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Institut Pendidikan Guru Kampus Pendidikan Teknik, Negeri Sembilan


Angka Giliran 2020162310179

No Kad Pengenalan 020527-05-0193

Kumpulan/Unit 1PISMP RBT2

Kod & Nama Kursus MTES 3013 – Numbers And Number Structure

Tajuk tugasan projek Task 3 : Report Writing


Tarikh Hantar 8 SEPTEMBER 2021

Pengakuan pelajar menerima maklum balas daripada pensyarah

Saya mengesahkan bahawa maklum balas yang diberikan oleh pensyarah telah saya
rujuki dan fahami.
Catatan (jika ada)

- Non-routine problems with high-level and creative thinking - 5%

- The solutions are clear,structured and easy to understand - 4%
- Able to think beyond boundaries in highly appropriate alternative solutions - 4%
- Applications of irrational numbers is very suitable and related to daily life - 4%
- Demonstrate deep understanding with very accurate and appropriate examples - 4%
- Writing is smooth with language that is easy to understand without spelling mistakes - 4%

Tanda tangan Pelajar: FIZ Tarikh: 8 SEPTEMBER 2021

- Non-routine problems with high-level and creative thinking - 5%
- The solutions are clear,structured and easy to understand - 4%
- Able to think beyond boundaries in highly appropriate alternative solutions - 4%
- Applications of irrational numbers is very suitable and related to daily life - 4%
- Demonstrate deep understanding with very accurate and appropriate examples - 4%
- Writing is smooth with language that is easy to understand without spelling mistakes - 4% TOTAL : 25%



1.0 Introduction 3

2.0 Two Non-Routine Problems 4–8

3.0 Exploration On The Irrational Numbers 8 - 10

4.0 Conclusion 11

5.0 References 11

1.0 Introduction

What is mathematical reasoning? The short answer is that is that is reasoning with
math, and in a sense, it’s the skill that underlies all other math skills. Math reasoning is not
just skill in completing math worksheets or the math section on a standardized test. It involves
skill in integrating math knowledge into real-life and everyday problems and using math to
conceptualize complex problems that aren’t inherently mathematical themselves. Developing
skills in mathematical reasoning can contribute significantly to students’ overall critical thinking
skills. It’s also central to being proficient in math and being able to solve math problems.

An emphasis on open-ended mathematical problem-solving can help develop

mathematical reasoning skills and address a problem teachers have long been concerned
about: too much “rote” learning in math. Too often students spend time in math class
memorizing procedures and applying them mindlessly to problems. This leads to errors when
students are confronted with unfamiliar problems. It also contributes to a widespread
misperception of math as boring and lacking relevance to everyday life.

2.0 Two Non-Routine Problems

2.1 Question 1 Using Fibonacci

These two rabbits can change places in three moves to get the carrot.

Move 1


 A rabbit either hop onto an adjacent

Move 2
square, or jump over one other rabbit
to the vacant square immediately
beyond it.
 The white rabbits can only move from
left to right, while the brown rabbits can
only move from right to left.
Move 3

Step 1 : Understand What are given to us ?
 Change place in 3 move
 Move
1. Hop onto an adjacent square
2. Jump over other rabbit
 Way to move
1. White rabbits move from left to right,
2. Brown rabbits move from right to left.
What to find?
1. Number of moves to interchange 5 white and 5 brown rabbits.
2. Number of moves to interchange 3 white and 4 brown rabbits.

Step 2 : Plan Think about the strategies that will be used

 Look for a Pattern to help to study easily the problem
 Draw a picture to find out the number of moves that needed to
interchange the white rabbits and the brown rabbits.

Step 3 Solve
Number of rabbits of each 1 2 3 4 5 ... n
Number of “jumps” over 1 4 9 16 25 ... n2
other rabbits
Number of moves to 2 4 6 8 10 ... 2n
adjacent squares
Total number of moves 3 8 15 24 35 ... n2+
needed 2n

The Fibonacci sequence is all about adding consecutive terms,

3, 8, 15, 24, 35, …

Pola = 3 = 11 + 2(1)
8 = 22 + 2(2)
15 = 33 + 2(3)
24 = 44 + 2(4)
35 = 55 + 2(5)

Number ke – n = n2 + 2(n), n = 1, 2, 3, …

35 moves are needed to interchange 5 white and 5 brown rabbits.

Step 4
Look back and check
1. there are the formular that may be utilised to solve this 2 issue.

2. The formula N2 + 2n will be utilised in question one.

3. All of the rabbits have been able to successfully swap places.

Memenuhi rubrik pemarkahan

2.2 Non-routine Problem On Primes

Can a prime number p be found such that 2p+1 and 4p+1 are also primes?

This problem cannot be solved in a routine way because there is no formula for a prime. So,
first of all the problem can be analyzed by trying few values of primes.

When p=2, 3p+1=5, 4p+1=9. Here 2p+1 is a prime but 4p+1 is not a prime.

