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Турски тутун по 18 век станува традиционално земјоделско производство, па во Турција

постојат повеѓе региони каде се произведува. Производството се одвива со цел да се

задоволи домашната потрошувачка и извозот. Четирите групи на региони според

производството на турски туту се:. регионите на Егејот, Мармара-Тракија, Црното Море,

Источна и Југоисточна Анадолија. Турција има 2,5% удел во светското производство на

тутун. Таа, секоја година извезува 400-500 милиони американски долари за да обезбеди

приход или 22,3% од вкупните приходи од извоз на земјоделски производи. Ориентален

тип е лидер во производството на тутун 36% учество во вкупното производство на

ориентален тутун. Во последниве години се забележува севкупно намалување на

количините на вкупното производство на тутун во светот. Производството на тутун од

грип и бурли во вкупниот свет го зголемува својот удел на тутунот, тутунот од ориентален

тип продолжува да опаѓа.

In recent years seen an overall reduction in the amounts of the world's total tobacco

production. Flue-cured and burley tobacco production in the total world increase their share

tobaccos, oriental type tobacco continues to decline rates.According to data from the 2003

estimate;Tobacco production in 64% of the Aegean, 14.5% of u Black Sea, 2.9% Eastern, 14.2%

Southeast, and 4.2% in the Marmara Region

Oriental tobacco has been smoked for hundreds of years, with the hookah — also known
as the water pipe — being the primary means by which it was enjoyed. Lighting up a
hookah pipe required first completely drying out Oriental tobacco and placing it in a
bowl of water for one hour. After the water was wringed out, the tobacco was placed in
the hookah’s bowl with a glowing ember set upon the tobacco.
In 1854, during the Crimean War, British soldiers witnessed their Turkish allies smoke
something rolled in corn paper. After learning that they were smoking Oriental tobacco
rolled into something called a cigarette, the British returned home with this newfound
smoking method and started producing hand-rolled cigarettes of their own in England.
The influence and importance of Oriental tobacco became even more profound when
the first American Blend cigarette was introduced in 1913, but that’s a story for a later

When soldiers returned to England, Oriental tobacco was introduced to English pipe
tobacco manufacturers, who immediately realized this new leaf would forever change
their future blends. At that time, strict Purity Laws regulated the production of pipe
tobacco made in England, requiring blends be straight tobacco and free of any flavor
additives. The introduction of Oriental tobacco, though, presented a new flavor to
blenders’ repertoires but in a manner that was still legal under the Purity Laws.

Oriental tobacco imparts a spiciness to tobacco blends, lending the flavor profile an
extra dimension. A typical English blend combines Orientals with Virginia and Latakia,
though the proportion of the different tobaccos may vary. In selected Mac Baren blends,
Oriental tobacco is used because of its spicy note, making it a very important
component when we develop new blends.

Orientals grow prevalently in the Middle East and Balkan regions, experiencing a lot of
sunlight but little rain. Such a climate makes this subspecies of Nicotiana tabacum
quite different from other varietals like Virginia and Burley.

First, Oriental’s leaves are tiny compared to those of Virginia; however, the smaller size
is offset by its greater quantity. A Virginia plant generates about 30 leaves whereas the
Oriental variety will produce closer to 100 leaves.

Second, the growing conditions found in the aforementioned regions provide Orientals
with predominantly sunny weather and very little rain, resulting in tobacco with a much
lower nicotine content than is present in Virginia and Burley. Because of this, Oriental
tobacco is used not for its nicotine but, rather, for its uniquely spicy flavor.
Last but not least, Oriental tobacco is harvested leaf by leaf and hung on a string to dry
in the sun, taking about 5 days for the leaves to dry out. This rapid drying method
secures a bit of the natural sugar in the leaves, similar to the effect that flue curing has
on Virginia tobacco, and even though the natural sugar content in sun-cured Oriental is
only about half of what Virginia contains, it still offers a slightly sweet note when

Whenever you detect a subtle, spicy note in your smoke, you can be confident you’re
probably enjoying a bit of Oriental tobacco: the small leaf with a huge impact.

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