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Dr Urmil

Dr Umesh

Dr Aarti

Dr Preeti

Ur: A very warm good morning to one and all. Welcome to the second
convocation of Pt Bhagwat Dayal Sharma University of Health Sciences
Rohtak. I want to congratulate you all for this big day. Academic procession
is going to start in a while. You are requested to maintain silence and stand
as soon as the academic procession enters the auditorium. Thank you
Um: Ladies and gentlemen, the academic procession will now enter the
auditorium. You may please stand up and remain standing till all the
members of the procession have taken their seats. I request you to please
switch off your cell phones or keep it on silent mode for the duration of the
convocation to avoid disturbance to the proceedings.


Ur- Dear friends, the moment we all have been waiting for has finally arrived.
We have amongst us Hon’ble Chancellor of University and Governor of
Haryana Shri Bandaru Dattatreya ji, Hon’ble Chief Minister Shri Manohar
Lal Khattar ji as the Chief Guest for this convocation and Hon’ble Health
Minister Shri Anil Vij ji as the Guest of Honour alongwith Dr. Arvind Sharma
ji, Member of Parliament, Lok Sabha, Dr.G.Anupma ji Additional Chief
Secretary Govt.of Haryana Health and Family Welfare, Shri Amit Aggarwal ji
Additional Principal Secretary to CM, Haryana and Secretary, Information,
Public Relation & Languages alongwith other dignitaries of UHS,Rohtak.


Um: दे वियो और सज्जनोों, आज के समारोह की शुरुिात करते है , कुलगीत से /

कुलगीत पहचान है एक सोंसथान की , वनशानी है उसके उथ्थान की।

तो आइये आप सब भी जुविये पोंवित भगित दयाल शमाा स्वास्थ्य विज्ञानों विश्वविद्यालय,

रोहतक के कुलगीत से ।।


Ur: दे वियोों और सज्जनो हम अपने बीच उपस्थथत सभी अवतवथ गणो का तेह वदल से स्वागत
करते हैं ।

• आज हमारे बीच उपस्थथत हैं श्री बण्डारू दत्तारे य जी माननीय राज्यपाल , हररयाणा एिम
कुलाविपवत पोंवित भगित दयाल शमाा स्वास्थ्य विज्ञानों विश्वविद्यालय, रोहतक
।माननीय बोंिारू दत्तात्रेय जी ने अपना राजनीवतक सफर सों घ प्रचारक के तौर पर शुरू वकया।
उनके गृहक्षेत्र में उन्हें ‘पीपुल्स लीिर’ कहा जाता है। शहरी विकास मोंत्री, केंद्रीय रे ल राज्यमोंत्री ,
केंद्रीय राज्यमोंत्री श्रम एिों रोजगार (स्वतोंत्र प्रभार) मोंत्री जैसे अनेको पदोों की शोभा बढ़ाने के बाद ,
िे वहमाचल प्रदे श के राज्यपाल रह चुके है । और ितामान में आप हररयाणा के राज्यपाल के पद पर
गौरिास्ित हैं । आप के मागादशान में हरयाणा प्रदे श आज प्रगवत के पथ पर है और यह हमारा
सौभाग्य है की आप आज हम्रारे बीच उपस्थथत हुए ।दे वियोों और सज्जनो जोरदार तावलयोों से
स्वागत करें हमारे मुख्य अवतवथ माननीय श्री बण्डारू दत्तारे य जी का

Um -हमारे बीच उपस्थथत हमारे मुख्यावतवथ माननीय मुख्य मोंत्री जी श्री मनोहर लाल जी
का हम हावदा क अवभनन्दन करते हैं ।

भ्रष्टाचार, जावतिाद, और िाइम पर 8 साल से भारी मनोहर सरकार के मुख्य नेता हमारे
मुख्यमोंत्री श्री मनोहर लाल जी रोहतक के वनोंदाणा गाों ि में एक सािारण वकसान पररिार से
हैं और उनका मुख्यमोंत्री पद तक का सफर प्रेरणातमक अिों अविस्मरणीयों रहा है । 2014
के दौरान हररयाणा चुनाि अवभयान सवमवत का उन्हें अध्यक्ष वनयुक्त वकया गया एिों 1
अक्तूबर, 2014 को हररयाणा के मुख्यमोंत्री के रूप में शपथ ग्रहण की। मनोहर लाल जी
हररयाणा के इवतहास में पहले ऐसे नेता हैं, जो पहली बार वििायक बने और मुख्यमोंत्री के पद
पर आसीन हुए हैं । दे वियोों और सज्जनो जोरदार तावलयोों से स्वागत करें हमारे विवशष्ट अवतवथ
माननीय श्री मनोहर लाल जी का ।

