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SCIENCE 10 QUARTER 3, WEEK 4 Rhaiven Carl S.



OBJECTIVE: Determine how plants and animals adapt to their environment.
MELC 19: Explain how species diversity increases the probability of adaptation and survival of
organism in changing environment.

1. Try to identify the adaptation characteristics of the following organisms. Write your answer
the filling-out the table below.

Specie/Organism Description or adaptation characteristic

Crocodiles can move around on land-

surprisingly fast, especially when alert or angry-
but their bodies are primarily adapted to life
underwater. Nostrils, eyes and ears are located
on the top of the head, so the animal can hear,
see, smell and breathe while the rest of the
body is submerged.

They include the ability to slow down

metabolism, high resistance to temperature
fluctuations, toxins to suppress prey (injectable
toxins), and exoskeletons to prevent
desiccation (durable outer casing made of
chitin). It has many adaptations or properties
that help it survive, its ability to glow under
ultraviolet light

Kangaroos have several adaptations for living in

the Australian heat, such as a thick fur coat and
a strong heart. They sweat when they exercise
and pant when they stop. In addition, they have
a dense network of blood vessels near the
surface of the skin on the forearms. They lick
their forearms, allowing the wind to blow the
heat away from the warm blood.

The unusually quick response of plants to touch

is due to the rapid release of water by
specialized cells located at the base of leaflets
and petioles. The leaves reopen after a few
minutes, an adaptation thought to be a defense
against herbivores that might be startled by
A cactus has special adaptations in its roots,
leaves as well as stems that enable it to thrive
in desert environments. These adaptations
include – spines, shallow roots, deep-layer
stomata, thick and expandable stem, waxy skin
and a short growing season.

Guide Question:

1. How do plants and animals adapt in their environment? Explain and Cite some examples
and situation.
- Adaptation can also be behavioral, affecting the way an organism responds to its
environment. An example of structural adaptation is the way some plants have
adapted to life in dry and hot deserts. Plants known as succulents adapt to this
climate by storing water in their short, thick stems and leaves

Activity: HOW DO I ADAPT?

OBJECTIVE: Explain how species diversity increases probability of adaptation and survival.
MELC 19: Explain how species diversity increases the probability of adaptation and survival of
organism in changing environment.
1. Fill out the table by writing your idea or knowledge on how they live or adapt or even survive
in their environment.
They use a technique known as echolocation. They make a
very high-pitched sound at this point. The sound waves
bounce off an item and return to the bat when they travel
through the air and collide with it.

Fish have adapted to their environment through the

evolution of gills, swim bladders and fins.

The hollow hairs on a deer's coat help to keep it warm in cold

weather. The deer's coat colors change periodically, aiding in
camouflage, while the spotted coats of fawns aid in hiding on
the woodland floor.

Tarsiers have some distinctive adaptations, such as their incredibly

large eyes and hands, padded fingertips, a tail twice as long as their
bodies, unusually long tarsal or ankle bones

Guide Questions:

1. Where you able to see those organisms in real life? How were you able to
know how it cope or adapt in their environment?
- An animal may adapt to its habitat in different ways. It may be a physical
or structural adaptation, just as the limbs of birds have modified into
wings or the way the cheetah is shaped for running at a fast speed.

2. Which of those can be found in your locality? If none, can you cite some
name of plants and animals that can only be found in your community?
What are those?
- We don’t have those animals in our locality but we have plants such
cactus that can adopt on their environment

Learning Competency & Code:

MELC 20. Explain the relationship between population growth and carrying capacity.


Do you know that…

China has reached a population of 1, 439,323,776 in 2020 spread in an area of

9,596,960 while Bangladesh has 164,689,383 population condensed in in
148,460 sq. km. China has the greatest number of population yet Bangladesh is
considered the populous country. Why?
The Philippines 2020 population is estimated at 109,581,078 people at midyear
according to UN data. The total land area is 298,170 sq. km (115,124 sq. miles).
Approximately how many people are there living in every sq. km in these countries?

Activity A
Directions: Unlock the following terms as defined in statement form and described by
the pictures.

den  p  o  p  u  l  a  t  i o  n  sity

A number of organisms per unit area if the population density is

very high, that means there are lot of organisms crowded in a certain area.
If the population’s density is very low, that means there are very few
organisms in an area.
Dependent limiting factor- A factor that regulates a
  n   i t y
population’s growth and is influenced by population density.
d e   s      

    d   p e      
i n   e     n d e n t
Density limiting factor- the population density does not directly influence
changes in the population’s growth. It can stop a population from growing
such as:
A. B.
  t   r     t       e r     u   e
n a   u   a l     e m p     a t   r  

d     s t  
  i s a     e r

C. D.
Scoring Guide

1-2- 1 pt.

3-4- 2 pts.

5-6- 3 pts
        7-8- 4 pts.
s u n  l i  g h t      m a n 9 - 5 pts.
    h u      
a c t         i e  
      i v i t     S

You’ve done with activity A! You are awesome! You can

proceed to the next activity…

Activity B
I. Directions: Fill-in the blanks to complete the paragraph below with the
choices in the word pool to complete the statement.

Density-dependent limiting factors come into play when a population reaches (1)
a certain number of organisms. For example, when a population reaches a certain size,
there won’t be (2) enough resources (food, shelter, water) for all of the organisms. This
could cause the population to (3) stop growing when it reaches the (4) limited number of
organisms that can be supported , or (5) maximum by the environment. This number is
known as the population’s carrying capacity in a particular environment. Each
population of organisms has a different carrying capacity, depending on the amount of
resources available in the area in which it lives.

maximum enough


carried stop


You’ve done it well! That’s great!

You may turn to the next activity…

Activity C
Directions: Study the graph below of a goat population that has reached its carrying
capacity. Then, answer the guide questions that follow.
Months vs. Cows’ Population


Number of cows


January March May July

Guide questions:
1. In which month is the population of the cow very low?
- The month of January

2. What are the months that the cows’ population has continued to increase?
- The months March, May and July

3. What is the carrying capacity of the cow?

- 65

4. What cause the population of the cow to stop growing? Why?

- Limiting factors are resources or other factors in the environment that can lower the
population growth rate

5. Is there a chance that the population of the cow will continue to increase if it
has reached its population’s carrying capacity? Why?
- No because If a population exceeds carrying capacity, the ecosystem may become
unsuitable for the species to survive

Points to ponder!!!

It was splendid!

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