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Subject &
Date December 6, 2022
Grade Level
Teacher Lorraine Ann A. Berba Day & Time
Quarter 2 Week

To perform basic yoga Exercise and to avoid injuries
Objectives (CPA) Define yoga
Demonstrate the basic movements and position of yoga

Topic Yoga
References Book,
Materials Power point/Pictures/Speaker
Values Integration

Prayers (The student will Pray.)
Before we start please everybody Stand up and Let’s pray.
Greetings Good morning Ma’am Lorraine!
Good morning Class! (Student)
Checking of Attendance (The Secretary will check for
Secretary please check who’s absent for today. attendance)
Checking of Assignments None Ma’am….
Before we Start do we have any assignments?

Okay so we will now proceed to our lesson today.

(The student will now focus on

Activity (The student will get their
Before we proceed to our main lesson we will have an notebook)
activity. Please get your notebook.

This is just a recap for your lesson.

Now you will answer the following questions about The
(The student will now start
things to consider in making daily diet.

I will Give you 10 minutes to answer it…

Now I need some volunteer to share their answers on the

things to consider in making daily diet.

The student will now start sharing their answers.

(Student 1)
Okay very good! Another Answer. Ma’am Drinking Water.

Very Good that is correct. (Student 2)

Ma’am Eating Vegetables.

Yes that is right. (Student 3)

Balance Diet and Exercise.
That is correct. (Student 4)
Avoiding fatty and processed
Please give yourself a round of applause. foods 
All your answers are correct.

Now we will now look forward to our Lesson.


Now for you to fully understand our lesson our topic for
today is Yoga. I will show a video of and later we will
perform it.
Yes Ma’am.
Did you understand?

Now let’s watch the video.

(The student will pay attention
to the video)

Now, based on the video that you had watch what did you
(The student raised their hand)
understand about yoga exercise?
It has a unique set of healthy
advantage and helps our body
to perform well.

That is correct.

What are the three core of yoga?

(Student 2) (Raised hand)
Physical Posture, Breathing
Exercise and spiritual
Yes that is correct thank you. What else?
(Student 3)
It relax our muscles and help
our heart.
That is correct.
(Yoga helps our body to relax and to boost our physical
and mental health, and that it is prove that it helps our life
more meaningful, relax and reflect.

Did you guy’s understand? Yes Ma’am

Is there any questions or clarification? None Ma’am.

So now we are going to perform the following warm-up and

stretching exercise before performing the yoga posers.

A. Neck stretchers (The students will perform

B. Upper back and side stretches warm-up exercise)
C. Lower back stretches
D. Inner thigh stretch
E. Hamstring stretch
F. Groin stretch
G. Calf stretch

Now that we done doing the warm-up let’s now look

forward to basic yoga exercise.
Yes Ma’am
Are you ready?

Before we perform it we will read it carefully to avoid any


1. Downward Facing Dog Position

 Stand with your feet hip-distance apart on a
yoga mat with your arms at your sides
 Keep your back straight, hinge forward at the
waist and plant your alms flat on the floor,
fingers pointing forward and spread apart. If
necessary, bend your knees.
 Press your chest toward your knees, keep
your eyes focused on your toes and press your
heels toward the floor.
(The student will watch the

(The Teacher will Demonstrate)

(The student voluntary read the
 Stand on the yoga
Who wants to read the next pose? mat with your feet
2. Mountain Pose together.
 Gently rock back
and forth on the
balls of your feet
and your heels to
spread your weight,
evenly across the
base of your feet.
 Bend your knees
slightly and then
straighten them
again to help loosen
your joint..
 Curl your pelvic
bone up slightly so
that your tailbone
continues the
straight line of your
spine. Your goal is
to align your hips
so that you’re not
putting any extra
pressure on your
back or your knees.
 Extend your spine
upward by lifting
the chest away from
the stomach.
Lengthen the back
of your neck and
press down into the
floor with your feet
and rest in this
(The Teacher will Demonstrate) neutral position.
Raise your arms to the ceiling
and gaze forward

Next Posture
 Step your left foot
3. Warrior Pose I toward the back of
your mat to come
into warrior pose
 Bring the left heel
to the floor and
turn the left toes
out to about a 45-
degree angle. Begin
to bend the right
knee over the right
 Inhale while
bringing your arms
up over your head.
The arm position
can vary according
to the mobility in
your shoulders.
 The classic position
is with the palms
touching overhead.
However, you may
choose to keep the
palms separated at
shoulder’s distance
apart or even bend
at the elbows and
(The Teacher will Demonstrate) open your arms like
a cactus.

