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There are different factors or forces that affects how an industry runs within the market, which

is why these said factors are studied to get a much better understanding of the industry and
what might affect the business, and at the same time would help a great deal in providing a
possible solution in filling in the gap that these factors could possibly make. Other than doing
research, one of the easiest ways to easily see a factor that would affect the business is by
doing an analysis such as the PEST analysis that allows the researchers to see possible changes
on external factors that can be out of control of the business and providing solution on these
said factors before it can be encountered or occur as a counter measure for the business. The
research provided showed the use of the PEST analysis to figure out the relevant external
environment forces that affects the green supply chain management in the consumers in the
electronic industry of the country. The study aims to provide the Philippine Consumer
Electronic an idea for possible business strategies to be done from the forces that can be seen
within the industry and add a better insight and understanding of the CE industry in the
The research involved discussion of the macro-environmental forces that affects the Philippine
Consumer Electronics with the use of the PEST analysis and using it with prominent businesses
within the industry. The research showed an Input-Process-Output method and showed
prominent studies that would back up the results that they got from doing the analysis. In
conclusion, the researchers found out that the external environment factors that affects CE
industry in the countries have more of a positive significant impact than that of a negative and
concluded that these external factors are key influencers in having a much better and positive
CE industry environment in the Philippines.
Overall, the research has given a clear idea of its aims, but one of the things that I think can be
changed would be the frequent usage of jargon or abbreviations within the research as not
everyone who reads this are familiar with certain words and may cause confusion. Another
would be the number of diagrams or numbers provided within the research may seem
irrelevant in terms that it can seem a little heavy for research that aims to study the external
factors of an industry. The research could have used a little less of repeating sentences within
the paper along with the other critiques mentioned, but other than that the rest was enough and
have provided sufficient information about the study.

The Mind Tools Content Team By the Mind Tools Content Team, Team, the M. T. C., wrote, B.
T., & wrote, 333hannahh. (n.d.). Pest analysis: Identifying big picture opportunities and
threats. Strategy Tools From Retrieved October 2, 2022, from

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