Ur- दे वियोों और सज्जनो यह हमारा सौभाग्य है की आज हमारे बीच उपस्थथत हैं सम्मानीय
/विवशष्ट अवतवथ श्री अवनल विज जी वजनका हम तेह वदल से स्वागत करते हैं . । श्री अवनल
विज जी ने Haryana के गृह मोंत्री एिों स्वास्थ्य मोंत्री रहते हुए और भी अनेक विभागोों का काया
भार सोंभाला हुआ है वजन के नाम हैं
• वचवकत्सा वशक्षा और अनुसोंिान।
• तकनीकी वशक्षा
• विज्ञान और तकनीक
• आयुष

बेदाग छवि और बेख़ौफ़ व्यस्क्तत्व के िवन ,और बेहद शालीन और सादा जीिन जीने
िाले व्यस्क्त , दे वियोों और सज्जनो जोरदार तावलयोों से स्वागत करें हमारे सम्मानीय
अवतवथ माननीय श्री अवनल विज जी का ।

Um -हम आभारी है , लोक सभा सोंसद िॉक्टर अरविोंद शमाा जी के वजन्होोंने आज इस

दीक्षाों त समारोह में शावमल होकर इसकी शोभा बढ़ाई

Ur - हम हावदा क अवभनन्दन करते है िॉक्टर जी अनुपमा जी अवतररक्त मुख्य सवचि स्वास्थ्य

एिों पररिार कल्याण विभाग का / मैिम ये प्राों गण आपका पुनः स्वागत करता है ।

Um- श्री अवमत अगरिाल जी अवतररक्त प्रिान सवचि एिम महावनदे शक सोंपका एिम भाषा
विभाग जी का हावदा क अवभनन्दन करता हूँ ,वजन्होोंने अपने कायािम से समय वनकल कर
हमारे वबच वशरकत की /

Ur - हम अपने बीच उपस्थथत सभी गणमान्य अवतवथगणोों का जो मोंच पर आसीन है एिों

ऑविटोररयम में उपस्थथत हैं हमारे सभी स्नातक ,
उनके माता वपता और सभी आमोंवत्रतगणो
का बहुत सम्मान के साथ पोंवित भगित दयाल शमाा स्वास्थ्य विज्ञानों विश्वविद्यालय,
रोहतक के
वितीत्य दीक्षाों त समारोह के अिसर पर स्वागत एिम हावदा क अवभनन्दन करते हैं ।

विश्वविद्यालय की और से हम आप सभी को बहुत बहुत बिाई और मुबारकबाद

दे ते है .

Um - भारतीय परं परा में दीप प्रज्वलन का महत्वपू र्ण स्थान है, अपनी परं परा को आगे बढाते हुए
मैं मुख्य अतततथ एवम मंच पर उपस्स्थत माननीय अतततथ गर्ों से तनवेदन कर
ूँ गा की दीप
को प्रज्वतलत कर आज के कायण क्रम का शुभारं भ करें ।

Ur- यह रोशनी “तमसो मा ज्योततगणमय” वाली रोशनी है। इसका अथण है तक परमात्मा हमें अज्ञान से
तनकालकर ज्ञान के प्रकाश की ओर ले जाए। और हमारा कायण सफल हो।
हम सभी उस अलौतकक शस्ि, अदृश्य शस्ि को याद करें और धन्यवाद करें तक हमें यह सुंदर
जीवन तमला है

Um- Now let us evoke the blessings of Maa saraswati. Goddess Saraswati
is the authority on academics and the arts. Everybody from musicians to
scientists pray to her for guidance and knowledge. I request final year dental
students to recite the auspicious Saraswathivandana.

Item no 1. Declaring The Convocation Open

Ur- May I request Dr. H K Aggarwal, Registrar, Pt. BD Sharma
University of health sciences, Rohtak on the dais to start the
convocation proceedings.
(registrar requests chancellor to declare the convocation open and
governor sir comes on dais to do so )
Thankyou sir.

