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TOPIC 18: FOOD - foodborne illness = foodborne disease (c) bénh do thite an gay ra - food poisoning (u) ng6 déc thyc pham - banquet = feast (c) budi tiéc lon, yén tiéc ~ animal exploitation (u) sy khai thac déng vat (Iam thife an...) - animal fat (c) cht béo déng vat - animal oil (c) dau déng vat - plant oil = vegetable oil (c) du thy vat - food supply problem (c) vin d@ cung tng thyc phém - ingest (t) an vao bung ingestion (u) su an vao bung - intake (s/u) sy an vao - digest (t) tiéu hoa = digestion (u) su tiéu hoa - indigestion (u) ching dau byng kho tiéu - food source (c) nguén thyc phim - plant-based food (c) thir an cé nguén géc tir thyc vat - animal-based food = animal source food (c) thie &n cé nguin géc tir déng vat - plant-based diet = vegetarian diet (c) ché 46 an chay ~ animal-free diet (c) ché d6 n khéng cé thit dng vat ~red meat (u) thit dd - white meat (u) thit trang ~ speciality = specialty (c) dc san - delicacy (c) cao rong my vi - slaughter = butcher (t) giét, mé (d6ng vat) - animal slaughter (u) sur giét mé déng vat ~ eater (c) ngudi an - eatery (c) quan n, nha hang - agricultural product (c) agricultural produce: néng san - fast food chain (c) chudi thie an nhanh - the fast food industry (n) nganh céng nghiép thirc &n nhanh - the food processing industry (n) nganh cong nghiép ché bién thyc pham = starve (i) chét déi, thiéu 4n (e.g starve to death) - starvation (u) sy chét déi, su déi = famine (u) nan déi kém = overconsumption (u) su tiéu thu qué mirc = consumption (u) sy tiéu thy, lugng tiéu thy (thy phim, nhién lig = consumerism (u) chu nghia tiéu thy - malnutrition (u) tinh trang suy dinh duéng - dietary supplements (plr) dinh dudng b6 sung - functional foods (pir) thyc pham chirc nang - overeat (t) n qué nhiéu - gain weight: tang can - the routine of home cooking: théi quen ndu an 6 nha = energy density (u) mat d6 nang lugng - fat-rich = high-fat (adj) giau chat béo - calorie-rich = high-calorie (adj) giau calorie ~ energy-rich = high-energy (ad) giau nang wong - to relieve/satisfy one’s hunger: théa con 461 = process (t) ché bién - cuisine = style of cooking (c) cach ndu nuéng - healthy eating habit (c) théi quen an udng, anh manh - unhealthy eating practice (c) hoat déng an uGng khéng tét cho strc khoe ~ food ordering (u) sy dat thite an - perishable (adj) dé hu héng (thuc phim) - perishables (plr) thyrc phdm dé hu hong - the food market (n) thi truéng thie phém - nutrient (c) nutriment, nutrition, nourishment: chat dinh duéng ~ food crisis (c) cugc khiing thyc pham - fresh fruit (c) hoa qua tuoi

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