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Safeguarding employee health and well-being is critical to assisting them in realizing their potential and

coping with life's and workplace's stresses. Unilever wants to foster a healthy physical and mental
environment in the workplace so that the employees can thrive. They assist employees and the
company function safely and productively by encouraging employees to be the best version of
themselves and thinks that a company's success is based on its employees' happiness. Unilever
approaches its employee mental health and wellbeing programs from a global perspective, then tailors
them to local cultural peculiarities and resources and understands that when individuals are healthy and
happy, and live their life's 'purpose,' they are better equipped to contribute to their households, their
workplaces, and society as a whole.  Unilever's Framework for Mental Wellbeing Unilever's Global
Wellbeing Steering Committee established a four-pillar Wellbeing Framework in 2014 to meet its
employees' physical, mental, emotional, and purposeful wellbeing. The Framework assists in addressing
the health concerns discovered by Unilever throughout their operation, with mental health taking
precedence, followed by lifestyle variables (exercise, nutrition, smoking, and obesity) and ergonomic
problems (repetitive strain issues).  Lamplighter program: Unilever's Lamplighter program, which
provides preventative health monitoring to staff no matter what the seniority or length of employment,
is vital to the growth of Unilever's Wellbeing Framework. Lamplighter provides help to over 76,000
employees in over 75 countries each year. Lamplighter blends mental and physical health monitoring to
detect early indications and symptoms of mental disease before it becomes a serious illness. Unilever
aims to see stronger and more productive staff as a result of this approach, as well as decreased levels
of sick leave. Unilever also expects that its efforts to assist employees' health will result in a more
sustainable and committed workforce in the long run.  Thrive Workshops: Unilever uses Thrive
Workshops in conjunction with Lamplighter's health assessments and advise to bring the four pillars of
Unilever's Wellbeing Framework to life. Unilever explains each of the pillars as a battery of energy that
must be recharged and utilized securely, and also refreshed and maintained for in a sustainable manner,
during the workshops. Unilever's Thrive sessions have been attended by over 50,000 employees since
2015.In addition, preliminary results from an LSE study showed that Unilever's one-day 'Discover Your
Purpose' program, conducted by over 58,000 Unilever employees, made people 33 percent happier with
their life and 49 percent more motivated at work.

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