Item no 2- Welcome address by VC ma’am

Um- May I now request our worthy Vice chancellor, Dr. Anita
Saxena, to kindly come on the dais for the welcome address and
to kindly deliver the annual report of University.

Dr. Aarti & Dr. Preeti

Thankyou Ma’am..
Now we begin with the Award of degrees.

Item no 3- Award of DM Degrees

Aarti- May I now invite Dr. Praveen Malhotra, the Dean,
faculty of Medical super specialties, UHS Rohtak, to please
continue the convocation proceedings for Doctor of Medicine-
DM Degrees.
(Dr Praveen invites governor sir and he admits the candidates
to DM degree)
May I kindly request hon’ble governor sir to kindly award the
degrees to the DM candidates.
1) I call upon stage Dr. Kovuri Venkatesh for DM pulmonary
& critical care medicine, from PGIMS Rohtak.
2) I call upon stage Dr. Athul Thulasi, for DM pulmonary &
critical care medicine, from PGIMS Rohtak.

Preeti- Thankyou Dr Praveen sir.

Item no 3A- Award of MCH degrees

May I now request Dr. Devender Singh Pawar, Dean of
surgical super specialties, to kindly continue the convocation
proceedings for Master of Chirurgiae- MCh Degrees.
(Dr Pawar invites governor sir and he admits the candidates
to MCh degree)
May I once again request our hon’ble governor sir to kindly
award the degrees to the MCh. candidates.
1) I call upon stage Dr. Mohammad sajid for MCh.
Neurosurgery, from PGIMS Rohtak.
2) I call upon stage Dr. Vardan Pandey, for MCh
neurosurgery, from PGIMS Rohtak.
3) I call upon stage Dr. Apreksh Sanyal, for MCh Cardio
thoracic surgery, from PGIMS Rohtak.
4) I call upon stage Dr. Chandrodaya kumar, for MCh
Pediatric surgery, from PGIMS Rohtak.
5) I call upon stage Dr. Kumar Mrigank, for MCh Urology,
from PGIMS Rohtak.

Aarti- Thank you sir. I request hon’ble chancellor sir to

kindly take his seat.
We now move on to award of MD degrees.
Item no 4- award of MD degrees
A-May I request all the MD Degree holders of
departments of Dermatology, Respiratory medicine,
Pediatrics, Radiation oncology, Radiodiagnosis,
Radiotherapy, Community Medicine, General Medicine,
psychiatry to kindly stand on their seats.
I would now request Dr. Ashok Chauhan, Dean, faculty of
Medicine & Allied Departments, Pt B.D. Sharma UHS, for
presenting the candidates for Doctor of Medicine- MD
(Dr. Ashok Chauhan calls upon governor sir and governor
sir admits them to MD degree)

Preeti- Thankyou sir. I request the students to bow down

once and take their seats.
Item no 5- award of MS degrees:
P- May I request all the MS Degree holders of
departments of Anaesthesiology & critical care,
Ophthalmology, general surgery, Oto rhino Laryngology,
Orthopaedics, Obstetrics & gynaecology to kindly stand
on their seats.
P- I would now request Dr. MG Vashishtha, Dean faculty
of Surgery & Allied Departments, Pt BD Sharma UHS, for
presenting the candidates for Master of Surgery- MS
(Dr. Vashishtha, calls upon governor sir and governor sir
admits them to MD degree)

Aarti- Thankyou sir. I request the students to please bow

down and take their seats.
Item no 6- Award of MD degrees para-clinical sciences:
A- May I request all the MD Degree holders of para
clinical departments of pathology, Pharmacology,
Microbiology and forensic medicine, to kindly stand on
their seats.
I would now request Dr. S. S. lohchab, Dean faculty of
Para clinical sciences, Pt BD Sharma UHS, for presenting
the candidates for Doctor of Medicine- MD degrees.
(Dr Lohchab calls upon governor sir and governor sir
admits them to MD degree)

Preeti -Thankyou sir. I request the students to please bow

down and take their seats.
Item no 7- Award of MD degrees Pre clinical sciences:
P- May I request all the MD Degree holders of pre-clinical
departments of Anatomy, physiology and biochemistry to
kindly stand on their seats.
I would now request Dr. Suresh Kanta Rathi, Dean faculty
of Pre-clinical sciences, Pt BD Sharma UHS, for
presenting the candidates for Doctor of Medicine- MD
(Dr Suresh Kanta Rathi calls upon governor sir and
governor sir admits them to MD degree)