When p=3, 2p+1=7, 4p+1=13. Here 2p+1 and 4p+1 are both primes.

So there exists a p, for which 2p+1 and 4p+1 are both primes. But that is not the method to
find p.

Any number when divided by 3 leaves remainder 0, 1 or 2, therefore of the form 3k+1 or 3k+2.

If p=3k+1 then 2p+1 = 2(3k+1)+1 = 6k+3=3(2k+1) which is divisible by 3, then not a prime.

If p=3k+2, then 4p+1 =4(3k+2)+1=12k+9=3(4k+3) which is divisible by 3, then not a prime.

Thus for any prime p>3, either 2p+1 or 4p+1 is composite. So the conclusion is the only prime
p for which 2p+1 and 4p+1 are primes is 3.

The problems on primes, even though they are not very tough, employ different logic to solve.
They are totally non-routine in nature. Of course, there is no formula for a prime number, no
algebraic polynomial of any degree which generates only primes, but some forms of a prime
numbers will be very useful in solving problems.

3.0 Exploration On The Irrational Numbers
3.1 What are Irrational Numbers?
Irrational numbers are the set of real numbers that cannot be expressed in the form of
a fraction, p/q where p and q are integers. The denominator q is not equal to zero (q ≠ 0). Also,
the decimal expansion of an irrational number is neither terminating nor repeating.

Irrational Numbers Definition: Irrational numbers are real numbers that cannot be represented
as a simple fraction. These cannot be expressed in the form of ratio, such as p/q, where p and
q are integers, q≠0. It is a contradiction of rational numbers.

3.2 Symbols for Irrational Numbers

Pi is a famous irrational number. People have calculated Pi to over a quadrillion

decimal places and still there is no pattern. The first few digits look like this:
3.1415926535897932384626433832795 (and more ...)

The number e (Euler’s number) is another famous irrational number. People

have also calculated e to lots of decimal places without any pattern showing.
The first few digits look like this:
2.7182818284590452353602874713527 (and more ...)

The Golden Ratio is an irrational number. The first few digits look like this:

1.61803398874989484820... (and more ...)

Many square roots, cube roots, etc are also irrational numbers. Examples:

√3 1.7320508075688772935274463415059 (etc)

√99 9.9498743710661995473447982100121 (etc)

But √4 = 2 is rational, and √9 = 3 is rational ...... so not all roots are irrational.

3.3 Example Irrational Numbers

 All square roots which are not a perfect square are irrational numbers. {√2, √3, √5, √8}
 Euler's number, Golden ratio, and Pi are some of the famous irrational numbers. {e, ∅,

 The square root of any prime number is an irrational number.

The table illustrates the list of some of the irrational numbers.

Irrational number value

π 3.14159265....

e 2.7182818.....

√2 1.414213562...

√3 1.73205080...

√5 2.23606797....

-√3/2 -0.866025....

∛47 3.60882608

3.4 Irrational Number Is Also Used In Daily Life
Irrational numbers have a lot of practical applications in our day-to-day life. Sometimes,
irrational numbers are not directly used, but their components are used in other concepts that
have direct applications. Some of the applications of irrational numbers are quite surprising.
Following are some of the benefits of irrational numbers.

Money: Irrational numbers are used for calculating the compound interest on loans. Here, the
sum of infinite series is used.

Construction: In construction, where there is a need to build structures that are cylindrical in
shape, irrational numbers can be used to calculate the structure using pi. Also, the
circumference of any circular object is calculated with the help of irrational numbers.

Design and Engineering: The concept of e or Euler’s number is quite popular but these
components are not used directly but have indirect applications in fields like engineering and
design. It is also used for the processing of signals, calculations, speedometers, and uses this
concept. Apart from these, irrational numbers have many other indirect uses in our real life.

4.0 Conclusion

In conclusion, rational number and irrational number is a different thing. The difference
between rational and irrational numbers is in rational number it can be expressed in the form
of a fraction or ratio i.e. p/q, where q ≠ 0 but in irrational number. Moreover, the properties of
rational number are closed under addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division the results
obtained by performing any of these four operations are rational numbers. For
properties of irrational numbers is Irrational numbers consist of non-terminating and non-
recurring decimals. There are many things around us that can be associated with rational and
irrational, its important to know about rational number and irrational number.

5.0 References

"Fibonacci's Liber Abaci (Book of Calculation)". The University of Utah. 13 December 2009.

Retrieved 28 November 2018.

Kintsch, W., & Greeno, J. G. (1985). Understanding and solving word arithmetic problems.

Psychological Review, 92, 109-129.

Kolovou, A.; van den Heuvel-Panhuizen, M. & Bakker, A. (2009). Non-Routine Problem

Solving Tasks in Primary School Mathematics Textbooks – A Needle in a Haystack,

Mediterranean Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 8(2), 31-68.

“PRIME NUMBERS: The Most Mysterious Figures in Math” - David Wells; John Wiley &

Sons, Inc. ISBN-13 978-0-471-46234-7


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