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While you are reading your Literature Circle novel, you will be expected to record

entries in a double-entry journal. You may include interesting quotations from the text,
questions about the text, and connections between the text and your own life. During
your literature circle discussion, you will trade journals with another group member, and
respond to his/her entry under the Peer Response. You may then use these entries as
talking points within your group discussion.

The expectation is that you will complete 1 journal entry/class and spread out your
entries throughout your reading.

Complete 2/21 entries before 2/26.

Observation Evidence and Explanation Peer Response:

(Analyze the text, form a (Include a quote from the text Student: Hana
personal connection, or pose with citation and explanation
a thoughtful question.) of what quote shows) (During the meeting, ask
another group member to
make comments and write
his/her name.)

1. I believe that Mariam and “Almost everyone she knew I like how you foreshadowed
Rasheed never left and when packed their things and left” something that actually
Laila’s family leaves they will (Hosseini 181). happened based on what you
meet each other. Rasheed seems very know about the characters
stubborn like Mammy so it already. Although not correct
would make sense if he and entirely, Mariam and Laila did
Mariam haven’t fled Kabul meet and end up living with
yet. Also, I believe that the each other.
introduction of Laila
foreshadowed her inevitable
meeting with Mariam
especially since they were
neighbors. Wherever they
flee to I believe Mariam finally
convinced Rasheed and will
join Laila’s family as a

2. I wonder if Tariq is dead “They would find Tariq and I agree with this inference
and Laila is getting hopeful his parents there. Surely they because Laila's life has been
for nothing or Laila and her would” (189). It seems too going smoothly since the war
family never make it to easy that Laila and Tariq so I also thought something
Pakistan? could reunite so fast without was going to happen. It is
any barriers. So far in Laila’s expected that the one person
story there has been no twist, she cherishes the most would
no climax. I believe have something happen to
something either happened to him.
Tariq or Laila on their
journey’s to Pakistan.
Highlighting a sorrowful event
that changes the events of
the story.

3. Rasheed has a heart and “But, then, Massoud was a This is a valid prediction
cares for Laila so he will try Tajik, or course. Like Laila… based on the characterization
and marry Laila. An attempt on his part, both of Rasheed. He is a man who
sly and pathetic, to impress” cares for his own wellbeing
(Hosseini 213). Why would and reputation so marrying
Rasheed care to impress a Lailla is the only thing that
girl like Laili or lie to at all? would make his life better.
Rasheed has been portrayed
as a stubborn man who
doesn’t really care what other
people think. If he cares what
Laila thinks of him, maybe he
is opening up and wants to
marry her.

4. Either Rasheed, Laila, or “Limbs were being amputated It is interesting to predict that
Mariam will get a body part without anesthesia” (Hosseini just because amputations
amputated 230). II believe this to be were mentioned that a main
foreshadowing of what will character will get something
come either Rasheed, Laila amputated but it could
or Mariam. Out of all the happen. It was mentioned
different treatments that that Tariq had his other leg
Rasheed would have amputated which could me
mentioned, he specifically the foreshadow the author
mentioned amputation, was trying to say.
making it seem likely in the

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