Aarti-Thankyou ma’am and sir. I request the students to

please bow down and take their seats.
Item no 8- award of MDS degrees:
A-I request all the MDS degree holders to kindly stand on
their seats.
May I request Dean, Faculty of Dental sciences, Dr. Sanjay
Tewari to come on the podium for presenting the
candidates for MDS Degrees.
(Dr Sanjay Tiwari calls upon governor sir and governor
sir admits them to MDS degree)

Preeti-Thank you sir. I request the students to please bow

down and take their seats.
Item no 09- Award of M. Pharma Degrees
P- I request all the M. Pharmacy degree holders to kindly
stand on their seats.
And May I now request Dr Gajender Singh, Dean,
Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, UHS Rohtak to
kindly come for presenting the candidates for Master of
Pharmacy-M.Pharma degrees.
(Dr Gajender calls upon governor sir and governor sir
admits them to M. Pharmacy degree)
Aarti-Thank you sir. I request the students to please bow
down and take their seats.
Item no 10- Award of M. Sc. Nursing degree:
A- May I request all the M.Sc Nursing degree holders to
stand on their seats.
I now request Smt. Sunita, Dean, Faculty of Nursing, to
kindly come on the podium for presenting the candidates
for MSc. Nursing degrees.
(Smt Sunita, calls upon governor sir and governor sir
admits them to M.Sc Nursing degree)

Preeti -Thank you sir and ma’am. I request the students

to please bow down and take their seats.
Item no 11- Gold & silver medals of university – MBBS
P- This completes the award of the Masters’ degrees.
Now, it is time for the dream moments for the deserving best.
P- May I request Dr. Gajender Singh, Dean Student welfare
Pt. BD sharma, UHS for presenting the winners of gold &
silver medals, in MBBS, in the previous years, to our chief
guest- hon’ble Chief minister of Harayan- Sh Manohar Lal
Khattar ji.
(Dr Gajender presents the candidates to CM sir and requests
Sh. Manohar Lal Khattar to present the medals to the
Preeti - Dr. A.S. Saini Memorial Gold Medalist BEST GRADUATE OF THE

s. year Name of student college




2 2018 Dr. Apoorva Goel SGT, Gurugram

3 2019 Dr. Aditya BPS, Khanpur

4 2020 Dr. neha BPS Khanpur
5 2021 Dr. Arshiya Tyagi SKHM, Mewat

6 2022 Dr Sunpreet Kaur SKHM, Mewat

Aarti - University Silver Medals

s. no. year Name of student college

1 2017 Dr. Vatsala Vats MAMC, Agroha

2 2018 Dr. Diya Aggarwal SGT MEDICAL COLLEGE,

3 2019 Dr. Karishma Dhankar PGIMS, ROHTAK

4 2020 Dr. Sapna MAMC Agroha

5 2021 Dr. Pooja Singla MAMC, Agroha

6 2022 Dr Muskan PGIMS, ROHTAK

Preeti - Sh. B. P. Jain Memorial Gold Medal- BEST GRADUATE OF

s. no. Medal Name of student

1 2017 Dr. Ankita

2 2018 Dr. Navneeti malik

3 2019 Dr. Karishma Dhankar

4 2020 Dr. Aastha Kamboj

5 2021 Dr. Aastha Garg

6 2022 Dr. Muskan

Aarti - PGI Silver Medal

s. no. Medal Name of student

1 2017 Dr. Aakanksha Kharab

2 2018 Dr. Aakanksha Arora

3 2019 Dr. Shubham Rai

4 2020 Dr. Rajat Bhatt

5 2021 Dr. Sagar arora

6 2022 Dr. Palak

Preeti- Dr. Inderjit Diwan Gold Medal, Anatomy, PGIMS Rohtak

s. no. Medal Name of student

1 2017 Dr. Monika Kalyan

2 2018 Dr. Vrinda

3 2019 Dr. Pooja

4 2020 Dr. Lovleen

5 2021 Dr. Anjali

6 2022 Dr. Muskan

Aarti-Dr. Basant Lal Sirohiwal Memorial Gold Medal, Forensic Medicine,

PGIMS Rohtak

s. no. Medal Name of student

1 2017 Dr. Jalaj Jain

2 2018 Dr. Arnav Kadian

3 2019 Dr. Sarthak Wadhera

4 2020 Dr. Preeti Bansal

5 2021 Dr. Bharti & Dr. Pratibha Chauhan

6 2022 Dr. ankush

Preeti-Dr. Sushila Rathee Gold Medal, Obst & Gynae, PGIMS Rohtak

s. no. Medal Name of student

1 2017 Dr. Ankita Yadav

2 2018 Dr. Arnav Kadian

3 2019 Dr. Suyash Saini

4 2020 Dr. Rajat Bhatt

5 2021 Dr. Manik Aggarwal

6 2022 Dr. Rashmi

Aarti - Thankyou sir.

