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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 

Lesson 3.5 
Acceleration-Time Graphs 
Introduction 1 

Learning Objectives 2 

Warm Up 2 

Learn about It! 3 

Acceleration vs. Time Graph 4 
Slope of Acceleration vs. Time Graph 4 
Area under the Acceleration vs. Time Graph 6 
Analyzing Motion Graphs 6 
Constructing an Acceleration-Time Graph 8 

Key Points 10 

Key Formulas 11 

Check Your Understanding 11 

Challenge Yourself 14 

Bibliography 15 

Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 

Lesson 3.5 
Acceleration-Time Graphs 


We  know  that  bees  play  an  essential  role  in  the  ecosystem.  They  help in pollination, which 
is  an  elementary  process  in  the  production  of  seeds.  For  this  to  happen,  the  bees  need  to 
transfer  from  one  flower  to  another.  This  means  that  the  movement  of  the  bees  is 
important  to  maximize  the  said  process.  We  also  know  that  bees  move  fast  relative  to 
other  organisms,  but  they  have  to  stop  from  flower  to  another  to  do  what  they  opt  to  do. 
With  this  regard,  the  movement  of  the  bees  is  not  a  normal  constant  motion.  In  this 
chapter,  we  will  look  into  another  important  motion  graph—acceleration  vs.  time  graph. 
This  graph  will  help  us  describe  an  object  which  does  not  have a constant motion, just like 
a bee that moves from one flower to another.  

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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 

Learning Objectives  DepEd Competencies 

In this lesson, you should be able to do the  ● Interpret displacement and 
velocity, respectively, and 
acceleration vs. time curves 
● Interpret acceleration vs. time curves.  (STEM_GP12KIn-Ib-14). 
● Construct acceleration vs. time 
● Construct acceleration vs. time 
graphs, respectively, 
graphs, respectively, corresponding to  corresponding to a given velocity 
a given position vs. time-graph and  vs. time graph and vice versa 

velocity vs. time graph and vice versa.  (STEM_GP12KIn-Ib-16). 


  Warm Up       
  Draw that Slope!    10 minutes 
It is important for us to recall our knowledge about slopes. In this activity, you will sketch 
diagrams of different slopes that will help you as we proceed in the lesson.  

● paper  
● colored pens/crayons 

1. Bring out your materials. 
2. On your paper, sketch the given slopes on the table with their corresponding color in 
one graph. 

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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 
Table 3.5.1. Slopes to be sketched and their corresponding color 

Slope  Color 

zero  black  

undefined  red 

increasing positive slope  blue 

decreasing positive slope  green 

constant positive slope  violet 

constant negative slope  yellow 

3. Post your works on the board.  
Guide Questions 
1. What should the final graph look like? 
2. What are the factors that you considered in sketching the graph? 
3. With respect to velocity-time and position-time graphs, what do the slopes 

  Learn about It! 

From  our  previous  lesson,  we  learned  that  the  slopes  of  the  position-time  graph  and  the 
velocity-time  graph represent important quantities that can help us in describing the motion 
of  an  object.  Specifically,  the  slope  of  a  position-time  graph  represents  the  velocity  of  the 
object,  while  the  slope  of  a velocity-time graph represents its acceleration. In this lesson, we 
will use again the techniques that we have learned to describe an acceleration-time graph.  

What does the slope of the acceleration-time 

  graph represent? 

3.5. Acceleration-Time Graphs  3 
Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 
Acceleration vs. Time Graph 
Acceleration  vs.  time  graph  pertains  to  a  graph  that  shows  how  acceleration  varies  with 
time. An example of this can be shown in Fig. 3.5.1. 

