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Lesson Plan

Instructor Date Level No of Students Length Pages and materials

Tr. Kendy 16.12.2022 Starters 45mins 90,91 skate boarding,park,hill

Main Aim To develop Ss’

skills of reading
for gist and
information in
the context of
the story “ A
Good Friend”

Anticipated Problems Anticipated solutions

Ss might not know some vocab in the Tr pre-teaches the vocabs for "skateboarding ,park ,hill,
story. pond,help and share””
“skateboarding ,park,hill, pond

Time Stage Procedure

5min Warm-up Tr -ask question – “What is your favourite hobby? Can u
ride a skateboard" And discuss.
10mins Pre
Tr -pre-teach the vocabs, ‘skateboarding ,park ,hill,
pond,help,” by showing the pictures.
Tr- Have ss look at the pictures in the story and ask about
the hobby
Tr- Have Ss look at each picture and guess about the story
by asking some questions “picture-1 Who are they? How
do u think what is he saying?

10mins While Ss- listen and read the story. Check their guesses are
Ss- listen and read for second time. Tr pauses after each
part and ask some questions to check Ss’ understanding of
the story.

Let Ss act out the story.

20mins Post Discuss the values of story “Being a good friend and Sharing
the toys and saying sorry” with the class.

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