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Initial Instructional Goals

The students strengths as a reader based on data that I have accumulated during this case

study include reading at an appropriate rate. JJ’s weaknesses as a reader include ignoring

punctuation such as commas, periods, exclamation marks, and question marks. When he reads

sentences, he completely omits punctuation which causes him to not fully comprehend what he is

reading. He blends sentences together and does not take appropriate pauses. He also struggles

with comprehension of what he has read, and answers comprehension questions incorrectly or

incompletely. He has difficulty referring back to the story for answers and understanding what

parts of a passage are the most important. Based on initial data that I have collected through

administering the WADE and the QRI assessments, I have developed three specific goals for JJ

that will be implemented through strategies/lessons in hopes to benefit him and improve his

reading skills.

1. The student will be able to read a passage acknowledging punctuation and pausing
at the correct areas or periods, commas, and other marks with 80% accuracy per

Rationale: After administering the QRI passages to JJ, I noticed that he struggled with
stopping at punctuation such as commas and periods as well as ignoring question marks
and exclamation marks. This could also be affecting his comprehension of passages due
to the fact that he is blending each sentence together, so he may not know when each
sentence ends and a new one begins.

2. When presented with a passage at instructional level, the student will be able to
highlight important words, underline the main idea, identify something they have a
question about, circle unknown words, and star interesting information.

Rationale: After administering the QRI passages to JJ, he struggled with the
comprehension questions I asked him after each passage. He would benefit from more
practice with reading comprehension strategies, therefore this goal relating to having to
go back into a passage to look for information is appropriate for him to improve. This is a
visual reading comprehension strategy that will help JJ learn how to identify key
elements of a text.

3. When presented with a passage at instructional level, the student will be able to
answer reading comprehension questions with accuracy given ⅘ opportunities to
answer questions correctly.

Rationale: JJ will benefit from this goal because he struggles with reading
comprehension skills. His scores on comprehension questions in the QRI were low which
shows me that he needs to improve his overall retention of what he has read.

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