read in your own words:
Moira and Offred talk at the club about Moira’s escape. It turns out she was almost smuggled
out of the country but someone got cold feet and she was caught. She chose to work at the
club instead of getting shipped off to the colonies. Offred also sneaks out to have intercourse
with Nick which is a nice change for her compared to the Commander

Reading section for today: _______

Page # Inference Evidence and Explanation

269 Offred enjoys being with Nick more “With the Commander I close my eyes,
than the Commander and looks to be even when I am only kissing him
more intimate with him. good-night. I don't want to see him up
close… I keep my eyes open… take him in,
memorize him.”
Offred loks to be intimate with Nick by
actively looking at him and going over the
fine details of his body. She wants to get
closer to by learning more about him and
experiencing the finer things he has across
his body.

279 The Handmaids are allowed to punish “It’s true, there is a bloodlust; I want to tear,
the Guardian because he’s the reason gouge, rend. We jostle forward, our heads
for the loss of a baby turn from side to side, our nostrils flare,
sniffing detath, we look at one another,
seeing the hatred.”
The handmaids are not gonna be
controlled and they surround this man who
raped a woman, ending the life of a baby.
They are angry and can’t wait to punish
this man as the tension builds within them.

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