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Updated by Huei as on 11 Dec 2022

Huei (final Check) √

PIC for DO / check H2(do) Fazlin(do) KPC Natalie Darren Jane SuChee Hailey Jia Soon (T)
(MC 21/12 onward)
(AL 19&20/12) (AL 19&20/12)

NLP 1812C - MBW Routine/ Task Requeted by SGSB(PC)
1. Gyproc cost compare - URGENT! √ Loh ask to wrap up commercial
2. Shower screen costing - URGENT! √ **have chase quotation? 2 wk dy!
3. Wallpaper costing comparison (Loh email 25/11) - URGENT! √ **already 3 weeks; not sure still need?
4. Lightbox tender doc (call loh inform also)
5. MBW Interim Val (incl forecast), incl send email to RPM - URGENT! √

NLP 1812C1 -AGW (PC)

6. VORF - Podium UCW L4 & L6 Spandrel Glass Change To 12mm Thk Tempered √
7. Perimeter Steel Beam for UCW installation at Level 6 (vorf yet raise) √

NLP 1812C2 - ID Package 1(TN)

8. Extend tender validity √ to issue 13/12
9. Tender Report √ 16/11(Fri) Tender Close
- Tender Appraisal
- Split breakdown for Stone / Wallpaper/Curtain/ Carpet (Ms Yim request)
- Split Floor Group

NLP 1812C6 - ID Package 2 (TN)

10. PTE - URGENT! √ (joineries) √ (remaining) **already 3 weeks
Renny can help check?
11. Tender Report √ 22/11(Thurs) Tender Close
- Tender Appraisal
12. Matrix on scope - URGENT! √ **pending Faz & Kpc part
(to issue 13/12)
NLP 1812C3 - Sanitary (for Trading House) (PC)
13. Contract binding (arithmetical check done) awarded; to clear on Dec2022
(to issue 13/12)
NLP 1812C5 - Ironmongeries (for Trading House)(PC)
14. Contract binding (arithmetical check done) awarded; to clear on Dec2022
(to issue 13/12)
NLP 1812C7 - Kitchen Appliances & Laundry Care (for Trading House) (PC)
15. Contract binding (arithmetical check done) awarded; to clear on Dec2022

(#) Remeasurement
Prev partly done by JW (trainee), now stop! ( KPC monitor) √ **Need ppl to continue; structure up to
almost L17

Substructure Stage 2
NLP 1812B2 - Stage 2
1. Stage 2 Interim Val (incl forecast) - URGENT! √ √
2. VORF - ??? Nos (some Jiasoon done need faz check issue) √ check
3. Follow up on gaps √ √
4. Costing for email below

Retail & SOF

NLP 1812F - MBW
1. Contract binding
- Send email to ISSB ask to dilute discount and rationalisation √
After ISSB submit :-
- check consistency √ check √ *draft rationalisaton before CNY
- high low rationalise (can check against report) √ check √ *binding 3 mth; due latest by March2023
- breakdown on tiles etc √ check √
- prelim segregation (IV and contract binding) [For iv can check against other while wait ISSB] √ check √
- Contract binding doc compilation √ check √
- Request pdf contract dwg (check against our list; sectional part to replace) √ check √

2. Remeasurement on structural (Planning) √ √

NLP 1812F2 - AGW

3. PTE - URGENT! √ check √ progressively give h2
4. Tender Report √ 15/11(Thurs) Tender Close
- Tender Appraisal

NLP 1812F1 - Sanitary

5. *********no task at this momentl wait KLM

NLP 1812D3 - VMUR Modification
1. Interim Val - URGENT! √
2. VORF - progressively (Can.I yet submit) √

NLP 1812E - Tunnel
1. Interim Val (incl forecast) - URGENT! √ check √

Huei email on FA on 27/11, after that Renny call for an internal mtg. √ √
NLP 1408C - Parcel 1
1. VORF + VOA (left 40-50nos from final claim ) - URGENT! √ √ **committed by mid Dec issue 20-30 nos.
2. FA for NSC - AGW √ √
3. FA for NSC -Signage √ check
4. FA for NSC - Sanitary √ check
5. FA for NSC - Ironmongeries √ check
NLP 1408D - Parcel 2
1. VORF + VOA (left 20-30nos from final claim ) √ √
2. FA for NSC - AGW (remeasurement) - URGENT! √
3. FA for NSC -Signage - left those upgrading √do
4. FA for NSC - Sanitary √
5. FA for NSC - Ironmongeries √

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