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Pre – operating Period

Table 38. Pre-operation Period


Conduct Feasibility Study

The proponents will carry out a study regarding this at this time. the
company's planned product and will therefore be able to determine January 2022 -
whether it is possible or not The proponents will evaluate the May2022
product's viability in order to collect information using a variety of
tools and methods, including surveys, interviews, and data from
reliable websites, books, journals, and other sites that include
crucial information about the study.
Putting up the Capital Investment
When starting a business, capitalization is essential because the
business will not come to pass without it. The projected business's
finances must be intelligently planned throughout that time. The January 2022- May
sum required for the running of the business will be completed 2022
with sufficient time and equal contributions from the proponents.
At the end of September, the proponents decided to contribute
Registration of the Business and other Legal Compliance

The legal prerequisites and processes for the beginning of the

During this time, business must be done. Getting clients It is
necessary to obtain permits from the municipal or local May 2022 – June 2022
government, the Security and Exchange Commission (SEC), the
Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR), the Department of Trade and
Industry (DTI), the Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE), the Social Security System (SSS), and the Philippine
Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth).
Land Purchase July 2022 –
August 2022
During this time, the proponents will identify the planned
organization within JIN Building, 1st Block, Brgy. Sultan
Kudarat, Tacurong City, and New Isabela. Within the campus,
it is now accessible in large quantities for processing,
distributing, and keeping inventory suppliers primarily
concerned with output production Those in favor 20,000 per
year is what it is projected to cost to lease the facility. month.
Putting up will result from remodeling the rented space. 
Posters and tarps are used.
Canvassing and Acquiring Machinery and Equipment
The proponents will begin to canvass and obtain signatures during September
01 – 30, 2022
this time. The machinery required for producing and delivering the
Canvassing and Purchasing of Raw Materials
The proponents will accurately assess the quantities of raw
materials. To lower the cost of the ingredients' acquisition. October 01-
30, 2022
Finding new suppliers is also considered to prevent
detrimental swings of the cost of necessary raw resources.

Hiring and Training Employees

Selection of the qualified applicants will be done in this
period. After being qualified, orientations will be given to
employees to have knowledge in Flip-flop. Preparations such
as the procedures and control in the manufacturing of the
product, handling of cash and the right approach to customers
will be taught to employees in order to build up their
November – December
confidence and increase productivity that will help them 2022
sustain motivation in their current state, as well as in the
future. There are also factors to consider that significantly
influences the employees on how they will maintain a positive
impression in the working environment by
recognizing their hard works and advocating balance in life
and work. Safety procedures will be extensively employed to
assist the employees with working safely
Promotional Campaign January 01 - 30,
This is important because the business's launch is almost here.
the ideal opportunity to support the merchandise. The firm will
become known if it has enough time to inform the public
verbally, distribute leaflets and brochures, publish on social
media platforms and news websites, and distribute leaflets and
brochures. Making the product well-known is their objective
in order for individuals to understand it and acquire it.
Start of Normal Operation
Following completion of all prerequisites, the company will February 2023
begin to work. The requirement for ongoing product Onwards
promotion and To be attained for the purpose of satisfying
client demands consumers' contentment.

Project Originators/ Promoters/ Managers


Table 39. Sources of Capital

Names Duties and Responsibilities Position in the Capital Contribution
As to Liability As to Contribution
Limited Partner Industrial Capitalist





Project Schedule

Operating Period

WEEKLY OPERATIONS (Operation Hours and Activities
12:00-1:00AM Monitoring the area near the place where the product is made.
1:00-3:00AM Check the materials and the workers.
5:00AM-7AM To make it simple locate and maintain the production areas,
appropriately arrange and position the materials.
7:00-9:00AM Check their produced that they produce.
9:00-11:00AM Observing the process and function of mainly production of the flip-flop
11:00-1:00PM Checking and testing the flip-flop to see whether they are attractive and
3:00-5:00PM Examine the manufactured item to determine the durability and ability
to hand effectively.
5:00-7:00PM Monitoring the workers, and the area.
9:00-11:00 Cleaning the area or place that product made.
12:00-1:00AM Monitoring the area near the place where the product is made.
1:00-3:00AM Check the materials and the workers.
5:00AM-7AM To make it simple locate and maintain the production areas,
appropriately arrange and position the materials.
7:00-9:00AM Check their produced that they produce.
9:00-11:00AM Observing the process and function of mainly production of the flip-flop
11:00-1:00PM Checking and testing the flip-flop to see whether they are attractive and
3:00-5:00PM Examine the manufactured item to determine the durability and ability
to hand effectively.
9:00-11:00PM Monitoring the workers, and the area. Cleaning the area or place that
product made.
12:00-1:00AM Monitoring the area near the place where the product is made.

1:00-3:00AM Check the materials and the workers.

5:00AM-7AM To make it simple locate and maintain the production areas,

appropriately arrange and position the materials.
7:00-9:00AM Check their produced that they produce.
9:00-11:00AM Observing the process and function of mainly production of the flip-flop

11:00-1:00PM Checking and testing the flip-flop to see whether they are attractive and
3:00-5:00PM Examine the manufactured item to determine the durability and ability
to hand effectively.
9:00-11:00PM Monitoring the workers, and the area. Cleaning the area or place that
product made.
12:00-1:00AM Monitoring the area near the place where the product is made.
1:00-3:00AM Check the materials and the workers.

5:00AM-7AM To make it simple locate and maintain the production areas,

appropriately arrange and position the materials.
7:00-9:00AM Check their produced that they produce.

9:00-11:00AM Observing the process and function of mainly production of the flip-flop

11:00-1:00PM Checking and testing the flip-flop to see whether they are attractive and
3:00-5:00PM Examine the manufactured item to determine the durability and ability
to hand effectively.
9:00-11:00PM Monitoring the workers, and the area. Cleaning the area or place that
product made.
12:00-1:00AM Monitoring the area near the place where the product is made.
1:00-3:00AM Check the materials and the workers.
5:00AM-7AM To make it simple locate and maintain the production areas,
appropriately arrange and position the materials.
7:00-9:00AM Check their produced that they produce.
9:00-11:00AM Observing the process and function of mainly production of the flip-flop
11:00-1:00PM Checking and testing the flip-flop to see whether they are attractive and
3:00-5:00PM Examine the manufactured item to determine the durability and ability
to hand effectively.
9:00-11:00PM Monitoring the workers, and the area. Cleaning the area or place that
product made.
12:00-1:00AM Monitoring the area near the place where the product is made.

1:00-3:00AM Check the materials and the workers.

5:00AM-7AM To make it simple locate and maintain the production areas,

appropriately arrange and position the materials.
7:00-9:00AM Check their produced that they produce.
9:00-11:00AM Observing the process and function of mainly production of the flip-flop

11:00-1:00PM Checking and testing the flip-flop to see whether they are attractive and
2;00-3:00PM Examine the manufactured item to determine the durability and ability
to hand effectively.
3:00-5:00PM Monitoring the workers, and the area. Cleaning the area or place that
product made.
9:00-11:00PM Monitoring the area near the place where the product is made.


Form of Business Ownership

Internal Organization

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