4. Warrior Pose II (Student will read it)

 Step or lightly jump

with your feet 3-1/2
to 4 feet apart. Turn
your left foot out by
90 degrees, the heel
should be opposite
your right arch.
Raise your arms out
to the sides, parallel
to the floor,
shoulders down,
palms facing the
 Exhale and bend
your left knee over
the left ankle, so
that the shin is
perpendicular to
the floor.
 Stretch the arms
with the shoulder
balder parallel to
the floor. Keep the
sides of the torso
and the shoulders
directly over the
pelvis. Press the
tailbone slightly
toward the pubis.
Turn the head to
the left and look
(The Teacher will Demonstrate) over your, fingers.
 Maintain the
position for 30
seconds to 1
minute. Inhale as
you come up.
5. Triangle Pose Repeat using the
right foot.

(Student will read it)

 Stand 3-1/2 to
4feet apart. Hips
are facing to the
front. Stretch your
body upward, then
bending downward
from the waist to
the front of your
 Turn your right leg,
including your
thigh, knee and foot
out by 90 degrees
and left foot by 15
 Raise your arms to
shoulder level with
your palms facing
down toward the
 Place your right
hand on your right
shin, as far down
you can reach
 Raise your left arm
towards the ceiling,
(The Teacher will Demonstrate) with palm facing
forward. Gaze at
your outstretched
6. Cat-Cow Stretch
 As you inhale, come
up, bring your arms
down to your sides
and straighten your
feet. Repeat on the
other side.
 Begin with your
hands and knees on
the floor, palms
facing downward,
shoulders directly
over the wrists, and
hips directly over
the knees.
 Curl your toes
under to stretch
your foot arches.
Inhale and slowly
arch your back
(Cow), lifting the
chest up and away
from the abdomen
and extending your
tailbone toward the
 Release your feet to
neutral, so the tops
(The Teacher will Demonstrate) are resting on the
floor. On the exhale,
round the lower
back (Cat), gently
contracting the
7. Staff Pose
abdomen. Repeat
six times and
increase your range
of motion with each

 Sit with your legs

straight out in front
of you on the floor.
The feet are hip-
width apart.
 Activate the leg
muscles by pressing
out through the ball
of the foot with the
inner and outer
heel. Drop the
(The Teacher will Demonstrate)
shoulder blades
down the back.
 Inhale and length
the spine up the
crown of the head.
 Truck your chin in
slightly, Stretch the
abdominal muscles
away from the lift of
your chest. Bring
the gaze directly in
front of you and
breathe normally.

Thank you for your cooperation. Okay now that we already
know the basic exercise of yoga.

Can anyone of you recite what are the BASIC Exercise of (Student raised hand)
yoga? 1. Downward Facing Dog

2. Mountain Pose
Yes, that is correct. Thank you. 3. Warrior Pose I
Another Answer?

(Student raised hand)

Yes, thank you. 4. Warrior Pose II

5. Triangle Pose
6. Cat-Cow Stretch
7. Staff Pose

Again we have…

Downward Facing Dog Position

Mountain Pose
Warrior Pose I
Warrior Pose II
Triangle Pose
Cat-Cow Stretch
Staff Pose
None Ma’am.
Do you guys have any questions or Clarification
about our lesson?


Since we are done Clear Ma’am.

discussing Claims of
fact, policy and value.
Get your paper
and write one sentence
in each claim.
Since we are done discussing the basic yoga exercise. Get
¼ sheet of paper right your name and be ready to perform
the 7 Basic Yoga Exercise. Is that Clear?


Indicators O VS S NI P
5 4 3 2 1
1. Performs the yoga figures correctly with
2. Displays proper bodylines while doing the
3. Foster a positive attitude towards the

0-Oustanding Performs without any assistance from

anybody yet with mastery
VS- Very Satisfactory Performs without any assistance from
anybody but with minimal errors
S-Satisfactory Performs with little assistance from
teacher and/or classmates and with
minimal errors
NI- Needs Improvement Performs with little assistance from
teacher and/or classmates and with
many errors
P-Poor Shows no interest in coping with the
challenges in the activities given


Write your answer in a whole sheet of paper and create your daily menu for your
one week diet.

BMI (Body Mass Index):
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
Following Questions.
1. How do you make your diet schedule?
2. How was the experience while performing your schedule or diet?
3. Do you think this will help to manage your weight?

No. of learners who earned 75% of the evaluation
No. of learners who require additional activities for
remediation who scored below 75%

Prepared by:

Lorraine Ann A. Berba

Student Teacher

Checked by:

Cristalyn P. Saludes
Cooperating Teacher

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