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Reading Intervention Plan (Punctuation)

Student: JJ Duncan

Date: 11/19

Goal: The student will be able to read a passage acknowledging punctuation and pausing at the
correct areas or periods, commas, and other marks with 80% accuracy per passage.

Rationale: After administering the QRI passages with JJ, I noticed that he struggles with
pausing at punctuation marks such as commas and periods. He also does not read with
expression when there is an exclamation point or a question mark. The purpose of this strategy I
created is to have JJ practice being able to place the correct punctuation marks in the blank
spaces. This will hopefully improve his understanding of punctuation and give him more

Pennsylvania State Core Standard(s)

Standard - CC.1.4.8.R- Demonstrate a grade-appropriate command of the conventions of
standard English grammar, usage, capitalization, punctuation, and spelling.

Steps of Explicit Instruction:

-I will administer a letter written to JJ that I have created myself. I will provide him with his
copy and I will have my own.

-I will explain to him that I have written him a letter, but I accidentally forgot to put any
punctuation marks into it. It is his job to read the letter out loud and try to fill in the blanks with
the correct punctuation.

-After giving him as much time as he needs to fill out the letter with the correct punctuation, I
will read it outloud to him, pausing at the correct spots, showing expressions where there is
explanation and question marks, etc.

-If he puts the wrong punctuation mark somewhere, I will correct it and explain to him why a
different mark belongs in that spot.
The assessment for this strategy will be for me to check the answers that JJ has inserted in the
spots. If he places the correct marks at least 80% of the time, I will know that he understands the

Overall, I felt as though JJ enjoyed and benefited from this method of practicing
punctuation. He has a very sarcastic personality, therefore he enjoyed reading the letter that I had
written specifically for him talking about his favorite video game. JJ was able to fill out the
majority of the letter with the correct punctuation. For the areas that he did not know, I asked
him if he could first explain to me why he chose what he did. This was a good method in getting
him to realize that maybe his answer did not make sense, and he was able to recognize the
correct punctuation that should go there. I think that this activity was a good way to get JJ to
practice on his own.

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