Aarti- Item no 12- BDS gold & silver medals of university
Moving on, May I again request Dr. Gajender Singh, for
presenting the gold and silver medal winners of BDS , to Hon’
(Dr Gajender presents the candidates to CM sir and Sh.
Manohar Lal Khattar presents the medals to the awardess.)
University Gold ZOYA SINGH BRS Dental College & Hospital,
Medalist Panchkula
University AASHIMA SGT Dental College , Hospital &
Silver ARORA Research Institute, Gurugam

PGI Gold ARUNIMA Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak


PGI Silver NISHA KUMARI Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak


Preeti- Award of Gold and Silver medals in BDS Course in the year
University SUHANI PDM Dental College , & Research
Gold Medalist MAHESHWARI Institute, Bahadurgarh

University MADHAVI WIG Sudha Rustagi College of Dental

Silver Sciences & Research, Faridabad

PGI Gold APARNA Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak


PGI Silver PINKY Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak


Aarti- Award of Gold and Silver medals in BDS Course in the year 2019

University Gold RIDHI BHOLA BRS Dental College & Hospital,

Medalist Panchkula

University KSHITIJA Sudha Rustagi College of Dental

Silver TALWAR Sciences & Research, Faridabad
PGI Gold VARSHA Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak
Medalist AGARWAL

PGI Silver SHIKHA Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak

Medalist RUHIL

Preeti: Award of Gold and Silver medals in BDS Course in the year

University Gold AARUSHI BRS Dental College & Hospital,

Medalist Panchkula

University TANIA Swami Devi Dayal Hospital & Dental

Silver Medalist GOUTAM College, Panchkula

PGI Gold DEEPTI Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak


PGI Silver HARSHITA Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak

Medalist WADHWA

Aarti: Award of Gold and Silver medals in BDS Course in the year 2021

University Gold EKAMJOT BRS Dental College & Hospital,

Medalist KAUR Panchkula

University Silver HIMANSHI Manav Rachna Dental College,

Medalist KUMARI Faridabad

PGI Gold Medalist SIDHANT Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak

PGI Silver NEETU Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak
Medalist VERMA

Preeti: Award of Gold and Silver medals in BDS Course in the year
University Gold DSV Manav Rachna Dental College,
Medalist SINDHUJA Faridabad

University Silver JASMEEN J.N.Kapoor DAV (C ) Dental College,

Medalist KAUR Yamuna Nagar

PGI Gold JANVI Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak


PGI Silver CHARU Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIDS,Rohtak

Medalist GOYAL

Thankyou sir. I request Dr. Gajender sir to please escort hon’ble Chief
Minister sir to his seat.

Dr. Urmil and Dr. Umesh

Item no 13- Bsc Nursing, B. pharmacy, B. & silver
medals of university
Ur:Ladies and Gentlemen now we have the medals for Bsc
Nursing, B. pharmacy, B. P.T Deptts.
May I request Dr. Gajender Singh, Dean Student welfare Pt.
BD sharma, UHS for presenting the Bsc Nursing, B. pharmacy,
B. P.T. university awardees for gold and silver medals.
(Dr Gajender presents the candidates to guest of honor, Shri
Anil Vij ji, H’nble health minister to grant the medals to the
meritorious students.)
Item no 13 - BSc. Nursing
Um : Item 14 A: Award of Gold and Silver medals in Bsc Nursing Course in the year
University RITU SAHARAN Maharaja Agrasen College of Nursing,
Gold Medalist Agroha
PGI Gold PRIYA College of
Medalist Nursing,Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Ur : Item 14 B: Award of Gold and Silver medals in Bsc Nursing Course in the
year 2018

University PARUL Maharaja Agrasen College of Nursing,

Gold Medalist Agroha
PGI Gold ANNU College of
Medalist Nursing,Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Um: Item 14 C: Award of Gold and Silver medals in Bsc Nursing Course in the
year 2019

