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GGGA 5022

Fakulti Pendidikan
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

Ts. Dr. Mohd Effendi @ Ewan Mohd Matore
Penyelaras GA5022
Topik 4
Kesahan dan kebolehpercayaan
Topik 4
1. Kesahan muka (face validity)

2. Kesahan kandungan (content validity)

3. Kesahan konstruk/gagasan (construct validity)

4. Kesahan kriterion (criterion validity) – kesahan

ramalan (predictive validity) dan kesahan serentak
(concurrent validity)
1. Kesahan muka (face validity)

Face validity generally refers to “non expert” judgement of

individuals COMPLETING THE INSTRUMENT, or executives
who must approve its use (Kumar, Salim & Ramayah, 2013).
1. Kesahan muka (face validity)
Terdapat pengkaji lepas tidak menganggap kesahan muka
sebagai komponen sah bagi kesahan kandungan. Ini kerana
kesahan muka dianggap indeks paling minimum dan asas bagi
kesahan kandungan (Sekaran & Bougie, 2011).

Kesahan kandungan itu sendiri memerlukan penilaian statistik

yang mendalam berbanding kesahan muka yang hanya
memerlukan penilaian intuitif (Hair, Celsi, Oritinau, & Bush,
1. Kesahan muka (face validity)

Malah, kesahan muka dilihat sebagai tidak psikometrik dalam

menilai kesahan kerana ia digunakan sebagai prosedur asas
permukaan saja. Prosedur ini perlu diikuti dengan kesahan
kandungan melalui penilaian pakar (Gay, Mills, & Airasian,

Kesahan muka adalah satu cara yang tidak boleh diterima

dalam membuktikan kesahan ujian (Miller et al., 2013).
1. Kesahan muka (face validity)

Malah, kesahan muka dilihat sebagai tidak psikometrik dalam

menilai kesahan kerana ia digunakan sebagai prosedur asas
permukaan saja. Prosedur ini perlu diikuti dengan kesahan
kandungan melalui penilaian pakar (Gay, Mills, & Airasian,

Kesahan muka adalah satu cara yang tidak boleh diterima

dalam membuktikan kesahan ujian (Miller et al., 2013).
1. Kesahan kandungan (content validity)

Kesahan kandungan menggunakan pendekatan melalui

penilaian pakar sepertimana dicadangkan (AERA, APA, &
NCME, 1999; Cohen & Swerdlik, 2010; Creswell, 2012; DeVellis,
1991; Gregory, 2011; Johnson & Christensen, 2012; Miller et
al., 2013; Nunnally, 1978; Popham, 2000; Rubio et al., 2003;
Sabitha Marican, 2009; Sternberg et al., 2011; H. S. Wilson,
1989; Yaghmaie, 2003)
1. Kesahan kandungan (content validity)
Kesahan kandungan menggunakan pendekatan melalui
penilaian pakar sepertimana dicadangkan (AERA, APA, &
NCME, 1999; Cohen & Swerdlik, 2010; Creswell, 2012; DeVellis,
1991; Gregory, 2011; Johnson & Christensen, 2012; Miller et
al., 2013; Nunnally, 1978; Popham, 2000; Rubio et al., 2003;
Sabitha Marican, 2009; Sternberg et al., 2011; H. S. Wilson,
1989; Yaghmaie, 2003)
1. Membuktikan konstruk adalah bersifat

2. Boleh dibuktikan dengan CFA, Model Rasch

3. Kesahan ini juga boleh dinyatakan dalam bentuk

kesahan konvergen dan kesahan diskriminan
1. Kesahan ini juga boleh dinyatakan dalam bentuk
kesahan konvergen dan kesahan diskriminan
1. Kesahan kriteria – merujuk kepada sejauh mana pertalian antara
item dalam alat ukuran dengan kriteria luar yg berkecuali.
2. Terbahagi kepada dua iaitu
❑ kesahan peramal/predictive (peperiksaan percubaan, pemilihan guru)
❑ kesahan serentak/concurrent (ujian yang setara, kecerdasan)
Topik 4
1. Stability of measures

❑ Test retest reliability

❑ Parallel form reliability – semua sama kecuali wording,

2. Internal consistency of measures

❑ Interitem consistency – Alpha Cronbach & KR20

❑ Split half reliability
1. Nilai kebolehpercayaan

• Ukuran terendah yang boleh diterima pakai 0.50.

