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Prefixes and Suffixes

Suffixes and word stress Guidelines (20-25 Min)

- Hand out the Student pages and let Ss work in pairs to add prefixes and choose columns
- as a whole class, have Ss give words for each of the columns
- practice saying both the root and the word with a suffix
- After reviewing the words, have Ss attempt to complete the guidelines
Below are some possible words ...

Same stress placement with Different stress placement Stress on suffix

root words from the root
percentage editorial absentee
regretful acceleration Japanese
electrical generosity refugee
regardless atmospheric engineer
comfortable instinctive cigarette
foolishness diversity
disastrous ignorant
investigative reference
appearance agricultural
government preferable
beautify Absentee

Stress Guidelines for Suffixes - Teacher Key

1. -able, -age, -al, -er, -ful, -less, -ness, -ous, -ment, -ative, -ive and -fy are suffixes which usually
DO NOT CHANGE stress pattern of the root words.
2. -ee, -ial, -ic, -on, -ive, and -ity are suffixes which usually CHANGE stress pattern of the root words.
3. -ee, -eer, -ese and -ette are suffixes which have THE MAIN STRESS.
4. Main stress is usually on the syllable IMMEDIATELY BEFORE suffixes:
-ious, -ulous, -orous, -ial, -ic, -ion, -ive and -ity.

3. Prefixes and word stress Guidelines (10-15 Min)

- Have Ss look at Student page 2 try to fill in the two guidelines for prefixes. Make sure to emphasize the
note about negative prefixes and have them give a few examples (un-, dis-, il-, im- in-, ir-, anti-, a-, ...)
a) Almost all prefixes are UNSTRESSED (including all negative prefixes)
b) The following prefixes are SOMETIMES stressed:
co-, sub-, super-, hyper-, inter-, under-, counter-
Consider the following; which types of words have stressed prefixes? the NOUNS

Stress on root word Stress on prefix

Co-exist Co-star
Substandard Subsection
Counterproductive Counterpart
Supernatural Supermodel
Hyperactive Hyperlink
Underpaid Undergrowth
Interchangeable Interface

4. Optional Activity or Homework: National Country Grid - Have Ss fill in the table
Country -ian, -an, -ean -ish -ese other
Laos *Laotian
Egypt *Egyptian
IRAN Iranian
SuDAN *Sudanese
IReland Irish
BraZIL Brazilian
PORTugal *Portuguese
Sweden Swedish
NORway *Norwegian
POland Polish
ISrael *Israeli
Czech RePUBlic Czech
SWITzerland Swiss
Saudi ARABia Saudi Arabian or Saudi
iRAQ Iraqi
Italy * Italian
FINland Finnish
CAnada *Canadian
TURkey Turkish
NETHerlands Dutch
PHILippines *Filipino
THAIland Thai
Greece Greek
Spain Spanish
SINGapore *Singaporean
NePAL *Nepalese

Word Stress with Suffixes

1. Add suffixes to the following root words, and write the new words in the proper columns:
percent regret Japan electric regard comfort absent
refuge engine appear govern beauty edit disaster
accelerate generous atmosphere instinct diverse ignore refer
agriculture prefer foolish investigate cigar inform picture

Same stress placement with Different stress placement Stress on suffix

root words from the root

2. Complete the following guidelines on suffixes:

a) Many suffixes (e.g., -able, -age, -al, -er, -ful, -less, -ness,, -ment, -ative, -ive, -or and -fy)
_____________________________ the stress pattern of the root words.
b) Some suffixes (e.g., -ee, -ial, -ic, -tion, and -ity) might __________________ the stress pattern of
the root words.
c). Some suffixes (e.g., -ee, -eer, -ese, -esque and -ette) have __________________.
d) Main stress is usually on the syllable _______________________ suffixes such as:
-ious, -ulous, -orous, -ial, -ic, -ion, -ive and -ity.

Country / Nationality grid: write the nationality and underline the stress
Country -ian, -an -ish -ese other
Laos Laotian
Saudi Arabia

Word Stress with Prefixes: Fill the in the following stress guidelines
a) Almost all prefixes are ___________________ (including all negative prefixes)
b) The following prefixes are ________________ stressed:
co-, sub-, super-, hyper-, inter-, under-, counter-
Consider the following; which types of words have stressed prefixes? _______

Stress on root word Stress on prefix

Co-exist Co-star
Substandard Subsection
Counterproductive Counterpart
Supernatural Supermodel
Hyperactive Hyperlink
Underpaid Undergrowth
Interchangeable Interface

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