University Gold NEHA Maharaja Agrasen College of Nursing, Agroha


PGI Gold Medalist BINDU College of

Ur: Item 14 D: Award of Gold and Silver medals in Bsc Nursing Course in the
year 2020

University Gold SHALU National College of Nursing, Hissar


PGI Gold Medalist UMA College of


Um : Item 14 E: Award of Gold and Silver medals in Bsc Nursing Course in the
year 2021

University Gold KANCHAN National College of Nursing, Hissar


PGI Gold Medalist MAHIMA College of


Ur : Item 14 F: Award of Gold and Silver medals in Bsc Nursing Course in the
year 2022

University Gold SUMAN BDM College of Nursing, Jhajjar


PGI Gold PRERNA College of

Medalist MANN Nursing,Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Um: Item no 14- B. Pharmacy

Item 15 A: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHARMA Course in the year 2016
University Gold DIPANSHU B S Anangpuria Institute of Pharmacy,
Medalist SHARMA Faridabad

PGI Gold Medalist ANKITA College of Pharmacy

SEHGAL ,Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Ur : Item 15 B: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHARMA Course in the year
University Gold ANJALI B S Anangpuria Institute of Pharmacy,
Medalist KAPOOR Faridabad
PGI Gold ANJALI College of Pharmacy
Medalist (Naresh Rathi) ,Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Um : Item 15 C: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHARMA Course in the year
University Gold MINI B S Anangpuria Institute of Pharmacy,
Medalist JHA Faridabad

PGI Gold Medalist POOJA College of Pharmacy


Ur : Item 15 D: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHARMA Course in the year
University Gold VANISHA Guru Gobind Singh College of Pharmacy,
Medalist SINGHAL Yamuna Nagar
PGI Gold AYASH JAIN College of Pharmacy
Medalist Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Um : Item 15 E: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHARMA Course in the year 2020
University Gold GAUTAM College of Pharmacy
Medalist Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

PGI Gold Medalist GAUTAM College of Pharmacy

Ur : Item 15 F: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHARMA Course in the year
University Gold NISHANT Shri Ram College of Pharmacy, Ramba,
Medalist Karnal
PGI Gold BARKHA College of Pharmacy
Medalist GUPTA Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Um : Item 15 G: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHARMA Course in the year 2022
University Gold NEELMANI Shri Ram College of Pharmacy, Ramba,
Medalist Karnal

PGI Gold Medalist JATIN College of Pharmacy


Ur : Item no 15- B. Physiotherapy (BPT)

Item 16 A: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHYSIOTHEAPY Course in the year
University Gold PRIYA Thakardevi Takanram Dev Inst.of Phy &
Medalist SUHAG Rehab.Prof. Col., Yamuna Nagar

PGI Gold RESHMA College of Physiotherapy

Medalist KHAN Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Um: Item 16 B: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHYSIOTHERAPY Course in the year
University Gold VARMEET Thakardevi Takanram Dev Inst.of Phy &
Medalist KAUR Rehab.Prof. Col., Yamuna Nagar

PGI Gold JYOTI College of Physiotherapy

Medalist BAGRI Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Ur : Item 16 C: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHYSIOTHERAPY Course in the year
University Gold MASOOM Maharaja Agrasen Medical College Agroha
Medalist GOEL (Hisar)
PGI Gold RITU College of Physiotherapy
Medalist TOMAR Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Um : Item 16 D: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHYSIOTHERAPY Course in the

year 2019

PGI Gold DIMPLE College of Physiotherapy

Medalist Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Ur : Item 16 E: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHYSIOTHERAPY Course in the year
University Gold RIDHAM Thakardevi Takanram Dev Inst.of Phy &
Medalist SHARMA Rehab.Prof. Col., Yamuna Nagar

PGI Gold KUSUM College of Physiotherapy

Medalist Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Um : Item 16 F: Award of Gold and Silver medals in B.PHYSIOTHERAPY Course in the

year 2021
University Gold PURNIMA Thakardevi Takanram Dev Inst.of Phy &
Medalist Rehab.Prof. Col., Yamuna Nagar

PGI Gold REEPAKSHI College of Physiotherapy

Medalist BUDHIRAJA Pt.B.D.Sharma,PGIMS,Rohtak

Thankyou sir. ( Dr. Gajender will escort HM Sir to his chair at this point)

Ur : Item no 16- Award of MBBS Degrees:

May I now request all the MBBS degree holders to kindly stand
on their seats.
I request Dr Kuldeep Singh Lallar, Dean, PGIMS to kindly come
on the dais for presenting the candidates for Bachelor of
medicine & Bachelor of Surgery- MBBS Degree. May I request
all the MBBs degree holders to kindly stand on their seats.
(Dr. Lallar will present MBBS students to VC Ma’am and she
will admit them.)
Thankyou sir. I request the students to bow down once and
take their seats.