Nilai tertinggi adalah 0.9 (Sidek Mohd Noah, 2005).
• Nilai diterima adalah 0.6 (Majid Konting)
• Nilai diterima adalah 0.7 (Hair et al, 2013)
• Nilai diterima adalah 0.8 (Uma & Bougie, 2010)
• Nilai diterima adalah 0.9 (Chua)

• Apakah maksud jika nilai reliability terlalu tinggi?

• Apakah maksud jika nilai reliability terlalu tinggi?

• If alpha is too high it may suggest that some items are

redundant as they are testing the same question but in a
different appearance.

• A maximum alpha value of 0.90 has been recommended.

Streiner D. Starting at the beginning: an introduction to coefficient

alpha and internal consistency. Journal of personality
assessment. 2003;80:99-103. 10.1207/S15327752JPA8001_18
Topik 4
Teori skor sebenar
Test theory allows for:

a) interpretation of test scores (what they mean for

b) evaluation of the test (how good or bad they are)
c) Understanding why tests behave as they do?

>> why scores change across time?

>> the influence of distractions / context effect?
Test theory proceeds from basic assumptions about
the test:

a) Go on to create mathematical models of the tests

b) Are used to evaluate the goodness of the tests

There are two test theories widely in use today

➢ Classical test theory
➢ Item response theory
(both have excellent features)
CTT has been the foundation for
measurement theory for over 80
years. Also called True Score Theory
Teori Ujian Klasikal (CTT)

1. What are the motivations of CTT?

One, a recognition of the presence of errors in

Two, a conception of that error as a random variable, and
Third, a conception of correlation and how to index it.

Teori Ujian Klasik/Teori Skor Benar

The aim of classical test theory is to understand and

improve the RELIABILITY of psychological tests.
Teori Ujian Klasikal (CTT)

Classical test theory is a

conventional quantitative
approach to testing the
reliability and validity of a
scale based on its items.
Teori Ujian Klasikal (CTT)

▪ Teori ujian –mengaitkan sifat yang dapat dilihat + sifat yang tidak dapat
diperhatikan (pendam) atau latent.

▪ Menghubungkan tiga konsep utama iaitu skor ujian (observed score), skor
benar (true score) dan skor ralat (error score) (Hambleton & Jones, 1998).

▪ Teori CTT dan Moden berusaha untuk ke arah kesaksamaan.

Teori Ujian Klasikal (CTT)

Perhubungan CTT dizahirkan melalui persamaan..

Dimana X = skor pemerhatian (observed score)

T = skor benar (true score)

E = ralat rawak (error)

Teori Ujian Klasikal (CTT)

1. Total test scores are most frequently used to make

decisions or relate to other variables of interest, the total
score is only as good as the sum of its parts.

2. The true score of a person can be found by taking the

mean score that the person would get on the same.

3. The less random error in the measure, the more the

raw score reflects the true score. (X = T + e)
Teori Ujian Klasikal (CTT)

1. Let’s say I was to administer the Team Player Inventory (TPI; Kline,
1999) to myself every day for two years. Sometimes my score would
be higher and sometimes lower. The average of my raw scores (X),
however, would be the best estimate of my true score (T).

2. That is, sometimes when I took the TPI my scores would be higher
(maybe I was in a good mood or had just completed a fantastic
team project that day), and sometimes when I took the TPI my scores
would be lower (maybe I was tired, distracted, or had just
completed a team project that was a flop).
Teori Ujian Klasikal (CTT)

1. Skor Benar (True Score) atau T – menggambarkan

nilai kebolehan atau sikap individu yang sebenar.

2. Variasi dalam skor pemerhatian, X disebabkan oleh ralat

rawak (E) yang dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor seperti
meneka jawapan dan kelesuan.

3. Apabila istilah ralat, E = 0

Maka Skor pemerhatian, X=T+0

Lihat diri anda, dan fikirkan

Apakah ralat (error) yang mungkin

boleh wujud dan mempengaruhi
skor diperhatikan (X) dalam …

a) pengajaran anda?
b) pembelajaran pelajar anda?
GGGA 5022

Terima kasih
Fakulti Pendidikan
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

Ts. Dr. Mohd Effendi @ Ewan Mohd Matore
Penyelaras GA5022

Terima kasih
Ts. Dr. Mohd Effendi @ Ewan Mohd Matore
Faculty of Education
Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM)

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