Fig. 3.5.1. Example of acceleration vs. time graph 
You  can  notice  that  the  values  for  acceleration  are  plotted  along  the  y-axis,  while  the 
x-coordinates  are  in  terms  of  time. From Fig. 3.5.1, we will be able to see the acceleration of 
an  object  at  each  time  interval.  For  example,  at  t  =  1,  the acceleration has a value of 1 m/s2, 
while  at t = 2, the acceleration is 2 m/s2. We can deduce from the graph that the object is not 
traveling at a constant velocity nor at a constant acceleration.  
Slope of Acceleration vs. Time Graph 

Remember  that  slope  is  defined  as  .  We  can  use  this  idea  to 
describe  the  slope  of  an acceleration-time graph. We know that the variable along the y-axis 
represents  the  acceleration  and  the  variable  along  the  x-axis  as  time.  Thus,  we  can  rewrite 

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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 

the  slope  equation  as  .  This  equation  defines a quantity called jerk. Thus, 

we can mathematically define jerk as: 

Equation 3.5.1 

As  the  name  implies,  if  you  are  riding  on  a  car  that  does not follow a constant acceleration, 
the  ride  will  be  jerky.  This  means  that  your  muscles  would  have  to  exert  different  amounts 
of force for your body to be stabilized.  
We can further describe jerk in terms of our knowledge in calculus.  

From  Equation  3.4.1,  we  have  defined  slope  as  .  Applying  this  to 

acceleration-time  graph,  we  will  be  able  to  know  that  .  Simplifying  this, 
we would have: 

Equation 3.5.2 

We can also further expound Equation 3.5.2 by defining acceleration as . 

Plugging this into Equation. 3.5.2, we will have . Further simplifying this, 
we will have an alternative definition for jerk which would be: 

Equation 3.5.3 

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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 
Area under the Acceleration vs. Time Graph 
The  area  under  the  acceleration  vs.  time  graph  represents  the  change  in  velocity  of  the 
object.  In  other  words,  the  area  under  the  curve  pertains  to  the  acceleration  if  you  divide 
the area under the graph with .  
Analyzing Motion Graphs 
Just  like  in  the  past  lesson,  we  can  describe  the  specific  object’s  motion  from  a  certain 
acceleration-time graph by referring to the table below.  
Table 3.5.2. Shapes of the acceleration-time graph and their corresponding interpretations 

Shape of the graph  Description  

Zero jerk, at rest 

Zero jerk, constant acceleration 

Constant jerk, increasing acceleration 

Constant jerk, decreasing acceleration 

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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 

Increasing jerk, increasing acceleration 

Decreasing jerk, increasing acceleration 

Negative jerk, decreasing acceleration 

Decreasing jerk, decreasing acceleration 


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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 
Constructing an Acceleration-Time Graph  
We  are  going  to  use  what  we  learned  from  Table  3.5.2  to  draw  the  corresponding 
acceleration-time  graph  from  position-time  and  velocity-time  graphs.  We  are  going  to 
extend  Fig.  3.4.6  from  the  previous  lesson  with  the  acceleration-time  graph.  We  will  now 
refer  to  it  as  Fig.  3.5.2.  You  will  be  able  to  see  in  the  figure  three  motion  graphs:  (a) 
position-time graph; (b) velocity-time graph; and (c) acceleration-time graph.  

Fig. 3.5.2. (a) Position–time graph for an object moving along the x-axis; (b) Velocity–time 
graph for the object; (c) Acceleration-time graph of the object 

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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 
The  shape  of  the  graph  is  obtained  by  identifying  the  description  of  the  object  in  different 
time  segments.  From  t  =  0  to  tA,  looking  into  the  acceleration  time  graph,  we will be able to 
know  that  the  object  has  zero  jerk  or  constant  positive  acceleration  as  shown  by  the 
horizontal line above the x-axis. Between tA and tB, the object is traveling at zero acceleration 
(constant  velocity).  This  means  that  the  jerk  is  zero.  Thus,  the  graph shows a horizontal line 
lying along the x-axis. From tB to tE, we have a horizontal line at the bottom of the x-axis. This 
happens  because  the  object  has  a  negative  slope  for  the  velocity-time  graph.  This  means 
that  the  acceleration  is  negative.  The  same  analysis  can  be  applied  between  tE  and  tF,  but 
since  the  object  sped  up,  the  acceleration-time  graph  would  show  a  horizontal  line  at  the 
positive side of the cartesian plane. 
To further discuss the relationship of the curves, let us consider Fig. 3.5.3.  