Um : Item no 17- Award of BDS degree

May I now request all the BDS degree holders to kindly stand
on their seats.

I request Dr Sanjay Tewari, Dean Faculty of Dental Sciences to

kindly come on the dais for presenting the candidates
for Bachelor of Dental surgery- BDS Degree.
(Dr. Tewari will present BDS students to VC Ma’am and
she will admit them.)
Thankyou sir. I request the students to bow down once and
take their seats.
Ur : Item no 18- Award of B. Pharma degrees
May I now request all the B. pharma degree holders to kindly
stand on their seats.
I request Dr Gajender Singh Dean, Faculty of Pharmaceutical
Sciences to kindly come for presenting the candidates for
B.Pharma degrees.
(Dr. Gajender will present B. Pharma students to VC
Ma’am and she will admit them.)
Thankyou sir. I request the students to bow down once and
take their seats.

Um : Item no 19- award of BSc Nursing degrees

May I now request all the B.Sc nursing degree holders to kindly
stand on their seats.
I request Smt Sunita, Dean, Faculty of Nursing to kindly come
for awarding B.SC nursing degrees. May I request all the B.Sc
nursing degree holders to kindly stand on their seats.
(Smt Sunita will present B.Sc. Nursing students to VC
Ma’am and she will admit them.)
Thankyou maa’m. I request the students to bow down once
and take their seats.

Ur : Item no 20- award of degree of Post basic Nursing

May I now request all the Post basic Nursing degree holders to
kindly stand on their seats.
I request Smt Sunita, Dean, Faculty of Nursing to kindly come
for awarding the degree of Post basic Nursing. (Smt Sunita
will present post basic Nursing degree students to VC
Ma’am and she will admit them.)
Thankyou maa’m. I request the students to bow down once
and take their seats.

Um : Item no 21- award of Bachelor of Physiotherapy

(B.P.T.) degree
May I now request all the B.P.T. degree holders to kindly stand
on their seats

I Request Dr. Roop Singh, Principal, college of physiotherapy

to kindly come on the stage for presenting the candidates for the
Bachelor of Physiotherapy- B. P. T. Degree. May I request all
the B.P.T. degree holders to kindly stand on their seats
(Dr Roop Singh will present BPT degree students to VC
Ma’am and she will admit them.)
Thankyou sir. I request the students to bow down once and
take their seats.
Ur : Item no 22: Award of Bachelor degrees in paramedical
courses (B.Sc. OT, B.Sc Optometry, B.Sc MLT, B.Sc.
perfusion technology, B.Sc. radiography & imagimg
technology, radiotherapy.
May I now request all these degree holder graduates to kindly
stand on their seats
I Request Dr. Shamsher Singh Lohchab, Dean of paramedical
sciences to kindly come on the stage for presenting the
candidates for the same ( B.Sc. OT, B.Sc Optometry, B.Sc
MLT, B.Sc. perfusion technology, B.Sc. radiography &
imaging technology, radiotherapy degrees.)
(Dr. Shamsher Singh Lohchab will present paramedical
degree students to VC Ma’am and she will admit them.)
Thankyou Ma’am and sir. I request the students to bow down
once and take their seats.
Dr. Aarti & Dr. Preeti
Aarti: Item no 23: Administration of Hippocratic oath)
I request our worthy vice chancellor, Dr Anita Saxena
Ma’am to kindly come on the podium for the administration
of Hippocratic oath.
May I request all the graduates to stand on their seats and
bring their right hand forward for the oath taking ceremony.

Preeti- Thank You ma’am

Thankyou dear students. You may please take your seats.
Preeti - (Item No. 24:- Signing of the scroll)
I request Dr. Rakesh Dhankar, controller of examination,
UHS, Rohtak to present the scroll to hon’ble chancellor sir.
And I humbly request Hon’ble Chancellor, university health
sciences. Rohtak- Shri Bandaru Dattatreya ji, to kindly put
a signature on the scroll containing the names of all the
degree recipients.
Aarti- Thank you sir.

