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Prewatch: Discussion Recorder

Topic: ​ Read pages xxxiii to xxxix of the Commentary section of "The Good Person of
Szechwan," having a conversation on the content and taking notes.

Complete __ rows

Classmate (full name) Comment

1. Arabella I think it was about helping the audience understand the

characters in a more varying way and look at them as a person
to acknowledge them as a person.

2. Daniell Found it interesting how he thought of a different word to talk

about historical events and how to look deeper in them.

3. Alessia Found it interesting how they found a difference between

dramatic and epic theater and used epic theater to make the
audience help question the play.

4. Maya Likes how he describes history as something that is transitory

and shows it is work by trying to break the 4th wall.

5. Keira She think its interesting that he regrets how his plays turned out.

Section of the play:
Which scene or which interlude? (e.g. “Scene Which page #s from the textbook?
2” or “Post-Scene 2 Interlude”)
Prologue 3
Post-Prologue 11

Plot Summary
The 10 key events of this section’s plot, in your own words:
1. Wong complains that he is poor
2. Wong leads the 3 gods
3. Wong leads the gods the shen teh
4. Wong doesn’t want the gods to know shen teh is a prostitute
5. Shen teh meets the gods
6. The gods tell Shen teh she is a good person
7. Shen teh doesn't believe the gods
8. Shen teh explains to the gods she has no money
9. Gods don’t want to give her money because it ruins economy
10. Gods end up giving her money.
Analyze one goal the author had in crafting the elements of the passage we studied today. What
was the author trying to achieve in this section? Write a response of 150-200 words, including
analysis of at least two different elements. Include the page number (i.e. analyze the play, and
not the video version) as your refer to the text, using MLA citation guidelines.

Please highlight analysis related to intent and bold your explanation of literary elements.
Include the word count of your response at the bottom.

Write your response here:


Word Count: ______

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