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TOPIC 19: PSYCHOLOGY/MORALITY/HAPPINESS/LYING - discomfort (u) suv khé chiu, buc béi - comfort = consolation = solace (u) su thoai ‘mai, su an Ui, su khuay khoa ~ norm (c) chun myc (e.g cultural, political and ethical norms) - distrust = mistrust (u) sy khéng tin tuong - open-minded = broad-minded (adi) cé tu ‘tung phéng khodng ~ narrow-minded = small-minded (adj) hep hoi, nhé nhen intuition (u) tru gide intuitive (adi) instinctive: theo tru gid - skepticism = doubt (u) sy hoai nghi - sceptical = doubtful (adj) nghi ng - sceptic (c) ngudi hoai nghi - resentment (at/against/of) (u) anger (at): su tite gidn - way of thinking = mindset = mentality (c) cach neh high ideal (c) ly trong cao ca - decisive (adj) qua quyét, dirt khoat - decisiveness (u) sy qua quyét, dift khoat - make a concerted effort/attempt to do sth : quyét tam va né Iyc lam gi dé ~ endeavour (c) sucé gang ~ endeavour = try = attempt = seek (+to do sth) (i) né lye kam gi dé ic (adi) bén trong (e.g intrinsic interest, intrinsic nature) - psychological state (c) trang thai tam ly reflect on sth: suy ngam vé cai gi dé be indifferent to others’ interests : khong quan tm dén Igi ich cia ngurai khac - look after others’ feelings: quan tam dén cam xtc cita ngudi khac - unsympathetic (adj) khéng déng long thuong, vd cam - sympathetic (to/about) (adj) déng cm - sympathy (u) su dng cam ~ empathetic (adj) thau cam - empathy (u) sy thdu cam, hiéu dug hoan canh cia ngu@i khac ~egoism (u) vi ky - egoistic = self-centered (adj) vi ky, ty’ cho minh [a trung tim ~ intrinsically (adv) thuéc ban chat (e.g science is seen as in lly good) - extrinsic (adj) bén ngoai (e. extrinsic factors) - introverted (adj) huréng ni - extroverted (adj) hung ngoai introvert (c) nguéi huéng néi ~ extrovert (c) ngudi huéng ngoai ~ instinct (c) bin nang - instinctive (adj) theo ban nang (e.g. an instinctive reaction) intrinsic and = nature (u) ban chat ~ cognition (u) qué trinh nhan thtrc - perception (u/c) sy nhan thie - perceive (t) nhan thize ~ be deeply ingrained and unbending: khéng lay chuyén duc, an sau vao suy nghi (néi vé thai d6, suy ngbi...) - (emotional) trauma (¢/u) ci séc tinh than = nervous breakdown (c) sy suy sup tinh than - boost somebody's mood: cai thién tam trang ~ keep one’s spirits up: gift tinh than - emotional disturbance (c) su xéo déng cam xuc ~ sentiment (c/u) cam xtc - sentimental (adj) thuéc cdm xtic (khdc Ii tr!) (e.g. sentimental reasons) - immoral = unethical (ad) tréi dao die = moral education = ethical education (u) gido duc dao dite - moral development (c/u) sy phat trién dao dite ~ moral value (c) gia tri dao dire - standard of morality (c) tiéu chudn dao dite = moral code = ethical principle (c) nguyén tic dao dite - be morally wrong: trai dao dite - unethical act (c) hanh vi tréi dao dtc - white lie (c) |di ndi déi dé trénh lam tén thurong ngudi khdc - goodwill (u) thién y (e.g. a gesture of goodwill) - individuality (u) ca tinh - individualism (u) chi nghia c4 nhan - greedy (adj) tham lam - lie = untruth = falsehood (¢) diéu néi bo - lying = falsehood (u) untruth: sy néi déi ~ conceal = withhold (t) gidu (sur that...) - distort = twist (t) bop méo (sy that, thong tin.) morality (c/u) dao dire ethics (u) dao dtc hoc - moral = ethical (ad) thude dao dite, c6 dao dire ~a cheerful disposition (n) tinh cdch lac quan vui vé - temperament = disposition (c) tinh khi - temperamental = volatile (adj) hay thay di, bat thung (tinh tinh) - immense happiness (u) su hanh phtic to lon - optimism (u) su lac quan = optimist (c) ngudi lac quan ~ pessimism (u) sy bi quan - pessimist (c) nguéi bi quan

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