Aarti- (Item No 25; Release of Souvenirs

Next may I please request all the respected dignitaries on
the dais to kindly release the souvenir. (2 lines about

Preeti - Thankyou ma’am and sirs.

Preeti- (Item No. 26 : Address by Guest of Honor, Shri
Anil Vij ji
अब मैं वनिेदन करू ों गी, हमारे बीच उपस्थथत हमारे आज के सम्माननीय
विवशष्ट अवतवथ - हररयाणा राज्य के गृह एिों स्वास्थ्य मोंत्री- श्री अवनल विज
जी से, वक िे मोंच पर आएों और हम सब का उत्साहििान करें .

Aarti- िन्यिाद महोदय।

Item no 27: keynote address by chief guest- Sh

Manohar Lal Khattar jiAarti-कायािम को आगे बढ़ाते हुए, मैं,
हमारे आज के इस दीक्षाोंत समारोह के मुख्य अवतवथ- हररयाणा प्रदे श के
माननीय मुख्यमोंत्री- श्री मनोहर लाल खट्टर जी से वनिेदन करती हों, वक
िे मोंच पर आएों और और इस पािन अिसर पर हम सभी को सोंबोवित
करें ।

Preeti-िन्यिाद महोदय।
(Item No 28: Address by Hon’ble Chancellor)
Preeti- अब मैं माननीय राज्यपाल हररयाणा, एिों कुलाविपवत स्वास्थ्य
विज्ञानों विश्वविद्यालय रोहतक - श्री बोंिारू दत्तात्रेय जी से वनिेदन करू
ों गी
वक िह मोंच पर आएों और सभा को सोंबोवित कर, हम सभी का मागादशान
करें ।

Aarti-िन्यिाद महोदय।

Aarti- Item No 29: Presentation of mementoes to the

dignitaries by Dr. Anita Saxena, Vice Chancellor, Pt. BD
Sharma University of Health Sciences, Rohtak.
1) अब मैं कुलपवत महोदया िॉ अनीता सक्सेना से वनिेदन करती
हों वक िह माननीय राज्यपाल हररयाणा सरकार एिों हमारे
कुलाविपवत- श्री बोंिारू दत्तात्रेय जी को एक भेंट दे कर सम्मावनत
करें ।

िन्यिाद महोदय आपने अपनी गररमामई उपस्थथवत से हमारे इस

समारोह की शोभा बढ़ाई
2) मैं एक बार वफर कुलपवत महोदया से वनिेदन करती हों वक अब
िह, हमारे आज के मुख्य अवतवथ- माननीय मुख्यमोंत्री हररयाणा
सरकार -श्री मनोहर लाल खट्टर जी को एक भेंट दे कर, अपना
बहुमूल्य समय प्रदान करने के वलए सम्मावनत करें

3) मैं कुलपवत महोदय से एक बार वफर वनिेदन करती हों वक िह

हमारे इस दीक्षाोंत समारोह के विवशष्ट अवतवथ- हररयाणा सरकार
के गृह मोंत्री ि वचवकत्सा वशक्षा और अनुसोंिान एिों स्वास्थ्य मोंत्री -
श्री अवनल विज जी को एक भेंट दे कर सम्मावनत करें ।
Preeti- Thankyou ma’am.
(Item No.30: Declaration of the Convocation
Preeti - Now I request Dr. H. K Aggarwal, Registrar
University of Health sciences Rohtak, for requesting
the Hon’ble chancellor to declare the convocation
Aarti – thankyou sir
(Item No 31)- Vote of thanks
Aarti- I request Registrar Dr H. K Aggarwal to kindly
give the vote of thanks.

Preeti – िन्यिाद श्रीमान ।

Item no 32- National Anthem
Preeti-सभागार में उपस्थथत सभी अवतवथ गण से मैं वनिेदन
ों गी वक कृपया राष्टरगान के वलए सभी अपने थथान पर खिे हो

Ur - With that we come to the end of the program. I

request everyone to kindly remain standing till the
academic procession returns.
I request the dignitaries on the dais, led by registrar sir,
to kindly proceed from the stage. I request all the
respected dignitaries in the auditorium to remain in
their seats.

(Item No 33)
Convocation Group Photo
(Item No 34)

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