Fig. 3.5.3. (a) velocity-time graph and its corresponding (b) acceleration-time graph 

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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 
In  Fig.  3.5.3,  we  will  be  able  to  see  an  object  traveling  at  nonconstant  velocity  and 
nonconstant  acceleration.  The  acceleration  at  any  time  is  the  slope  of  the  velocity–time 
graph  at that time. We can see positive values for the acceleration-time graphs based on the 
slope  of  the  velocity-time  graph.  The  acceleration  reaches  a  maximum  at  time  tA,  when  the 
slope  of  the  velocity–time  graph  is  at  its  maximum.  The  acceleration  then  drops  to  zero  at 
time  tB,  when  the  velocity  is  at  its  maximum  (that  is,  when  the  slope  of  the  velocity-time 
graph  is  zero).  The  acceleration  is  negative  when  the  velocity  is  decreasing  in  the  positive 
x-direction, and it reaches its most negative value at time tC.  
If  the  object  in  Fig.  3.5.3  is  a  car,  we  can  expect  that  the  passengers  in  the  car  are 
experiencing a jerky and rough ride.  

It  is  helpful  to  convert  first  the  position-time  graph  to  velocity-time 
graph  before  finally  converting  it  to  acceleration-time  graph.  In this 
way, you will minimize the level of confusion.  


What does the area under an acceleration-time 

  curve represent? 

Key Points 
● Acceleration-time  graph  is  another  motion  graph  that  shows  how  acceleration 
varies with time.  
● The slope of an acceleration-time graph represents the jerk of an object.  
● At  a  given  time  segment,  the  area  under  the  acceleration-time  graph  represents 
the change in velocity of the object.  

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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 

Key Formulas 

Concept  Formula  Description 

Jerk  Use these equations in 

  describing jerk. Jerk is the 
where  rate of change in 
●   is  the  change  in  acceleration. It can also be 
acceleration, and  noted as the third derivative 
● is the elapsed time.  and second derivative of 
   position as a function of 
time equation and velocity 
  as a function of time 
where   equation, respectively.  
●  is the displacement of 
the object; 
●   is  the  velocity  of  the 
object, and 
● is time elapsed. 


  Check Your Understanding 


A. Write T if the statement is correct and F if not.  

1. Acceleration vs. time graph shows how jerk varies with time.  
2. The slope of an acceleration vs. time graph is jerk.  

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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 
3. The  area  under  the  acceleration  vs.  time  graph  is  the  total  displacement  of  the 
object during its course of travel.  
4. A positive slope of an acceleration-time graph means that the jerk is increasing.  
5. A velocity-time graph can be converted to an acceleration-time graph.  

B. Complete the table below.  

Motion Graph  Description of jerk  Description of 





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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 




C.  From  the given position-time graph and velocity-time graph, provide the 

corresponding acceleration vs. time graph .  

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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 

  Challenge Yourself 

Answer the following questions briefly.  

1. What  is  the  acceleration  of  an  object  at 

t  =  0  to  t  =  7s  in  the  following  motion 
graph?  Describe  how  you  got  your 
2. What  important  pieces  of  information 
can  you  obtain  from  acceleration-time 
3. Explain  why  a  car  with  varying 
acceleration is jerky. 
4. What  is  the  jerk  of  an  object  at  t  =  2s 

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Unit 3: Motion in One Dimension 

when its position-time graph has an equation ? 

5. Describe  the shape of a constant velocity, a constant acceleration, and a nonconstant 
acceleration in an acceleration-time graph.  

Faughn,  Jerry  S.  and  Raymond  A.  Serway.  Serway’s  College  Physics  (7th  ed).  Singapore: 
Brooks/Cole, 2006. 
Giancoli,  Douglas  C.  Physics  Principles  with  Applications  (7th  ed).  USA:  Pearson  Education, 
Knight,  Randall  Dewey.  Physics  for  Scientists  and  Engineers:  a  Strategic  Approach  with  Modern 
Physics. Pearson, 2017. 
Serway,  Raymond  A.  and  John  W.  Jewett,  Jr.  Physics  for  Scientists  and  Engineers  with  Modern 
Physics (9th ed). USA: Brooks/Cole, 2014. 
Young,  Hugh  D.,  Roger  A.  Freedman,  and  A.  Lewis  Ford.  Sears  and  Zemansky’s  University 
Physics with Modern Physics (13th ed). USA: Pearson Education, 2012. 

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